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04-21-2010, 04:19 PM
Ballbusting Emporium

Greg was nervous as he eased open the door to the non-descript building. He checked the address again – 6729 Elm Street. It was correct.

‘Yes,’ he told himself. ‘You are going to do this. You know it’s what you want.'

Taking a deep breath, he walked down the dimly lit hallway until he found the door he was looking for – Suite 145, BB Services, Inc.

He entered a small, sparsely furnished reception area. Four plain chairs occupied the space along one wall. A simple desk resided in front of the rear wall. No one was there at the moment. A windowless door was located behind and to the left of the desk.

Greg noticed a button on the desk top, behind which was a sign stating “Ring Bell for Service”. Swallowing, he pressed the button.

A moment later the door behind the desk opened and an attractive young woman emerged. She was brunette, about 5’-7” tall. She wore a light-colored blouse with a black skirt that ended a couple of inches above her knees. Greg noticed her legs were long and shapely and his eyes were drawn to the classic-styled stiletto-heeled black pumps she wore on her feet.

“Good afternoon, sir,” the woman greeted him with a warm smile. “My name is Judy. How may I help you?”

“Um-um…” Greg stammered. “I – I saw your ad on the Internet and I, uh, thought I might like to try one of your services.”

Judy gave him a knowing smile. “And what service might that be?” she asked.

“I, ah… I’d like to have my balls busted,” he said softly.

“Of course,” Judy said. “We offer a wide variety of ballbusting services. The basics are kicking, kneeing, punching and squeezing. We also offer more involved methods, including several types of stretching. Have you decided on the manner in which you’d like to have it done?”

“I, ahhh… I thought that kicking would be something I’d like to try.”

“Excellent choice,” Judy said. “We have a number of very talented ladies who specialize in ball-kicking. You may choose from sensuous to extremely cruel and vicious. Do you know the level at which you’d like to start?”

“Not really,” Greg said. “You see, I’ve had this fetish for a while… That is I’ve had a fantasy about having my, uh, balls kicked, but I’ve never known anyone I could ask to do it.”

“Your situation is very common,” Judy told him as she pulled out an application form. “Many men have fetishes that go unfulfilled because they are too embarrassed to ask their girlfriend or their wife to help them. That is to be expected. And that’s why we’re here. We can fulfill your fetish and fantasy with no worries on your part. We
don’t judge you.”

“I see,” Greg said, feeling a bit more comfortable now.

“So tell me,” Judy continued, “how should the woman who kicks you be dressed?”

“Well,” Greg said, “pretty much exactly like you are.”

“Why thank you,” Judy smiled at him as she wrote some information on the form. “And would like to be kicked with shoes or barefoot?”

“With shoes.” Greg’s voice was very low and thick.

“And what kind of shoes would you prefer?” Judy asked.

“Pumps,” he answered, his voice barely above a whisper. “Black pumps with stiletto heels.”

Judy wrote down his responses and then looked up at him and smiled warmly. “Please, Greg, don’t be nervous or embarrassed. We are professionals here. We do this all the time. We enjoy our work.”

A weak smile formed on Greg’s mouth. “Well, it’s really difficult to say this kind of stuff in front of people,” he said. “I – I’ve never told anyone I was interested in having my balls kicked.”

Judy reached across and placed her hand on top of Greg’s. “I know it’s hard the first time,” she soothed. “But if you’ll relax and let us do our job, I know we’ll make you happy.”

Greg nodded and said, “Thank you, Judy. You are very kind. I would like to ask, though, do you… do you kick the customers, or are you the office manager, or…”

Judy grinned and said, “My primary job is to greet customers and get them set up with one of our pros. But, on occasion, if we are exceptionally busy, I will perform the service for a client.”

“I see,” said Greg.

“Do you have any other questions?” Judy asked.

“Um, I guess just the price.”

“We have a number of options,” Judy explained. “You can purchase a basic package of five kicks for $25.00. The next level is 12 kicks for $50.00. And our best deal is 50 kicks for $100.00. We don’t recommend this package to novices. All kicks must be taken in the same session. If you get to the point where you feel you can’t take any more, you do lose the remaining kicks. We offer each package in three intensity levels – light kicking, solid kicking, and full-force kicking. Again, we don’t recommend the full-force level to a novice. The price is the same no matter what intensity level you select. And you can change the level during the session. For example, if you purchase the 12 kick package in light kicking, if, after taking a few kicks you decide it isn’t intense enough for you, you may take the remaining kicks at a higher level. So,” Judy concluded, “are you ready to make a selection?”

“I think so,” Greg nodded.

