03-16-2012, 03:21 AM
A short story you may enjoy.
Machine Discipline - Justice Done Right
The devil is always in the details, and when I first saw the New Jersey proposal I never would in a million years have thought it would pass a legal test. But of course, with juvenile crime rates soaring, something had to be done, and I suppose that’s why the Supreme Court eventually got around to making it possible. Still, I’ll give it to New Jersey to get the idea started, and when they passed into law the Juvenile Offenders Consequence Act I had no idea it would lead to what it did. Yeah, it all came from that, and the Supreme Court case that resulted. Once the big court approved using corporal punishment on youthful offenders, things went forward in a hurry.
The first punishments started with a simple thrashing, accomplished in the basement of a few jails by a few court appointed policeman, along with some forward thinking judges. But right away another legal challenge surfaced that almost shut the program down before it really got started. A few boys got beat nearly to death, and others hardly got punished at all for the same offenses, and it was pretty apparent that there were simply too many variances between the punishments that were being dished out. If corporal punishment was going to return to America from its distant pass it was pretty clear that some modern way would have to be found to make certain that every punishment was the same, irregardless of the color of a miscreant’s skin or the religion he happened to profess.
And, clearly the punishment delivered also had to fit the crime, and not be based on the individual’s appearance, smell, or where he came from, or whether he yelled at the man thrashing him or politely thanked him for doing it. And finally, the punishment had to be the same no matter where it was given. Ideally, if a teenager shoplifter took a $50 item from a Wallmart store in Trinton, New Jersey then he needed to get the same ass warming that another boy in Cherry Hill got for doing the same thing. Soon enough it was pretty clear that the only way to get that kind of standardization was to build a machine and let it take care of doing the actually ass whipping, and leave it up to the courts to dictate exactly what the boy being disciplined deserved. Consequently, a multitude of engineering firms were soon fighting for the federal contract to construct what ultimately became know simply as THE MACHINE.
At the end of a six month design competition, Hanford Engineering won the federal contract, and for the next four years I devoted my life to building a corporal punishment machine. As a device our machine proposal was the hands-down winner and I personally think it was what made the Juvenile Offenders Consequence Act work. When it was finished it was capable of applying corporal punishment to an offender in such a manner that a lesson was learned and the offender’s misbehaving ass was thoroughly thrashed. Simply put, when the machine was used justice was served, and in fact each machine carried a plaque on its side that said “JUSTICE DONE HERE”. I always thought that made a nice touch.
Our machine could reduce the most insolent and defiant teenage male into a very sorry tear-soaked boy in a matter of minutes. They were simple, easy to maintain, and most importantly they worked. The machines were designed to punish different offenses with different severities, and they had the ability to deliver a simple butt warming that left a boy with a pink ass and a new respect for authority, or, if need be they could turn a misbehaving lad’s bottom into a flaming caldron of misery that would stay with him for several days into the future. They did more though than spank a boy and teach him a lesson by turning his bad-boy bottom cherry red. They also worked on his mind and the machine’s built in ‘humiliation protocols’ we developed were probably as effective as the actual straps and other implements that burned their bottoms. As a device, they were more effective I think than anyone could have ever thought possible. While the machines were used exclusively on boys, girls were often observers which of course added another level of humiliation to the punishment protocols, which was desired and added to the overall effectiveness of the corporal punishment sessions.
We planned from the beginning for the device to be used in front of an audience, as the thought was that a public imposed punishment would add a humiliation and embarrassment factor that would add significantly to the effectiveness of the machine. This was recognized by the board of psychiatrists that helped set up the program and insured the machine would become an important tool of deterrence, and the real truth was that deterrence was what this machine was all about. Because of that, the Hanford company’s proposal included a special punishment room to accommodate their machine, and while these varied from location to location nevertheless they were always similar.
The machine was set up in the center of the room, and around the sides there were bleachers to accommodate an interested public. Punishments were usually carried out on weekends, and the miscreants were lined up and strapped into the machine one after the other. Watching those boys get what they deserved was a very popular activity, and everyone enjoyed them, at least everyone but the boys whose bottoms were getting blistered. Tickets were sold to these events, and the generated revenue helped in turn pay the administrative costs of the program.
As it turned out, the public punishment that resulted was highly successful and almost every boy who was unlucky enough to be secured in the machine never forgot his experience, and virtually all of them changed their behavior as a result of the beatings their bottoms took. What was so surprising I think was that very few teenagers who went through a machine punishment session ever did so more than once. The combination of what the machine did to them and the ridicule and embarrassment they suffered from being watched while it occurred was just that effective!
In fact, the program was so successful that even the most liberal states soon were copying the New Jersey devices and before long the Hanford machines were everywhere and my company made a fortune. I’m very proud of my work, and the machines I helped build and how they changed America for the better. As the machines gained a favorable reputation in society in general, they soon became widespread, in virtually every courthouse, as well as many smaller municipalities. Soon, it didn’t matter what state a boy grew up in. If he misbehaved, he ended up at the mercy of one of our machines and his bottom got thoroughly thrashed while his friends were invited to watch it happen. Of course, most young males would do anything to prevent that, and consequently they changed their behavior as a result and juvenile crime rates plummeted.
My primary job when I worked for Hanford was as head of the machine software development team, and many of the punishment protocols were proposed by me, although the ultimate development was done by a large number of individuals and I was only a small part of the final product. I witnessed a lot of tests, and we strapped a lot of plastic dummies into the machines when we were testing them. In the later stages of development, I oversaw a few of the human trials that went on, but those were done in parts and the volunteer ‘victims’ usually wore protective clothing, so in general they were not as intense as a ‘real’ thrashing was intended to be. It was my job to oversee the production of the software, and I was responsible for coming up with the control variations, so each punishment could be tailored to the criminal and what he had done.
