View Full Version : Baseball Catcher Vs girl

02-12-2010, 08:38 PM
Baseball Catcher Vs Girl

By TwoNutBuster

Kyle Harvey believes balls are a strength, until a girl puts them in their rightful place.

Kyle Harvey was a guy who excelled in every sport he played. He was captain of the football team, and one of the best Baseball Catchers in the state. He was tall, lean, muscular, and cocky. He knew being a boy made him better and stronger than the girls. He never believed girls should compete against boys in sports, so he was upset when a new girl Jessica, moved into their neighborhood. She would always say girls can do things boys can too.

He and a bunch of his guy buddies would always go to the local park and play a game of Baseball Saturday afternoons. Since it was hot, all the boys would remove their shirts, and only wear a cap, glove, shoes, and basketball shorts. Some of the boys had amazing bodies, and were golden brown in the sun. As Kyle began removing his shirt, he heard a whistle behind him. A group of girls, lend by Jessica, were standing their with gloves and bats, they wanted to play with the boys too. Kyle, threw his shirt to the dugout, and walked over to the girls, his wide muscular chest was intimidating, and his torso narrowed at his waist, he had a powerful "Vee shaped body", and some of the girls felt scared to talk to him. The elastic of his underarmour briefs were showing above his white gym shorts, as he walked closer the girls noticed the bulge in between his legs bobble from side to side, he was not wearing a cup, so the bulge was all manhood, all natural Maleness!

Kyle Harvey was about 6 foot 1, with blue eyes, and dark hair. His body was built like a young handsome god, so powerful, and so strong. A line of dark hair ran up from his briefs, and into his belly button, he was becoming very matured. He crossed his arms, stood legs open in a dominant display of male power, and looked at the girls.

"What can we do for you?" Kyle said.

"We want to play too, we can pick teams?" Jessica said.

"What, pick teams? I don't want any girls playing on my team, this sport is only for boys, not girls. Perhaps you would rather play softball at the other field, you have to have testosterone to play on this field." He smiled at his teamates. "You know, Balls...not Pussies." He flexed his hard muscles for the girls, and turned around to put on his catchers gear.

"Wait! Then we will play against your team, Girls Vs Boys, Top Dogs Vs Top Bitches!" Jessica said confidently.

Kyle, turned his cap backwards, and slid on his facemask, he said, "Fine by me". He went to the dugout, and began pulling out his catchers gear, and he tighten his knee and shin guards, and place his chest protector over his golden brown torso. He saw his baseball cup in his bag, but just left it there, he never had a ball hit him in between the legs, cause he was that perfect. Plus, he didn't want his nuts getting all sweaty in the hot day.The boys took the field, and the girls were at bat. Kyle ran out of the dugout looking ever so masuline in his gear. His proud cock and balls swinging in between his thighs, looking like tough symbols of male power! He looked great, and the girls loved the eye candy he was giving them.

Kyle squated behind homeplate, legs wide apart, and gave the signal for a fast ball, the pitcher delivered one and before you know it, it was inside Kyle Harveys glove. Strike one!!!

"Still want to play with the big boys?" he chuckled. From the girls dugout, they were staring at Kyle's back, it was so wide, and tampered down in a V-shape, it was awesome.

Soon it was the eight inning, and surprisingly, the girls were one-run behind the boys. Jessica told her team to not give up, we can bet these boys at their own game.

Finally the top of the 9th inning came, and the girls had one last chance to win, or tie the game. Jessica was on 3rd base, and her teamate was at the plate. The girls had 2 outs, and three balls, and two strikes, this was it. Kyle squated behind homeplate, and mumbled to himself, "girls can't beat boys, we have nuts, they don't." He signaled his pitcher for a fast ball, the pitcher delivered the throw, and whack, the ball was hit passed the pitcher and to the shortstop, the player bobbled with the ball for awhile, and quickly threw it at Kyle Harvey. Kyle caught the ball and tagged Jessica's right breast hard and on purpose, just as Jessica slid into homeplate. Jessica was in pain, but quickly got up and pushed Kyle. "Ha Ha, we win, girls can't beat boys!"

"What, I tagged homeplate before you tagged me, we are tied!" Jessica was mad, and her team came running out of the dugout too. She's right, we are still tied, and the game continues, her team said.

"Whatever, there is no crying in baseball, you girls lost, lets go guys." Kyle waved his team off the field. Then, Jessica grabbed his facemask, and pulled him towards her, she looked into his sexy blue eyes, and said, their is no winner to this game, we will fight to see whose the winner! Kyle looked at his team and started cracking up.

"Lets see if you got the balls to fight me asshole, you think your so tough, you boys do know the meaning of the word." she said.