“Good. Let me show you our portfolio.” Judy opened a drawer and retrieved a book. “This has pictures and data on each of our ball-kicking pros. Look through it and let me know who you would like to kick your balls.”

Greg took the book and opened to the first page. There was a photo of a stunning blonde. The data given said her name was Helga and that she was 5’-10” and weighed 145 pounds. Greg examined the photo and saw that her legs were long and muscular and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her body. She wore open-toed pumps with four-inch heels. He could feel a tightness begin to develop in his crotch as he imagined her foot connecting with his balls.

On the next page was a photo of a petite brunette. Her name was Stephanie and she was only 5’-2” and 100 pounds. Her legs rippled with muscle. She wore strappy sandals with three-inch heels.

Next was another blonde. This was Melissa and she was 5’-7” and 130 pounds. Her legs were long and slender, but beautifully toned. Her feet were adorned with classic black pumps with four-inch stiletto heels.

Page four showed an auburn-haired beauty named Claire. She was 5’-5” and 120 pounds. She had incredibly long legs for her height. On her feet was a pair of elegant mules with three-inch heels.

Greg’s heart nearly stopped when he saw page five. The photo was of a raven-haired beauty named Lisa. She was 5’-9” and 135 pounds. In Greg’s mind her legs were absolute perfection. Long and muscular, but not like a body builder’s; just developed to feminine perfection. She wore black Mary-Jane pumps with four-inch heels.

“I’d like Lisa,” he said as he handed the book back to Judy.

“I thought you’d pick her,” Judy said with a knowing grin. “What package would you like to try?”

“I’d – I’d like the 12 kick package at the solid level,” he stammered. His cock was nearly fully erect in his pants now as his anticipation level grew.

“Excellent choice for your first time. How would like to pay?”

“I – I have cash,” Greg mumbled as he fumbled for his wallet and fished out the proper amount.

“Thank you so much, Greg,” Judy said. “I know you’ll enjoy it. Just so you’re aware, feel free to tip your kicker when she’s done. It is absolutely not required, but showing your appreciation for a job well done will lead to very enthusiastic encounters on future visits.

“Now, Lisa is with a client for about another 15 minutes, but I’ll take you back to a room and get you set up.”

She led Greg through the door into the private area. There was a long hallway with several doors along one side. As they walked down the hall muted sounds could be heard from behind one of the doors. Judy paused and said, “Helga is with a client in here. We can’t open the door and watch, but we can listen if you’d like.”

Greg nodded and they waited.

Shortly there was a loud SMACK followed by an agonized groan. Greg heard cruel female laughter and then a voice ask, “Was that one hard enough for you?”

“Sounds like the client switched intensity levels,” commented Judy.
Greg cringed as another SMACK could be heard. This time it was followed by an even more pitiful moan.

“Think you can take four more like that?” the female voice challenged.

As Greg and Judy listened, there was silence for a few moments. Then the familiar SMACK followed by the agonized moan. Greg cringed as he pictured the woman’s foot flying into the man’s unprotected balls.

After a moment there was another SMACK, another moan, and this time a thudding sound.

“Wow!” said Judy. “She must have really nailed his balls that time. It sounds like she put him on the floor.”

Greg could only imagine what the client was experiencing. He was starting to get really nervous. ‘Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all,’ he thought to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by yet another SMACK. This one was followed by the most pathetic moan of all – one that continued for a while before all was quiet. Then, “One more to go,” the female voice said. “You’re not going to quit on me, are you?”

Greg heard a rustling noise as he presumed the client was getting back to his feet.

“N-no,” a weak male voice answered. “I – I’ll take the last one.”

“Excellent!” the female voice said, the excitement noticeable in her tone.

There was another moment of silence, followed by the loudest SMACK of all.

This time there was only a barely audible squeak of agony as the male collapsed to the floor in a pitiful heap.

“Whew!” Judy breathed. “That was really intense.”

Greg just stared at the door.

“Come on,” Judy said. “There’s something I want you to see before we get you set up in a room.”

Further down the hall there was a room with a glass viewing panel. Inside Greg could see a naked male and a fully-clothed female. The female had her hand intricately wrapped around the man’s balls.

“This is a one-way mirror,” Judy explained. “We can see them, but they can’t see us. The woman doing the squeezing is Tammy. She has amazing talent, as you will soon see.”

Greg stared dumbly as he watched Tammy manipulate the man’s balls, whose cock was so erect it looked as though the skin would burst. Her hand kneaded the balls as though they were an unfeeling wad of putty. Quite the contrary, they felt every bit of pressure that was being exercised on them. The man was half bent over, a look of intense agony on his face. Perspiration flowed freely from his brow.