The punishment protocols varied by age of the offender and the consequence level of the crime, and were published in a book that was give to the courts to use as a suggested sentencing guideline. Those factors in turn mandated the number of strokes to be given, the type of implements to be selected, and the impact velocity of the implements that were used. Those variables were all dictated in different protocols, and were set into levels of increasing severity, with the mildest punishment protocols given a Level I rating, and the most severe given a Level III rating. Within each level, the actual punishment delivered was also altered depending on the age and weight of the male being punished. A small boy of fourteen would receive less of a punishment than a young strapping man of eighteen, even if both crimes were the same and both warranted a Level II punishment protocol. So, depending on what the crime was, and the age of the perpetrator and how “physically tough” he was evaluated to be, each punishment was tailored to the criminal and the act he had committed.
Now, while I knew what each protocol did, as it turned out while I worked on the software and came up with the protocols, I really didn’t see the machine actually carry out a full punishment series outside of the laboratory until six months after the company had started fielding the machines. But when it did happen it was a moment I’ll never forget.
As it turned out I knew the boy, and seeing him punished by something I had helped to build was extremely fulfilling to say the least, and I enjoyed almost every second of his misery. Yeah, I’ll never forget what the machine did to him, and how it reduced a newly turned eighteen year old high school senior into a blubbery well-spanked little boy in just fifteen minutes. My machine took him down so many notches and so fast that in the end he was bawling like a baby in front of a multitude of his high school friends. Personally, I thought it was pretty funny, although I’m sure he had a different perspective. Of course, part of the reason I was there was because of what he had done, and so I felt a little personal thrill out of watching him receive his justice.
The boy’s name was Trevor, and I had known him since he was eight years old when his family moved two houses down from us. Over the years since I had watched him grow up into a good looking teenager. He was a blond hair blue eyed boy who was tall and lanky looking, with a swimmer’s build for a body and the girls liked him, including my own teenage daughter. The problem with that was that she was three and a half years junior to him, and while I know that girls mature faster than boys I still wasn’t too keen on them dating. When he hit puberty at thirteen he had watched her for a few times, working as a babysitter of sorts. But I had a bad feeling about him, and it just seemed to me that he was taking a real liking to her, and since she was only nine and a half at the time after that I watched him like a hawk. But, over the years since, the two of them lived so close together they nevertheless ended up seeing each other and as my daughter grew older they spent more time together and that’s just the way it went. As my daughter hit puberty and matured, her breasts filled out and after that I was very aware of the boy’s increasing interest towards her. But my wife felt he was a ‘nice boy’ and she thought I was being way too protective.
By the time they were both in high school we did allow them to date on very rare occasions, but I was never comfortable with it and I kept close tabs on him. But, he never did anything wrong, and was always polite and well behaved. When he turned eighteen his senior year she was fourteen and a half and a freshman, and of course I would have much preferred it if he had dated another senior instead. But, by then they were very good friends and I guess I had grown used to them being together and when he asked her to a dance I let them go. I wasn’t going to at first, but my daughter begged me to, and since it was just a school dance it was supposed to be chaperoned and it seemed safe enough to me. But I was wrong about that. Very wrong.
Trevor didn’t have a driver’s license, mostly because his parents wanted him to graduate from high school first, and so I played taxi driver and dropped the two off at the dance, which was fine with me. It gave me a chance to leave the boy with a reminder to “be good” and to “take care of her” and then I promised to pick them up as soon as the dance ended. But, things didn’t go quite that way, and instead before the evening was over I had to retrieve my daughter from the police station, and needless to say I wasn’t too thrilled. As for Trevor, he got arrested, and over the days that followed I took a keen interest in his misbehavior and the consequences that followed.
As it turned out, the “nice” neighbor boy of mine made his move that I had feared he would, and turned a school dance into a very exciting evening that cumulated in my little girl losing her virginity. He had obviously planned it for some time, and during the dance he had lifted the keys to a buddy’s car from the boy’s jacket. He later testified that he had only planned to borrow the car for a short time and then return it before the dance ended, but nevertheless, the facts were that he took a car that didn’t belong to him, and drove it without a license. And, to add to his little jaunt, his soul purpose was to drive my daughter down to a nearby lake and to fuck her. To top off the mess, the two of them went through a good portion of a bottle of hard liquor that they found in the car, and as far as I was concerned he had given it to her to help lower her inhibitions. Yeah, he had it all planned, a quick drive to the lake, a fast backseat fuck, and then a return to the dance like nothing had happened.
He might have gotten away with all of it, might have, except that the friend of his at the party discovered his missing keys, and then checked on his car and found it was missing too. Not sure what was going on, he called his dad who called the police. And, as luck would have it, the color of the car Trevor took was a bright custom yellow, so it stood out, and that in turn was enough to get it noticed. And, it just so happened that one very observant police officer had done precisely that, and had seen the car heading down the lake access road a short while earlier. So, when the call was issued about the stolen car, he went and checked things out, and it was there that he found Trevor, with his pants off and his boner buried deep into my little girl’s pussy, his balls swinging between his legs as he fucked her like only a teenager could. It was all in the police report, and needless to say I was anything but pleased. My fourteen year old daughter home bleeding and the eighteen year old boy got his naked ass arrested. I learned later that the boy still had a condom on his dick when he was handcuffed.
