View Full Version : Interesting Christmas

12-27-2009, 01:44 PM
My girlfriend and I came up with an interesting idea involving christmas presents this year.

Well, it kind of evolved from a discussion we had about how to best afford presents this year. We don't have alot of money, and it was looking difficult for us to be able to afford presents for everyone.
I put forward the idea that in order to save some cash she didn't have to buy me anything this year, and of course I would still get her something, I wouldn't have felt right not getting her anything at all.
She agreed that it was a sensible idea, and was then happy because she was able to afford to go out with her friends on boxing day night. She did however mention that she would have to leave them all early, simply because she wouldn't be able to afford a taxi home.

I always get cash from my family at christmas, so I off hand said that she could have that. That way she would be able to have her night out, and still have cash for other essentials. She agreed.

This is when it all evolved. She jokingly said that she should have all the presents which I recieve from my family aswell. She got a shock at how quickly I agreed. I told her that because it would make her happy, then I would be happy.

And that was our christmas agreement. Any of my presents she wanted for herself she kept. The rest went on Ebay, and she's now got plenty of cash on the way. I still bought her a gift and she still bought me nothing. And I couldn't be happier. As I said earlier, we don't have alot of money and I was able to give her the christmas I believe that she deserves.

We have both since agreed to do this every year, and it has extended to birthdays aswell.

She is slowly taking over the household, and I feel over the moon about it. Life is good.