Greg and Judy watched the action for about a minute when without warning a huge geyser of sperm erupted from the man’s throbbing cock. This was quickly followed by several more. Tammy kept squeezing and kneading the balls, coaxing even more sperm from the tortured balls. The poor man looked as though he was about to pass out.

“P-please, Tammy… th-that’s enough!” the man begged. “Oh, jeez, it hurts…”

“Now, now,” Tammy soothed. “I want to be sure we’ve got it all out. I’m going to squeeze really hard now.”

“Oh lord, noooo…” the man gasped as Tammy’s hand clamped down even more firmly. As she squeezed, the man’s cocked jerked a couple more times and ejected a little more sperm.

“See? I knew you had a little left. There, I think that’s got it all out now.”

Tammy let go of the man’s balls and he collapsed to the floor, gasping. She turned to the window and grinned at Judy and Greg.

Greg was so stunned at what he had just seen that Judy had to shake him to get his attention.

“Come along, Greg. We’ll head down to your room now.”

Feeling a bit queasy, Greg followed Judy down the hall to an open door. She led him inside the room and explained his options.

“Okay, Greg. Today you have selected Lisa as your kicker. You will be completely naked and she will remain fully clothed. You have the option of standing free while she kicks your balls, or you may choose to be bound to our special rack.”

Judy pointed to a device near the back wall of the room. Greg looked at it and mumbled, “I –I think I’ll stand free today.”

“All right,” Judy said. “Some men like to have their hands bound behind their back so they aren’t tempted to block a kick. This is especially true of first-timers such as yourself. Remember, you can stop the proceedings at any time just by asking, but you will forfeit however many remaining kicks you have without a refund.”

“I think… I think having my hands tied would be a good idea,” Greg agreed.
“Fine,” said Judy. “Lisa should be in in about five or ten minutes. Get undressed while you’re waiting. Lisa will take care of everything when she arrives.

“Remember, Greg, we want you to enjoy yourself. If at any time things become too intense, you may stop. But I don’t think you’ll do that. Lisa is really good with novices. She’ll give you exactly what you want.”

“Th-thank you, Judy,” Greg said softly.

“Stop by on your way out and let me know how it went,” she urged.

“I will.”

“Great. Well, I’ll see you in a little while.”

Judy left and Greg nervously begin to strip. His fingers trembled as he undid the buttons of his shirt and unzipped his pants. When he had finished undressing, he sat down in the room’s only chair and waited.

It was very quiet in his room. In the background he could hear faint smacking sounds, no doubt the result of female feet impacting defenseless balls. He could hear musical feminine laughter and soft moaning.

Then Lisa walked into the room. She was a vision of loveliness. She wore a sleeveless blouse with a loose, pleated skirt that ended a few inches above her knees. She long legs were displayed in sheer taupe colored pantyhose. On her feet she wore the same Mary-Jane pumps as in her photo.

“Good afternoon, Greg,” she greeted as he got to his feet. “I’m Lisa, as you know, and I’ll be kicking your balls.”

“Hello, Lisa,” Greg said. “I – I’m looking forward to it… I think.”

She laughed. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Judy has told me what you’ve ordered for today, so we can get started. You’d like me to tie your hands behind you?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Okay.” Lisa went to a small chest of drawers and removed a length of rope. She positioned Greg’s hand behind his back and skillfully secured them.

“There we are, all set,” Lisa said. “Please stand in front of me, Greg, and spread your legs to about shoulder width. This will let you balls hang free and leave plenty of room for my foot.” She looked him directly in the eyes as she spoke.

“You’ve got twelve kicks at the solid level coming. That’s not at all unreasonable for a novice. Your balls will ache when I’m done, but not so much that it will be unbearable.”

Greg looked down and studied Lisa’s high-heeled feet. They looked so beautiful, yet he knew they were capable of inflicting intense pain given the opportunity.

“And remember, Greg, you can change the intensity to a higher level at any time.”

He glanced up at her and nodded, then returned his gaze to her feet.

“I see you really like looking at my feet,” she said.

“Yes, Lisa. They are beautiful.”

“Would you like your first kick now?” she asked.

“Yes, please.”

Lisa move into position and swung her right foot directly into Greg’s dangling balls.


Greg grunted, but was surprised that it hadn’t hurt as much as he anticipated.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Lisa interrupted Greg’s thoughts. “It didn’t hurt that much. That is true. Individual kicks at the solid level aren’t particularly painful. But the effect is cumulative. After three or four a dull
ache will begin building in your gut.”

“Oh,” Greg said.