There was no doubt to Trevor’s guilt, and since he was three days past his eighteenth birthday, he was prime meat for a court ordered thrashing, and as a legal adult they didn’t go easy on him. So he got a trip to the machine for his afternoon of mischief, and in the end it cost him more than he had bargained for. I was there of course, with my daughter when the boy appeared in court, all dressed up in a coat and tie and scared shitless, and in less than fifteen minutes he had plead guilty to underage drinking and driving without a license, for the unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, and for sexually assaulting an under aged minor.
I suppose he figured he could avoid a long prison sentence by pleading for mercy and admitting his guilt, and if that was his plan it worked to some extent because the judge didn’t give him any jail time. But, the facts for him were that he had technically raped a little girl, at least in the eyes of the law, although there was little doubt that my daughter had given her consent. Still, it was sexual assault, and it cost him deerly.
He was given the most severe a punishment the machine could deliver and he received a court ordered trip to the machine, and was officially sentenced to a “Level III Punishment” as prescribed for an eighteen year old male under the Juvenile Offenders Consequence Act. When I heard his sentence read out in court, I grinned.
It was just so matter-of-fact, but in just fifteen minutes the court had doomed the boy to a severe session of discipline, and there was nothing he could do about it. Just fifteen minutes. That was all it took for the judge to listen to what he had done, and to sentence him for a punishment he would never forget as long as he lived. It’s funny in a way. It took fifteen minutes to listen to his story and to sentence him, and it would the machine just about that same amount of time to carry it out. The boy had no idea what exactly he was in for, but he knew enough to know he was screwed, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it except go and live through the experience. Everyone knows a Level III punishment is a bad sentence to get, and yet he deserved it and there wasn’t any doubt about that. The details of his punishment protocol were programmed into a machine memory card and the youth was given an appointment on the Saturday following his misbehavior to receive it. His face was white when he left the courthouse, and he was scared shitless, but of course, having designed the protocol I knew he had good reason to be.
When his appointment with the machine came, I was there. I wouldn’t have missed his punishment for anything! The machine itself is intimidating enough, and while it is very high tech in one way, it’s really not that high tech in others. The guts of the machine are mounted on a stainless steel frameset, and there is a black vinyl covered bench that the offending male is made to straddle. There are a lot of mechanical arms and what look like cylinders that in some ways make the machine look like a perverted car wash, but they also add to the intimidation and I can still remember Trevor’s eyes and the way they opened so wide when he first saw it.
On Trevor’s punishment day, when I saw him he had already had his required shower, physical exam, and enema, and they had stripped off all of his clothing except for a pair of socks and one issued pair of very small all-cotton bikini style underwear, if you can even call them that. On the sides they were nothing but strings, and the little pouch was clearly unable to fully contain the teenager’s genitals. A Speedo would have covered more!
Other than that pair of skimpy underwear and the white cotton socks, he was completely naked. His teenage cock was clearly visible outlined in his underwear, curved downward and over his nuts. The material was so thin you could even tell he had been circumcised. He was obviously very self-conscious about being so exposed, and he looked around the room at the people that were filling the stands, and his face went beet-red when he did. A large group of his classmates had come out to watch, and Trevor’s face flushed red when he recognized them. All told, I think there were probably about one hundred and fifty people in the bleachers, about 100 women and girls, and a good number from his school were in the crowd, including most of his friends as well as a few of his enemies. My daughter and I were sitting directly in front of the boy, and she was staring at the boy’s package stuffing his shorts and the teenage boy was no doubt very aware of it. When his eyes saw my daughter, he looked down, ashamed, unable to look at her and that made me smile.
Trevor was escorted to the machine by three attendants, and as he approached the machine his eyes caught the sign on the side of it, the one that says “JUSTICE DONE HERE” and I almost laughed at his look of trepidation. He was then made to step into two hard shelled boots, which are built from ski boots. They are hinged like ski boots too and the clamps on the boots act in the same way. Once his feet were in the boots, and they were locked in place, he couldn’t take his feet out of them if his life depended on it. The boots were mounted to two flat metal plates, which were attached to two sliding metallic arms in the floor, and those arms of course were computer controlled and consequently the male’s feet could be placed in any position that the computer called for. Since his feet were inside the boots, when the boots moved his feet moved, and if the computer spread his feet apart, then his legs would be spread as wide as the computer called for them to be spread. There was nothing Trevor could do to prevent it either.
As soon as he was locked into the boots, he was bent over and his wrists were secured with two padded leather cuffs. They are secured very tightly, with his hands initially out in front of him, and once in the cuffs and boots he was pretty much secured. The leather cuffs were are also mounted on the end of two metallic robotic arms, and consequently when the computer moved the mechanical arms the boy’s hands followed, and he was powerless to do anything about that either.
The attendants next secured two additional leather straps around the boy’s knees, and those in turn were also connected to control rods that were machine manipulated. They then placed a thick leather belt around his waist, and there were two rings adjacent to his hips that were clipped into actuators. The thick belt protected his kidneys of course, but it also made certain that the machine could manipulate his feet, arms, knees, and waist, and after that all had been done the truth was that the boy could be positioned in any manner the machine dictated, as established by his court ordered punishment protocol.
