View Full Version : Rachel Sinclair West Coast Bound (3/12 - 3/15)

02-25-2010, 09:18 AM
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I am skilled in the following BDSM disciplines:

- Humiliation/Verbal Abuse
- Fantasy Role Play
- Mommy Services
- Feminization/Cross-Dressing/Sissy and Slut Training
- Puppy/Kitty/Pony Play
- Pantyhose/Panty Worship
- Sensual, Mild and Severe Corporal Punishment (Whipping, Cropping, Flogging, Strapping, Caning, Paddling)
- OTK Spanking
- Light Bondage
- CBT and Ball Busting
- Foot/Leg/Body Worship
- Smothering
- Trampling
- Tickle Torture
- Nipple Torture
- Tease & Denial

I am also available for sessions in these additional areas:

- Beatdowns
- Wrestling (Competitive, Semi-Competitive, Fantasy, Sensual)
- Boxing (Semi-Competitive, Fantasy)
- Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai (Semi-Competitive, Fantasy)
- MMA (Semi-Competitive)
- Arm Wrestling
- Belly Punching
- Scissors Sessions
- Lift and Carry (up to 215 lbs)


It is very important that I receive direct emails so that I can properly schedule my play times.