“Ready for number two?” Lisa asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”
For a second time Lisa’s right foot swung in a smooth arc and landed directly in Greg’s balls.


“Ooooph,” Greg muttered. This one hurt a little more, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

“Again?” Lisa asked.

“Yes ma’am.”

Kick number three land just as accurately as the first two.


“Ummph.” Greg noted that Lisa was accurate in her prediction. Even though the kick itself didn’t hurt too badly, the effect of all three combined was starting to build.

“How about three in a row?” Lisa asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Greg agreed.

Three times in rapid succession Lisa’s foot slapped into Greg’s tender balls.

smack… smack… smack

“Ohhhhhhhh…” Now it was starting to really hurt. The ache in Greg’s gut was becoming very intense. If his hands hadn’t been tied, he would have clutched at his balls in an effort to ease the discomfort.

“I told you what would happen,” Lisa reminded Greg. “It hurts quite a bit, doesn’t it?”

“Y-yesss…” Greg gasped.

“You’re not going to quit on me, though, are you?”

“Oh no, ma’am,” Greg answered. “It hurts, but it’s a good hurt.”

“For the next three,” Lisa suggested, how about if I give you a kick, wait fifteen seconds, give you another kick, wait thirty seconds and give you the third kick?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Greg agreed.

Lisa’s talented foot delivered three more kicks in the described manner.

smack… … smack… … … smack

“Huuuuuummmmphhhhh…” Greg groaned deeply as Lisa delivered the last of this group of kicks. His gut really ached now and his balls were starting to swell.

“You’re doing very well for a novice, Greg,” Lisa complimented him. I’ve had guys quite after only three or four light kicks. It takes a real man to start out at the solid level and take them all. You’ve got three left. Think you can handle them?”

“Yes, Lisa. I will not quit,” Greg replied.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Lisa said. “We’ll do the last ones one at a time. You can tell me when you’re ready for the next one.”

“Okay,” said Greg.

“Ready now?”

“Yes, ma’am. Give me number ten.”

Lisa smiled and delivered kick number ten.


“Wheeeeewwww!” Greg gasped. He gritted his teeth and said, “Give me number eleven right now!”

“Yes, sir!” Lisa said gleefully.

Kick number eleven was on its way and landed with pinpoint accuracy.


“Whooooaaaaaaa!” Greg let out a deep, agonized moan. Then, a devil-may-care feeling washed over him and he said,

“Lisa, I want you to give me the last one full-force, please.”

“Are you sure?” she said with an evil grin on her face.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “Absolutely sure.”

“You’ve got it,” Lisa told him. “Let me know when you’re ready.”

Greg stood before this beautiful woman – a woman who was about to kick his aching balls as hard as she could. He took several deep breaths and said,

“Lisa, please kick my balls with everything you’ve got.”
Lisa moved back and carefully measured her steps. She looked at Greg and he nodded slightly, confirming he wanted her to continue. Lisa strode forward and swung her leg in a perfect arc, accelerating her foot dead-center into Greg’s balls.


The sound of Lisa’s foot slamming into Greg’s balls was sickening. Greg straightened up, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he collapsed onto the floor, ***********.


Later, Greg awoke in the same room. There was an ice bag in his crotch against his balls. Lisa was sitting in the chair.

“Good. You’re awake,” she said.

Greg tried to sit up, but the room began spinning. He felt nauseous.

“Don’t try to get up, yet,” Lisa cautioned. “Take a few minutes to get your bearings.”

Greg took a few deep breaths. His balls throbbed with an agony the likes of which he had never before felt. Slowly, he sat up.

“Lisa… oh my… my balls… What did you do to my balls?”

“Relax, Greg,” she said calmly. “Your balls will be fine in a couple of days. I’m afraid, though, that you will be more than a bit uncomfortable for a while.” She smiled at him. Her legs were crossed and she gently swung her foot back and forth. Greg’s eyes were drawn to it. The motion soon became hypnotic and he relaxed, though his balls still ached.

“That’s better,” Lisa said as she saw the tension leaving Greg’s body. She continued to swing her foot back and forth.

“Oh, Lisa,” Greg said softly. “I can’t believe I let you do that to me. But, somehow, after a few days, I know I’ll want to come back for more.”

“Thank you, Greg,” Lisa said. “It makes me feel proud to know I have done my job so well.”

Gingerly, Greg moved to his hands and knees and eased his way over to Lisa. With deep reverence, he took her foot in his hand, the foot that had so devastated his balls, and then lowered his head and placed his lips on the toe of her shoe. His eyes closed as he paid homage to the object of his desire.
After a bit Lisa gently pulled her foot away and said softly, “Time to go, Greg. I have another client scheduled.”