As soon as he was secured and in place, one of the attendants pressed a small button on the side of the device, and a light that had been showing red turned to yellow. At the same time, a humming sound filled the room as the 3000psi hydraulic system was pressurized. Seconds later, the boy’s body was laced with bright red beams of light from a triple set of lasers, mounted on top of the machine and also on the bottom, covering the entire boy’s body from the top of his head to the bottom of his toes. The lasers scanned the boy, allowed the machine to determine the size and exact position of the male it was about to punish, and once it had done so then it had all of the information it needed in order to begin the task of getting the youth ready for his thrashing.
The machine itself came to life then, and as we all watched the boy stretched out his arms. That sure got a reaction, and the look on the boy’s face was one I’ll never forget, when he realized that he could no longer control his movements. To emphasize that point, Trevor suddenly started moving his hips, rapidly, literally ****** by the computer to make a dozen powerful thrusts, bucking his hips literally as if he was trying to fuck the air in front of everyone. I liked that part of the software protocol, because it embarrasses the male right at the start, and shows him the machine can make him do anything.
Trevor was clearly mortified, and more than a few of his peers watching burst out laughing. After he had stopped thrusting his hips like he was trying to fuck a girl he slowly spread his legs so wide apart he actually farted. He was not in control of his body of course, and from the look of horror on his face he clearly knew it too, but regardless he had sure made the motions and his legs were clearly spread wide and open. Many in the audience were laughing at the boy, and how he was moving to get himself ready for his own thrashing.
Next, the machine stretched the youth forward at the same time a restraint bar came up from underneath him, which pulled him forward and when the bar contacted him about waist level his knees and ass were lifted upward, so that his underwear clad bottom was literally perched high in the air, jutting upward almost as if it was seeking a strap and begging for it all to begin.
The computer program of course knew exactly what it was doing, and Trevor could not have positioned his ass higher or made it more exposed for a punishment if he had tried. I had to smile, watching my software drive the computerized machine to such perfection. The light on the side of the machine went to red then, and the humming stopped. At this point, the orderlies removed the boy’s issued underwear, by using a pair of scissors and cutting the little string on the two sides of the skimpy pants, which then came free exposing his penis and scrotum and his asshole for all the room to see.
The boy’s blushing body was naked then, except for the socks and the boots he was strapped into. He was totally vulnerable and with his legs spread wide he was in the perfect position to be thoroughly strapped. He had the body of an in-shape adolescent male, and it glistened with sweat as the bright lights in the room illuminated him. His little nipples were the size of dimes, and his cock was shrunk to a knob, and to me it appeared to be retracted in fear and it sure seemed small and insignificant. He had a small patch of blond pubic hair above it, and it was obvious to everyone that he was well into puberty, but his sex hair was small and sparse and he clearly had a lot more growing up to do before he would truly be a man. Other than the small bush of hair above his little cock, and the two little patches of hair under his arms, the boy was a smooth as a ten year old. Beneath his legs his balls hung down, his fat scrotum stuffed with the nuts that had filled him with lust and made him attack my little girl. I couldn’t help but stare at them, and how they were changing him and turning him into a man. He looked very vulnerable at that moment, his legs spread wide and his ass perched up and begging to be strapped. The look on his beet red blushing face at that moment was one of shock and intense humiliation from his naked helpless exposure, and he sure didn’t like the way he was being stared at!
The next step in the punishment protocol isn’t used when the punishment is only for minor offenses, and it is also not used on boys under fifteen no matter the protocol level assigned by the court. But Trevor had earned it and he was too old for his age to protect him, so he was in for a maximum punishment and I was glad to know he was getting it. For boys who receive it as part of their sentencing protocol, it is simply referred to as “getting the probe” and it is only used for Level III punishments. One of the orderlies again pushed the same button on the side, and the light changed from red to yellow once again. There was a loud clicking sound, and then a small hole opened in the base plate and Trevor looked down at it. As he watched, along with the rest of us, a small, not-so-thin mechanical snake-like metallic hose began to grow upward out of the hole, growing in length inch by inch and rising rapidly. For Trevor, I think that shocked him more than anything else.
At Hanford, we got the idea for this little gem from the medical probes doctors use to scope the intestines of patients, and it works in much the same way. The snakelike metallic hose grew upward, right between his legs, coming out of the hole in the base plate of the machine and rapidly rising upward toward the boy. It’s the same kind of controllable probe that a doctor might use to look inside of someone, and it was jointed like one. But a major difference is there was no medical doctor controlling this one, and instead the computer controlled its every movement, making it turn and twist like some perverted mechanical snake. As the big fat end of it reached a height between the boy’s stretched out legs, one of the attendants took the probe as it continued to grow, and as soon as he grabbed it the end of it began to bend into a hook while we all watched.
Trevor was looking over his shoulder at this point, scared shitless, and then the attendant very casually and with a smile on his face just guided the end of the probe right up against Trevor’s little pink rosebud, the ring of muscle there protecting his most secret recesses of his body. But even though his hole was pinched tightly closed, it was no match for the firm shove the attendant used to push the wriggling thing right into the boy. As the end of the metallic probe slipped past his ring of muscle, Trevor arched his back and started struggling in a panic, yelling at the top of his lungs: “NO! GET THAT THING OUT OF ME! OH GOD! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT OF ME! OH.......OHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHH... ITS FUCKING ME!” and then his eyes went even wider and he screamed.
I had to laugh. The boy had tried to fuck my daughter, and now it was his own ass that was getting violated instead and he sure didn’t like it. I knew of course how the probe operated, and what it could do, and so the entire prospect of watching his well-deserved punishment get started actually thrilled me.