Kyle pulled off his mask, and looked into her face, "Fuck You Bitch!" he said. Jessica slapped him hard in the face, and the fight was on. The boys and girls surrounded homeplate, and wanted their respectful sex to win. Kyle was head and shoulders taller then Jessica, and his stronger male body made this seem like a complete mismatch. Kyle charged at her, grabing her lower body, lifted it up, and dropped her on her back, his shoulder bashing into her chest. The boys cheered at the sight, and some said, that stupid bitch gets what she deserves. Kyle Harvey stood up, and unbuckled his chest protector and threw it back towards the dugout, he still had is shin guards on, and that was all gear he had on, besides his shorts. He wanted her is see his chest and muscles, to let her know its a boy showing her whose the stronger sex, he flex his muscles again for his team the girls, and manhood.

He bent down in a squat position beside Jessica and said, "give up girl, you can't win against boys, we got balls, and you don't." Before he knew it, Jessica grab some dirt and quickly threw it into Kyles eyes. Kyle stood up, legs wide, and feet planted firmly in the ground. He was trying to wipe away the dirt. Jessica's tits still hurt, but the pain was subsiding quickly. She got up on her knees, and saw Kyle standing tall in front of her, his shin guarded legs are wide apart, and the bulge inside his shorts was bulging with his male cum and power. She winked at her girls, and gave Kyle a hard uppercut in his balls!!! His knees turned inward, and before he could close his legs completely, she slammed a second uppercut into his balls again. She was so glad he wasn't wearing a cup, and enjoyed the softness of his balls against her hard female knuckles. Kyle screamed in a loud masculine way, and dropped to his knees, the knee and shin guards clanked as he hit the dirt. He was holding his balls in both hands, his strong torso tighten so powerfully, and the thick cords in his neck were exposed. Jessica got Kyle Harvey good!!!

All the boys just stood there, they started getting erections at what just happened to their athletic male stud, their leader. The girls were laughing, and some shouted, "again, kick his balls this time." Jessica smiled at that thought, and she said, "get up and fight boy, show us what having a cock and two powerful balls can do!" Kyle eyes cleared, and he was in so much pain, in a place he has never been hit before. However pained he was in, he was pissed off that a girl did this to him, he needed to prove himself the stronger sex, so he slowly got up to his feet. He was doubled over, and slowly straighten his abs and torso. Jessica came at him again, and threw a fake jab at his face, Kyle quickly brought both arms up, leaving his balls unprotected. Since Kyle Harvey was shirtless, Jessica targeted his thick male nipples, and twisted them hard, causing him to scream, she then yanked him forward while delivering three powerful knees into his balls, crushing them hard against his athletic bony crotch. Kyle's sexy blue eyes crossed for a second, then fell hard onto his knees and to his side. His powerful male body was laying ontop of homeplate, and he cried out, "My Balls!!! My Fucking Balls!!!!! You Broke my BALLS!!! Then he fainted. He had lost.

The boys team just stood shocked at what just happened, a girl defeated the most handsome, and powerful boy in school. The girls just walked up to the shirtless boys, and each girl grabbed their shoulders, and kneed them all in the balls. The girls are happy, and walked off the baseball field, the field around homeplate was covered with shiney, powerful, male bodies, all crying about their manhoods.

"Wow, Jessica, you got Kyle Harvey good!!! You showed Kyle the true meaning of balls!!! You put his balls in their proper place, girl!!! Pussy defeats Cock and Balls!!!" The girls were all happy, and laughed as they exited the boys baseball field.

Jessica finally said, "Males are so weak, all that muscle and cockiness doesn't mean shit once you destory their manhood with a good solid hit. It must suck having balls."

The End

Written by TwoNutBuster

02-12-2010, 08:39 PM
I just wrote the story this morning, hope you enjoy it.

02-13-2010, 03:06 AM
Amazing story! I find it weird how just a flick can bring a guy down. Females definitely are the stronger sex!

02-13-2010, 04:14 AM
thanks, glad you like it. I was just on a roll writing it, I couldn't stop until I finished it.

Alec Anaconda
02-13-2010, 09:50 AM
Thank you for another interesting erotic story.

This one is significantly better than your previous story post in this forum.

Although it can be thrilling to finish in one session, I always like to reread before submission.

Can I assume that you, and your characters, are at least 18?

May I ask why you have included your email address?

Keep writing!

Alec Anaconda

02-14-2010, 01:47 AM
I've enjoyed your work at kramtoad and eunuch archives, too. keep it up!

02-14-2010, 05:12 AM
U Wrote A Really Good Story!
Hope To See More From U:loveeyes

10-03-2012, 07:49 AM
I enjoyed this story

My favorite part

The boys team just stood shocked at what just happened, a girl defeated the most handsome, athletic, and powerful boy in school. The girls just walked up to the shirtless boys, and each girl grabbed their shoulders, and kneed them all in the balls. The girls are happy, and walked off the baseball field, the field around home plate was covered with shiny, powerful, male bodies, all crying about their manhood’s.

I love the image of a group of men being defeated by girls and lying on the ground

Am alternative ending could have been that one ormore of the boys tried help Kyle but were prevented because the girls had their slim hands on the boys ball and made them helpless.