Reluctantly, Greg got to his feet and gingerly got dressed. As Lisa was ready to go, Greg opened his wallet and tipped her $100.00.

“Thank you so much,” she said with genuine feeling. “I hope to see you again some time.”

“Oh, you will, Greg answered. “You will…”


On the way out, Greg saw Judy seated at the front desk. She smiled when she saw him and giggled when she noticed he was moving with small, careful steps.

“I trust your session went well?” she asked.

Greg returned her smile and said, “It couldn’t have been better.”

04-21-2010, 06:43 PM
Love the story :ibow4u:hope to here more

04-21-2010, 11:38 PM
Very good story sir very good

04-22-2010, 03:15 AM

This was another outstanding story. :bananajum

I very much enjoyed it. I found myself identifying with the protagonist.

Thanks for another excellent job. :ibow4u:


04-22-2010, 05:44 AM
great story :) I wish there will be more like that
waiting for the next one:thumbup

04-22-2010, 09:53 AM
Good story, kickthem. I liked the slow build-up to the action. I hope bb Services opens a branch near me soon

04-22-2010, 02:54 PM
Good story I have written five myself. does anyone want to see them?:autogun

04-23-2010, 06:59 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. I will be writing more. Please, unbusted(sadly) I would like to see your work.

04-24-2010, 01:58 AM
Good story I have written five myself. does anyone want to see them?:autogun

i would love to read your stories. i have read every single story that i can get my hands on and its one of my favorite things to do on this site. im looking forward to them :jumpsmile

04-24-2010, 01:04 PM
Ok I will start to post them from next weekend, I think they are ok but I will leave the proper judgement up to all you people.

04-26-2010, 09:06 PM
Great, don't stop

04-27-2010, 10:14 AM
Wonderful story, can't wait for his return visiit. I wish there was a place like that for real in my midwestern town.

04-30-2010, 02:27 PM
Hi guys I said that I would post a story so this is one of them. I hope you like it.Please exscuse the grammar.


Dan was a very successfull bissines man. He had a secret fetish that he liked to dish out but not receive.
Dan was a specialist at his fetish he enjoyed doing it personnaly and proffessionaly.

Dan was going to meet a guy he heard about and was going to give him a wake up call he would never forget.The boys name was dominic and he was eighteen average looking but he apparently had a huge set of balls.
Dan arranged to meet dominic at an empty flat that he owned.
The meeting was to take place at eight that evening, Dan arrived at his empty flat at about 7:00 pm to get ready for the arrivall of dominic.

Dominic arrived at the flat at about 7:50 pm. Dan was hiding in one of the rooms which had a veiw of the flat door. Dominic cautiously walked into the flat "hello is anyone there?"
Their was no reply so he walks in and shuts the door behind him. Dominic saw a note in the middle of the floor. Dominic walked over and picked it up. The note read Take of all of your clothes. Dominic does as the note says, Dan was watching and smiled when he saw the size of dominics balls they were like apples.

Dan slowly came out of the room he was in and quickly turned Dominic around and drove his knee into Dominics balls. "OOOOHHHH" Dominic yelled and doubled over holding his aching testicles he was in agonising pain his eyes rolled around in his sockets he was quietly groaning.
Dan walks over to a cupboard and takes out an unoppened packet of cigarettes. Dan takes of the outer wrapping, pulls open the packet and removes the paper inside and then takes out a cigarette puts it in his mouth, then throws the packet on the floor. Dan then takes a lighter out from between his ass cheeks
and lights the cigarette he then chucks the lighter on the floor. He watches as Dominic still holding his aching spunk sack. Dan was happy with his nut bust. Dan was also knaked his thick eight inch cock was hard as nails it really was turning him on. Dominic slowly started to recover and was stood up straight within a minute "stay where you are" Dan said firmly. Dan walked up behind Dominic and then said"has the pain gone now?" "yes" Dominic replied. With that Dan kicked Dominic in the balls and kept his foot there Dominic groaned his arms went limp and he slouched over. "I loved the way your balls felt against my knee and also the way they feel against my foot". Dominic just moaned in pain. Dan took his foot from Dominics nut and watched as he fell to the floor and rolled around in pain."This is fun for me is it fun for you." Dan said with a smirk. Dominic just rolled on the floor in pain. Dominic started to recover and Dan quickly grabbed both of his legs pulls them apart kicks his hands away and then slowly lowers his foot onto Dominics nuts. Dan gets his foot on Dominics nuts then just squashes them roling his foot around causing as much pain as he could. "ooohh what have I done to deserve this?" " you were born with balls. I have been busting balls since I was sixteen. I can bust these with ease". He steps off of Dominics balls and then kneels on them "ouch,ouch,ouch please get of Dan keeps his knee squish going for about five minutes. When he stops he quickly grabs Dominics cherrys and crushes them in his hand rolling them around in a grinding motion. Dominic body stiffens then confults because of the pain Dan releases then squeezes his balls for about 20 mins. Dan finally lets go, he then sits on Dominics nuts. " oh god oh god" he says in a painfull voice. Dan only sits on Dominics balls for about three minutes. After about 10 mins Dominic slowly gets back to his feet then Dan just kicks him in the nuts. Dominic rolls around on the floor making no sound but Dan knew no noise meant good pain.