There was a huge burst of laughter from the audience, and the boy’s punishment was in progress at that point, although the skin of his ass was still untouched. But, with the probe moving inside of his hole, twisting and turning and moving, we all watched the boy’s expression of horror and everyone could tell that something was happening. Of course, since I had programmed the computer, I knew the details, and how the end of the probe would continue to curve downward, inside of his ass, pulling downward on his anus and the very end working its way deeper inside of him one millimeter at a time.
I could tell from the boy’s expression the software was doing its job, and the boy was learning a lesson he never could have prepared himself for. The probe was designed to be a part of his punishment, and it was clearly working perfectly and adding misery to the boy’s experience. The probe was useful in several ways, and there was no doubt that once inserted inside of him it helped steady the teenager and keep him immobile for his court mandated thrashing. Of course, there was the added benefit that as it ****** its way downward deeper into his hole he was ****** to jerk his ass up and down to try and find a way to accommodate it, and in the end he was perching his ass outward so far that it was almost as if he was begging to be strapped. As Trevor did that, his eyes grew even wider and I knew the probe was doing its job.
For the helpless boy stretched out and being ****** to hold his legs wide apart, there was nothing he could do to stop that twisting snake like hose as it wormed its way inside of him. It was too much for the teenager and panic set in, and after that he grunted and struggled and fought his restraints with every muscle in his body, but it didn’t make any difference of course. Soon, his entire body was glistening with sweat. I knew that inside of him the snake like device was probing and twisting and moving, and would continue to do so at various times throughout his entire punishment. In a very real way it would continue to fuck the boy the entire time his ass was being pummeled.
Trevor struggled wildly for another minute or so, and then suddenly he arched his back and grunted, and his eyes went wide open like two saucers. I knew at that precise second the probe had finally bottomed out against his prostate, where it would stay, and as it happened Trevor gasped even louder and right after that his dick began to grow and to thicken. Within a minute or so, his cock was getting hard and approaching a respectable six inches in length.
Next, it was time for what we at Hanford simply called “THE BAG.” As we all watched, the second attendant reached to the youth’s balls, and slide a small bag that was made of stainless steal mesh over his scrotum. The bag forms a metal pouch that is designed to encase and squeeze a young man’s entire scrotum. The pouch traps the nuts of the male being punished very effectively, and the loop of wire at the top encircles the neck of the scrotum and is closed down tightly so that it prevents the bag from coming off if the male struggles.
Once in place, the attendant attaches the two ends of the loop of wire into two small slots in the machine, and then the machine retracts the wires until the mesh bag was clamping down on the youth’s sack and trapping his big teenage nuts tightly and snugly inside of it. The metal pouch perfectly fit around the boy’s entire scrotum and of course that was intentional and necessary, and the mesh of steel protected Trevor’s balls from any impacts that otherwise might happen once the machines ass-thrashing protocol started. With the protective metal mesh encasing his scrotum, and the thick leather belt around his waist, he was protected from any wayward blows that might land outside of the intended target areas. But “THE BAG” had a secondary purpose of course.
When a signal came from the computer control ‘THE BAG’ would squeeze whatever was trapped inside!
Trevor was struggling, fighting the probe and his restraints and the restriction on his balls, and clearly scared to death as his eyes darted around the room and stared at those staring at him. The way he was jerking and struggling, it was clearly obvious he didn’t like that thing clamped around his balls or the probe shoved against his prostate and wiggling within him. Still, they each had their purpose. With the boys ball’s safely in the steel mesh and the metal probe in his hole, his penis continued to respond to the stimulation, and was soon almost fully erect. As the boy became aware of his growing erection he was clearly mortified.
At that point, there was only one more thing to be done before he would be ready to activate the machine, and that was the placement of the Chrome Stimulation Ring, or CSR as it is officially called, around his penis. For a Level III punishment, the CSR is mandatory. One of the attendants held up the metal ring, and then he laughed. Trevor’s eyes were wide open in fear, and as he watched and struggled against his restraints, the attendant said: “Time for your donut boy. I’m sure you’ll like it.....I know we will!”
The CSR is made of polished chrome, and is filled with warm oil at 104 degrees F. It is a thick metal ring, and in some ways looks like a donut, hence the nickname, and is about the same size. The ring is actually pressurized by the machine when it is set in place, and there are 18 microscopic holes inside of the ‘hole’ which allow for the ring to very slowly weep out the oil it contains when that is done. The chrome donuts come in different sizes, and Trevor’s had been selected to provide for a very tight fit over his engorged cock, and the oiled ring of metal was very slippery and it would stay that way. As we watched the orderlies slipped it over the end of the youth’s teenage dick and slid it right down the length of his shaft until it was tight and up against his body. There are two machine controlled actuator rods that hook to the sides of it, along with the pressurization tube, and once in place the donut has three primary purposes.
The primary job of the CSR is to protect the boy’s cock when it is flaccid, so that if it shrinks it will still not hang down beneath his legs were it could be inadvertently struck by a wayward strap. The second purpose of the device is if the boy becomes erect, his erection will be through the hole in the donut, and as it protrudes out of the CSR his cock will be guided so that it remains parallel to the floor and up and tight against his stomach, again protecting his man-meat from getting hit with a strap. But, it is the final purpose of the ring that makes it so sinister.
Early on, we recognized that one of the worst fears for any teenage male is to have an erection in the wrong place or at the wrong time. High school boy’s think about sex almost constantly, but it is not “cool” to get a boner unless you are on a date and trying to make it with a girl. To get hard at other times is humiliating, and to get hard during a spanking while your friends are watching raises the embarrassment level to a degree and intensity that is beyond most boy’s ability to handle. Knowing that, the CSR was designed to insure any male being punished with a CSR ring in place would end up fully erect at some time during his punishment. It’s very effective, and no matter how much the boy wishes otherwise the truth is that the CSR protocol will get most boys rock hard in minutes. In fact, it can do more than that, and some of the young males subjected to punishment protocols using the ring will even ejaculate in front of everyone watching, in spite of the thrashing their bottoms are getting. If combined with a stimulation protocol, as it is in Level III punishments of older males, then an ejaculation is almost guaranteed. When that happens it’s always something to see and the crowd sure does love to see it occur.
Like the probe, the youngest males do not have to endure a CSR during their punishments, and for minor offenses it is never used. In those cases the boys wear a jock and a protective cup, that shields both their scrotum and their penis and protects their manhood during their prescribed punishments. While they aren’t naked, their bottoms are exposed and the jock does not prevent them from receiving a full strapping on the bare buttocks. Of course for Trevor, his protocol didn’t allow for a jock, and instead included a Pouch and a CSR, and so as we all watched the ring was put in place and soon hooked up to the machine.
One of the orderlies said to Trevor then, “Do you have anything to say before the machine carries out your sentence?”
The youth looked around, and was too scared to speak. He didn’t say anything, but I knew that the protocol was set up so that if the youth apologized sincerely before the punishment began then an attendant would have coded an entry that in turn would have caused the computer driving the machine to reduce the severity of the planned strapping. Trevor didn’t know that of course, and he lost out on the opportunity as a result. As it went, the orderly pushed the button for the last time, and the light turned to green, and that’s when the machine went into motion.
Several things happened simultaneously. First, the machine began to rotate, turning on a single point from underneath the base plate, so that it slowly rotated and everyone in the punishment room saw Trevor from a different angle, moving in space, slowly turning so that every minute he did one complete revolution.
At the same instant, as the machine began its first turn, the boy’s court ordered strapping began. The punishment straps used for his punishment protocol were made of thick leather, approximately 1/8th of an inch thick and each three inches wide, and four of them were mounted on a movable drum. There were several different drums, with varying lengths of straps, but his court mandated protocol started with a fairly large drum at high RPM and when it spun up it was just a blur. The actuator arm bobbed downward then, without any hesitation, and the spinning straps moving in a blur touched the topmost section of his bottom, and as they did so there was this tremendous sound that seemed to crack across the room:
The boy tossed his head back, and screamed. God it hurt! You could see the look of shock, as the spinning straps levered downward and just burned across his bottom. The machine dipped the arm again, and the sound cracked for a second time:
He was turning in a circle as this was taking place, so that those of us watching would see his head and then his ass, each coming around for a perfect view every thirty seconds. Head...then ass...then...head....then ass. Once the machine started strapping his bottom, you initially saw a very scared face....and then his Lilly white ass......then thirty seconds later you were looking at a shocked face....then a pink ass........then back to his face and this time the tears were already beginning. A half minute later you were seeing a very red boy’s bottom, and then his face with the tears flowing downward, and so it went, revolution after revolution again and again and again.
With each movement of the hydraulic actuator arm, the spinning drum came down onto his bottom, and the straps of leather spun into his sensitive flesh and burned the youth to the core. He couldn’t believe it of course, and he started struggling and screaming like there was no tomorrow coming.
There was no mercy from the merciless machine. On it went, one stroke after another, the machine carefully working those spinning pieces of leather into the youth’s backside, starting at the top at his waist and working itself right now the boy’s left side of his bottom until it reached all the way to his knee joint. There wasn’t any hesitation when the drum got there, and instead the machine shifted the position of the drum and just started over again, this time running that spinning punishment wheel right down the right side, covering his entire bottom and turning it flame red almost as if it was being painted.
“YEOWWWWWW!” Trevor yelled.
“ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! OH...OH STOP!” screamed the boy.
But the machine didn’t stop, or pause, and could have cared less that the boy was begging for mercy. Instead, on it went, blow after blow. His bottom went from pink to red to deep red to cherry red to a more sinister shade of purple, and still the machine strapped him with earnest. The boy screamed and begged and cried, and yet the mindless machine didn’t care, and just continued onward, working the spinning leather into the boy’s bottom again and again and again. When it had covered his entire bottom from his waist to his knees, it started over again and cracked the straps into him a second time, leaving his entire rear end feeling as if it was on fire.
All told, his machine controlled strapping lasted for a total of five minutes, but by then he had been reduced to a blubbering little boy, his entire bottom flame red and thoroughly strapped and the tears flowing down his face like a river. Finally, the machine light changed back to yellow, and there was a two minute pause. The boy just lay their sobbing, probably thinking it was all over, but I knew for a fact that it was not. If he had been under fourteen, or his crime had been something less, it would have been , but as it was there was more coming.
The thought occurred to me, that the old saying is really true, that if you do the crime, then you have to pay the fine. Well, the boy was sure paying now! Damn he had a bright red bottom! Well, he deserved it, and as I watched justice being dished out to him I had the thought that it would probably be a long while before he took another vehicle or tried to get into an under age girl’s panties again.