Dan gets dreesed and waits for Dominic to recover. when he does Dan says "what have you learnt from this experience?"
" Having balls hurts" Dom replies
"Yes that is true but yuo should do as your mum tells you."
" How do you know my mum".
"I have been fucking her for the last two weeks and that is where I am going now do you want a lift?"
"Yes ok".
"Come on then. just one more thing if you do not do as you are asked then I will butt-blast you."
" What the hell is that".
"Just ask your dad I did it to him on monday."
" Ok but he wont tell me"


05-01-2010, 08:22 PM

Don't be gay, seriously, this is a femdom-based board what's wrong with you? Once you fix that, you can move onto your numerous spelling errors, hope you find this 'helpfull'.

05-02-2010, 08:55 AM
To all at femaledom. This is not a debate or a moan.
I posted a story called COR MY BALLS this involved two guys. I did not realise that a story written about a male busting a fellow males balls would receive a reply accusing me of being gay I can assure you that I am straight but have an open mind their are men and women who do like to read all sorts of ball busting stories. I did say that I have written five stories but did not say what sort they are. I also would like make clear that I do know that this is a femdom site but I have seen stuff posted that has got nothing to do with ballbusting.
I have read the rules unless I blinked and missed it there is nothing saying that men ballbusting men is not allowed if the administrators have ok'd it then it is fine by me.
I would also like to make clear that there was one reply to this story and they did tell me that my spelling was not very good (paraphrased). Please if you read my stories when I ask for pointers I mean with build up of the story, grammar, spelling( if single word could be used to describe action/s instead of going around the houses). I would appreciate proper feed back not ignorant idiots as I said one person replied to this story and this is directed towards them NOT FOR THE SPELLING BUT FOR THE FIRST PART OF THEIR REPLY.
I am going to post one more involving a boy and a girl, any descent pointers are welcome. thank you unbusted(sadly):thumbup

05-02-2010, 09:53 AM
I hope this story is good for you guys it is based on a girl who loved to bust guys balls when I was younger.
The girl in question was tall blond nice to talk to and made sure your balls were ok after what she called baby stopper time, she would be about 38-40 years old now hopefully still busting balls.
I have changed her name but what you read is part reallity and some fiction.
Ido hope you enjoy.


Crystal was in her back garden. She was practising her football skills.
Crystal was wearing her local team kit and she was unaware that she was being watched. The person spying on her was Dave her next door neighbour.
Dave looked out of the window and watched Crystal as she ran up and down her back garden.
Crystal was 5"11 blond blue eyes and a very big pair of breasts, she was athletic she also had an arse that could break pencils between her cheeks.
While dave was watching, Crystal looked out from the corner of her eye and saw dave watching her. Crystal muttered under her breath "that pervert he needs his balls busted".

Crystal then looked up and shouted to "Dave come down, I might give you a game".
Five minutes later Dave walked into Crystals back garden. While Dave was walking towards Crystal she took her top off and her boobs bounced freely from side to side this story is not finished

One from the Vaults
05-02-2010, 12:29 PM
Sexual activity (including ballbusting) between two guys turns off some people. It doesn't bother me, and I think you should post whatever turns you on, but any time you post something male-on-male expect haters to complain.

05-02-2010, 02:00 PM
Sorry guys had to log out some else wanted to use the computer.
here is the rest of the story. NEXT DOOR BUST.

Dave was shocked at this but still walked towards Crystal.
When Dave got closer Crystal took of her shorts. Crystal was wearing a very small pair of knickers they were tight against her nicely shaped bum.
Dave says to Crystal "nice knickers I like the colour pink they do suit you".

Crystal asks Dave "do you like to watch me train?"

"Yes" Dave replies.

"You are really good".

"Thanks" Crystal says to him with a smile.

"I am really good at another type of game."

"What is that then?" Dave asks.

"Well it does not have a name me and the girls just do it but it does involve two balls." Crystal says with a slight grin.