At the end of the two minutes, the light turned green again, and two small actuator arms moved from the sides and literally just touched his bottom, one from each side. He screamed when he heard the machine making more noises, and panicked, suddenly realizing that there was more coming. On the end of each arm was a round sticky pad. We called them STICKY FINGERS at Hanford, but I think they ended up with a different nickname although I can’t recall it now. At any rate, the two arms with their sticky pads touched his bottom and literally stuck to the skin there. Seconds later, they retracted outward, back towards the sides, but as they did so they spread open Trevor’s crack, literally pulling the cheeks of his ass apart so wide that you were looking at his hole where the probe was still twisting and turning. I noticed the edges of his hole were flame red by that point, and that no doubt was due to the wild motions that the moving probe was causing as the rough ridges of the metal hose moved in and out of his hole. Below his very inflamed hole, you could clearly see the boy’s bright pink rubber encased scrotum, hanging down between his legs, and he was so exposed at that point that it was almost as if he was begging for another round of punishment.
A smaller drum came into play now from the top of him, above his back and it was a wedge shaped spool that was covered with hundred of small leather strips that acted more like little whips and could reach places that could never be reached by a single set of thick leather straps. The wedge-shaped drum was spinning a lot faster too, and in a direction that caused the whipping ends to start at the bottom and be drawn upward. As we all watched, it came to life, and once it was spinning at full speed, it just dipped right down into the crack of the boy’s ass, whipping the entire area and turning it instantly flame red.
“YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” the boy screamed, and his eyes were so big then it was amazing to see.
“OH GOD... OH GOD.... NO MORE! I GIVE! I GIVE!!!!!! I’M SORRY!!!!!!!!!” he screamed.
He jerked with every muscle in his body, and you could see his leg muscles straining as he attempted to close them and to protect the sensitive flesh that ran along the crack of bottom. But no matter how hard he tried, he was helpless and there was no way to protect where the machine wanted to reach.
Someone laughed at his reaction. He sure didn’t like getting his crack blistered! Well, too bad I say! At any rate, the machine dipped the spinning wheel into his crack again, and then again, and then again, and each time the boy bucked his hips and screamed as those little whips burned the sensitive flesh there. As the drum worked its way downward lower and lower, soon it was thrashing right over the boy’s hole itself, and then after that it went right down between his legs, directly under his ass so that the whips just pulverized the boy’s crack. Of course, the moving snake like probe was still there, in a way providing some small bit of protection for the hole itself, but the reality was that it didn’t actually protect very much, and as the little whips pulverized the boy’s hole the edges of his muscles that were gripping the snake like tube turned flame-red in color. It was really getting to him!
I should mention that the boy’s cock had wilted from the misery he was enduring, and yet it was contained within the unmoving metallic donut which safely protected it from the spinning strands of leather that otherwise would have striped it. As the machine dipped the spinning whips lower, they began to smack up against the metal mesh purse that was covering his scrotum and you could hear the change in the sound. The boy jerked and struggled, but the metal guard did its job and kept his scrotum safe from the spinning whips that were assaulting his crack and hole and every single square millimeter of exposed flesh. When the little whips slammed into the super sensitive flesh of his inner thighs on both sides of his bag, he sure didn’t like that and the tears came then in a torrent!
The machine whipped his crack and hole for a full five minutes, and by the end of that he was just a blubbering teenager. He was literally destroyed...and just lay in the machine and stared, unmoving, incapable of really doing anything but sob. The light turned yellow again, and the wheel of spinning whips slowly came to a stop and retracted up and out of the way.
Another two minute rest period passed, and the sobbing boy just slowly rotated in front of us. The machine brought his legs came together somewhat, and then it ****** him to arch his hips upward and perch his ass outward more than it was, all at the same time, seemingly positioning his bright red bottom as if it was begging for more to be done to it. His ass was literally cherry red, and it was quite a site to see! At the end of the two minutes, one of the attendants gave him another opportunity to speak: “Well boy, do you want to apologize now?”
This time the boy tried, saying he was sorry for taking his friend’s car, sorry for drinking alcohol, and sorry for trying to fuck his girl. The microphones by his lips picked up the sobbing and his attempt to apologize, and that made several of us laugh. I looked at my daughter staring at the sobbing boy and her eyes were wide with disbelief. When he finished apologizing, one of the attendants slid his staff card into a slot in the machine, and punched in a key code. I knew from my days at Hanford he had modified the remaining protocol and took into account the boy’s apology. Effectively it would cut his final session time significantly, from five minutes to three, but it would not eliminate the punishment protocol from being carried out during the time period the machine still had to do it.
As soon as the attendant removed his staff card from the slit, the motion light turned green, and three things happened simultaneously. First, the implement called the Paddle Arm moved into position, so that a two foot long ½ inch thick flat varnished oak board was resting directly against the young man’s already cherry red bottom. The machine paddle reminds me of the paddles of history, used by countless schools and gym coaches in an earlier time. This one is just as intimidating, but it is swung with the force of hydraulics and it can do more in a single stroke than any coach could every do with his human arm. Of all the implements that the machine has at its disposal, the Paddle Arm is my personal favorite.
The second thing that happened was that the CSR began to move, back and forth, the stimulation ring sliding itself along the youth’s very soft cock, coating it with warm oil while doing so. At the same time, I knew that deep within his ass, the metallic probe had begun to move again as well, and was now pushing downward and literally massaging his prostate with a renewed earnest.
Nothing happened immediately, and time seemed to stand still with the paddle just resting against his already well-spanked bottom. But the sliding ring worked its magic with the boy’s cock, and slowly his pole began to rise and thicken. As we all watched, the boy’s dick grew thicker still and was soon rigid, jutting outward like a piece of steel, the big purple end of it exposed for everyone to see.