"OK lets play" Dave says enthusiasm.

"Good" she says

With that Crystal jumped up and and clamped her lower legs around Daves neck. Dave fell backwards and then Crystal slowly pulls down Daves jogging bottoms.
"What are you doing Dave says in a panicky voice?"

"You will find out in a minute" Crystal says in a firm voice.

Dave felt his underpants being pulled down.

"COR LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THESE" she says with a hint of surprise in her voice.

Crystal wrapped her hand around Daves balls and squeezed.


Crystal tightens her lower leg grip around Daves neck which cuts his vocals short. Crystal could not beleive the power she had over Dave and how good his balls felt in her hands.
Crystal slowly rolled Daves balls around in her hand, he flinch continously and quietly groaned.
Crystal says to Dave "you have got a really big pair of balls, they are nice and firm with just a tiny hint of softness to them. They fell good in my small hand they are like the plumbs you can buy at the local market".

Crystal looked back at Dave and was happy to see extreme pain in his eyes and face.
Crystal let go of his balls after about ten minutes, she got to her feet and looked down at her busted neighbour. Crystal helped Dave to his feet when he recovered.

"Are you ok sugar?" asks Crystal

"Yes I am fine now" he replies in a low voice.

"Alright then honey" She says looking happy.

Without warning Crystal drove her knee into Daves nuts.
Dave made no sound just clutched his, apples and slowly crouched down then fell on the floor, he was rolling around trying to speak but he could not. this is great Cheryl thought to herself. Crystal felt her self getting excited her pussy began to go moist.

Crystal walks around Dave and notices a cigarette behind his ear. She takes it and crushes it in her hand.

"That is a disgusting habit" she snaps while rubbing her hands together brushing of the flakes.

Crystal stands over Dave watching him in pain. She was secretly enjoying seeing her neighbour hold his balls the power felt good and she was filled with joy.
Dave started to recover as he was getting to his feet he muttered something under his breathe.
Five minutes passed and then Crystal says to Dave

"Take your clothes off"

Dave does as she says and then Crystal swiftly kicks Dave in the balls.
Before Crystal kicked Dave she had a good look at his seven inch cock it was thick and veiny, nice she thought to herself.

"Your knaked balls felt good against my bare foot" she says firmly.
Dave could not answer he just layed on the floor hoping the pain would go quickly.
Crystal gathered up her clothes and walked towards her back door, as she looked back at Dave she watched him get to his feet.

"Put your clothes back on and I will see you tomorrow and I mean tomorrow." she says this in a very dominant way.
Dave nods and put his clothes on and slowly limps back into his garden. Crystal takes down her underwear and lets Dave have a quick look before shutting the back door.
Crystal goes upstairs turns on the shower and thinks to herself just wait til I tell the girls what I did today.

So what do you think of that story?
written by unbusted(sadly)

05-02-2010, 02:18 PM
Thank you for your post one from the vaults.

I do write stuff for any one if a guy or woman likes to read or watch men busting men then that is what I will write about. the story COR MY BALLS was written because when I was younger I worked with lady who enjoyed watching men hit each other in the nuts. I have also worked with men who enjoyed ballbusting other men, it does not really turn me on personally but if a guy asked me if he could bust my balls I would probrably say yes. I do not think that their is anything wrong with that. I agree with you what ever you want to post you should post:jumpsmile just along as it does not break the rules.

Alec Anaconda
05-04-2010, 01:58 PM
KickThem: Thank you for Ballbusting Emporium. Most enjoyable.

Unbusted (sadly): It takes guts to post your first story. Thank you for sharing.

Please do not give up!

May I suggest:-

Start a new thread for each new story.

Don’t bother battling the homophobes unless you have a very thick skin.

Use a spelling and grammar checker, but don’t worry about perfection.

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
05-05-2010, 01:47 PM
You could feed one of your male charters female hormones, until he grows breasts.

Call him a she-male, refer to him as her, and post the story in a she-male thread.

Nobody moans about she-male / male action.

Alec Anaconda

05-05-2010, 02:33 PM
KickThem: Thank you for Ballbusting Emporium. Most enjoyable.

Unbusted (sadly): It takes guts to post your first story. Thank you for sharing.

Please do not give up!

May I suggest:-

Start a new thread for each new story.

Don’t bother battling the homophobes unless you have a very thick skin.

Use a spelling and grammar checker, but don’t worry about perfection.

Alec Anaconda

I'd post here more often but Alec tends to speak for me.

I agree, -- It's a good idea to start a new thread for your own stories, because some people feel offended when you post your stories in their story thread. I think it would be a good idea to make a thread dedicated to ballbusting stories to make it easier to just skim through and read, but it would be harder to find your favorite authors.