Trevor’s face turned as red as his ass, and then he gasped, and stared at everyone staring at him, his worst nightmare suddenly becoming real. He had a full fledged boner! When it was jutting upward, throbbing to his heartbeat and as big as it could grow, there was suddenly and without any warning a metallic sound as a hydraulic valve opened, and as it did so the big paddle behind him rocked backward, and then with an almost imperceptible ‘click’ the 3000 psi hydraulic actuator slammed it forward so fast it seemed to just be a blur, and then it impacted directly into the boy’s bottom. As it did so there was this tremendous crack sound that filled the entire room as the piece of hardwood contacted the teenager’s rear end.
The boy screamed, and his eyes went wide, and he grunted then all at the same time. Of course, as the programmer, I knew something that nobody else knew, other than the boy strapped into the machine and who was at this very moment finding it out. With a Level III adult punishment profile, each time the big oak paddle slammed into his rear, a safe but significant electrical pulse was fired through the probe inside his anus, shooting a very pleasurable bolt of electrical energy directly through his prostate and right down the full length of the young man’s rock hard cock. Electricity always travels between two points, and in this case the exit point was on the CSR itself, and I had written the program in such a way that when the pulse was generated the Chrome Stimulation Ring would be right at the very tip of the boy’s cock. It was very effective, and the software ensured that the boy took the full charge right down the entire length of his sex pole with every single swing of the paddle.
With each stroke, the computer moved the paddle slightly to cover a different spot on the boy’s bottom, painting it stroke by stroke and his ass slowly started turning a light shade of purple in the process. At the same time, the CSR was moving fairly rapidly up and down the boy’s cock, oiling it up, squeezing it and massaging it as he thrashed and jerked and struggled. Under the bright lights, the boy’s dick was literally glistening. Of course, with the probe working inside of him at the same time, and with the CSR sliding up and down on his cock, it was way too intense, and his cock was rock hard and literally dripping in minutes. The donut pumped him, and as he bucked his hips and struggled from the intensity of the stimulation he was feeling semen actually started to leak out of his penis and hang in a drooling line that was visible in the light. He was leaking!
“OH............OH NO! ............STOP...OH GOD..............................!” he screamed, his eyes wide open and his face now bright red with shame.
“OH........OH STOP! STOPPPP! I..... I’m GONNA SHOOT! NO!!!!!!!!”
And then he did.
His eyes went wide open, and then he stated to grunt, and that’s when he ejaculated. To those watching it appeared the boy ejaculated because of his paddling, but I knew that the rhythmic electrical pulses inside his ass and the sliding Chrome Stimulation Ring were the real reason. Each stroke of the big paddle and its small little jolt of electrical energy put him right over the edge just as I had designed it to do, and just as we intended, it totally humiliated the teenager when it did.
His face turned as red as his ass, and after that his teenage cock spewed out his load of semen in front of everyone watching. The look on his face as he was ejaculating was one of absolute shock, his teenage dick betraying him as everyone watched him squirt out his load while he took his spanking. Those in the front rows gasped, including my daughter, and we all watched as the boy spurted out his cream in white lines of jism while that big oak paddle pulverized his misbehaved and now very sorry bottom.
As for me, I burst out laughing.
It suddenly just seemed somewhat funny to me, that my daughter’s boyfriend had got into all his trouble simply because he wanted to fuck her so damn bad. Well, he got to fuck alright, but he had fucked a machine instead, and as I watched him shooting out his load of teenage jism onto the black vinyl of the bench he was straddling, I could only grin with the thought. His punishment went on for the rest of the three minutes, and Trevor shot and shot and shot, until his nuts were completely empty. Even then the machine didn’t care, and so the electrical stimulations continued and the sliding ring never slowed down, but continued to work over the boy’s super sensitive cockhead that just seconds before had been spewing out his semen.
Boy he bucked his hips and screamed then, the sensation driving him wild and everyone laughing at his struggles! It didn’t matter though, and there was nothing he could do, but feel that paddle and continue to twitch and jerk, living through a long sustained and now very dry but virtually continuous orgasm that lasted for most of the time that remained. Then, mercifully, the red light finally came on and the machine was done with him.
There was one more thing to be done, and it took only seconds to do. There was a small clicking down, and then without any warning the machine retracted the two ends of the stainless steal wire that were still part of the mesh bag that was encasing Trevor’s scrotum. As the wires retracted, the purse of metal closed tighter, and then tighter still, and the neck of the metal bag began to cinch closed, the top of his scrotum getting smaller and smaller and smaller.
The boy’s eyes went wide open, and he stared at us as we stared at him. He was being *********! Suddenly he felt the pain, and realized what was happening, but by then there was nothing he could do but live through the experience of being unmanned. Boy he struggled then! It took only about forty seconds for the machine to retract the wires to the point they were digging right into the flesh of his ball-sack, and then about thirty seconds after that the teenagers entire scrotum, still encased in the bag of metal mesh, separated from his body and dropped to the vinyl bench between his legs.
Someone started to applaud then while the thoroughly thrashed and now ********* boy lay still, his rear end burning like a nuclear fire, with every single spot of exposed flesh well-punished and as bright red as a candy apple. The boy’s eyes were open in disbelief I think, and somehow to me it all seemed fitting. Seeing his severed scrotum resting next to the lines of spunk he had just ejaculated, seemed to emphasize what he had lost and what his little under-aged fuck had cost him. The tears were flowing out and down his face, and in some ways he was bawling like a ten year old, totally humiliated, and with his pussy chasing days clearly over. The applause grew slowly, and then became louder and louder until it was a thunderous roar. Truly, justice had been served.
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