Also, the forum is femaledom, but I think gay content is okay -- not my thing but it is appropriate if the thread so warns about it. I absolutely cannot get off to a horse being *********, so I NEVER go to the "Cowgirls performing **********" thread. But I can get off to STORIES and furries, so I welcome myself into the "Furry Ballbusting" thread.

If I hated shemales, I wouldn't enter the "Shemale Ballbusting" Thread, but I love it, so I do.

I put up with content I don't like because I get content I do like here. Some people are afraid that.

If a man busts another man's balls as a sexual fetish, it is a gay sexual act. But, being interested in or taking part in gay ballbusting doesn't mean you're gay. Being gay is something entirely different. Gay men are not interested in women. Gay men have sex with men. Gay men may have to live their lives single, in hiding, with a cover woman, or with a man openly. These things change the way you live your entire life. Male-Male ballbusting does not.

Homophobes are bigots who have absolutely no solid reason to hate or fight against homosexuality. And nothing pisses me off more than a bigot. Continue to post on these forums, just type a warning at the top that can be easily seen that notifies people that the story is Male-Male. The more intelligent of us will move on, and those of us who are interested get extra content.

I absolutely loved the story and demand a sequel.

05-05-2010, 02:49 PM
thank you for the kind words guys and gals.
I am only saying I posted the stories on this thread because I thought this is where you should post them.

I also posted them here because I did say that I would in not so many words as I said about my story COR MY BALLS it is based on some ones fetish from years ago but I would really like to know if it was ok to read, apart from spelling do I need to work build up that sort of stuff, as I said in my above post I will write for any one about anything.
SERIOUSLY thank you for the positive and sensible replies not the moronic idiot that I feel attacked me not the story.
What did you people think of NEXT DOOR BUST. that was the second story I wrote.
I will thread another this weekend.
Thank you unbusted(sadly):thumbup

05-05-2010, 04:21 PM
Thanks for posting your work, unbusted(sadly). It would make it easier and clearer for everyone if you posted your stories in a new thread, though.

I've just posted a sequel to the Ballbusting Emporium. I write about what I fantasize about and enjoy most. I realize everyone has their own fantasies, but I hope most of you enjoy what I write, even if it isn't your exact "cup of tea."

I do have an idea for a third visit to the Emporium and will begin working on it soon.

05-09-2010, 04:05 PM
Thank you. I enjoyed Next door bust - look forward to the next one.
How old are Crystal and Dave? I like to know because it alters the perv factor. If both 18, that's one thing, but when one is 18 and the other 35 - it'S totally something else!

Sorry to see you got some shit for posting your first story - at least you posted! Most of don't write stories cos we can't. you could change Dan into Pam and switch the ending, or just switch the end, so when Dominic says How do you know my Mum? Dan switches on the light and she's sitting there with her hand down her pants or something.

Give us some more F/M stories, please.

BTW, when Crystal took her top off and her tits bounced around, did she have a bra or not?

Can you do one with Gloria de Piero busting balls?

05-10-2010, 01:45 PM
Hi msms
thank you for your post to answer your question Crystal was not wearing a bra.
Crystal was aged 19yrs and Dave was 25yrs.
I have written and posted another f/m ball-busting story on a new thread which some members advised me to do it is titled SAINTLY SHOOT it involves silvia saint busting nuts and that is also the thread title.

Yes I would write a story involving Gloria de piero busting a guy/s balls.
I just need some info about her, I have not seen her before or heard of her is she a porn/film star I need to know what she looks like things like that. So if you can give me a website about her than I can write one for you but do you want me to post it or send it to you via a private message let me know thank you.
P.S. I appreciate the pointers:jumpsmile

05-11-2010, 01:00 AM
Hi Unbusted, thanks for the info - now we know why Dave was so interested in watching her!

Gloria de Piero was big news last week - she's now an MP, but used to be a TV presenter. Her cleavage is well known to readers of a tabloid.

Thanks again for the stories.

05-11-2010, 01:05 AM
Hi Kickthem
Thanks for the emporium stories. I guess a lot of guys feel like Greg and don't have someone to bust them. Still, he's having a good time. Lookking forward to part 3.
Maybe you could repost your thread as it's such a good story!

10-24-2010, 12:42 PM
Kickthem, wonderful story. :bananajum I feel like a lot of can relate to Greg.

This is the first installment of the Emporium stories, right?
If so, consider this as a bump for those who are just getting into your stories. It's a shame that I haven't read into your stories sooner.

I look forward to reading many more!