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Alec Anaconda
05-21-2010, 01:14 PM
Do you like to be immobilised before you enjoy your ball / cunt busting?

Alec Anaconda

05-22-2010, 04:14 PM
I like to be immobilized when I am busted.
I perfer simple bondage so that I cannot escape the pain or prevent the busting.
So hands tied and the legs spread by rope or spearder bar is a prefered position by me.
Can be standing, a bench or bed.:)


05-25-2010, 10:50 PM
that can be enjoyable, but i sometimes find that i have to provide instruction on proper tying toamake sure that i cannot get out:o

05-26-2010, 02:58 AM
I haven't had the chance to do it yet, but I fantasize about being restrained and busted. I've got a big fetish for chicks in boxing gloves and ball punching.
So my fantasy/nightmare is for a sadistic girl to restrain me for real and pummel me. Pounding away at my balls with jabs, uppercuts, and combinations until I break.

05-26-2010, 07:23 PM
i love being tied up. i normally just use two sets of long ropes for my arms and legs but we will hopefully get a spreader bar soon so i cant close up when in searing pain. :iluvu:

Alec Anaconda
05-27-2010, 12:16 PM
I find that I can take much more ball-work when I’m bound.
It’s so refreshing to delegate all control and responsibility.

For a change, I’m not going to pass on an experience of mine, but quote from one of my favourite FemDom authors, Susan Strict.

Alec Anaconda

“I’m so glad you’re awake,” she told him with a smile. “I was so worried about you.”

He felt odd. Something was not right, but he could not quite place it at first. Several
things were wrong, things that were mostly quite logical but which he could not at first
find a reason for.

“My wrists hurt,” he said, trying to look at them. The clank of the handcuffs reminded
him that he was locked to the bed. “Undo these, please.”

“Of course,” she said, quickly unlocking the cuffs. He rubbed his red and bruised

“I’m sore, down there,” he said, a little puzzled. If he remembered correctly, she had
been sitting on his face when he passed out.

“Oh dear. Sorry,” she said, hiding her face from him.


She did not answer. “What?” he said more loudly.

“Sorry,” she said again. “I couldn’t resist it. You were out of it but your cock was
still hard, so I... did it. And as you didn’t do it, and you stayed hard, I did it
again. Actually I did it quite a few times. It was very good.”

He flinched as she put her hand on his manhood and examined it.

“Don’t,” he told her. “It really hurts.”

“I could kiss it better,” she suggested brightly. “Then we could do it again.”

“No!” he said urgently, as he realised her open mouth had already almost engulfed him.
The thought of that powerful suction, gripping lips and agile tongue on his painful
manhood at this moment was more than he could cope with. Even so, he felt himself
responding in an immediate arousal.

“All right,” she said grumpily, raising her head, “But I can see you want it.”

“I need to go,” he told her. “What’s the time?”

“Six o’clock,” she replied promptly.

“What! I’ve been here for five hours! I’ve got to get moving, I have three hundred
miles to drive!”

He sat up and looked round the room. “Where are my clothes?”

She moved away from him rapidly, suddenly seeming to be nervous.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Where are my clothes?”

“You don’t need them.”

“What do you mean I don’t need them?” He swung his legs off the bed. There was a loud
clanking noise, and he was aware of a heavy weight on one of his legs.

“What on earth...?”

She backed further away.

“What’s going on?” he demanded angrily, examining the heavy chain attached to his ankle.
She had retreated to the doorway.

“You’re not going,” she said quietly. “I’ll stay out of your way until you calm down and
get used to it, but you’re not going anywhere.”

He tried to free himself from the chain and the heavy manacle locked around his ankle.

“You won’t be able to take it off,” she said. “It’s much too strong, and even if you had
tools it would still be impossible. The other end of the chain is welded to the bed
frame. Don’t worry, the chain is quite long enough for you to go to the bathroom, but you
can’t go any further than that.”

“You’re mad,” he shouted, pulling desperately at the chain.

“Maybe I am,” she agreed. “I’m just making sure I’m not going to lose another boyfriend.
You’re staying, and that’s all there is to it.”

Strictly_Susan_-_The_Third_Collection (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=326&in=555)

05-27-2010, 01:05 PM
I love to tie my guy up before I maul and clobber his family jewels :iluvu:

05-27-2010, 11:26 PM
I love to tie my guy up before I maul and clobber his family jewels :iluvu:

Erica, my dear, you have such a way with words!:cryingblu

05-27-2010, 11:43 PM
Erica, my dear, you have such a way with words!:cryingblu

Hehe, I hope it's intimidating ;)

05-28-2010, 09:30 AM
I love to tie my guy up before I maul and clobber his family jewels :iluvu:

I like that too, being the wear of the family jewels,,

and taking away the family jewels in a second , is really scary,,, my Gf like to paly with knives,, even wen I am NOT tied up,, but I dare not move really scary.. she loves that

iron horse
05-28-2010, 12:38 PM
I created a poll on this a couple of years ago. The results are very informative. Here's the link:


As you can see, the vast majority, over 80%, prefer for the man to be tied up or incapacitated in some way. I personally prefer the following as the BEST scenario:

- he is completely naked, she is clothed
- his hands are tied or cuffed either behind him or above him denying his ability to cover his genitals with his hands
- his legs are spread wide and ankles tied open denying him the ability to clothes his legs and she can easily kick at will

Adding to the above are the *rare* videos that take it even further....

- he is also blindfolded such that he never knows when it is coming until the moment of impact
- there's a group of girls taking turns kick him in this predicament.

The ALL TIME best video for this: Brat Princess - "18 Kicks" :thumbup

Alec Anaconda
05-28-2010, 01:26 PM
From the associated post http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6133 (http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6133)
Iron Horse: The question is this - don't subs usually have a "safe word" or some ability to end the torture if she exceeds his limits on it? It seems as though she also took away his allowing her to go as far as she wants without him having the ability to communicate to her when it's gone too far and no way to stop it. I realize this is staged, but all the same, it seems he would want to have some way to end it, but has none whatsoever.

For those experienced in this - is this a fair statement?

When a man completely trusts a woman, dispensing with the safe word system moves the experience up a level.

That trust must cover her:
And motivation.

She decides when her man has taken sufficient pain, if his boundaries are to be extended and by how far.

She must determine if he is suffering serious trouble, such as choking or having a heart attack.

I have only infrequently experienced that level of trust, but there is nothing so rewarding as a session that goes just a little too far.

On the other hand, when a woman has given me her absolute trust, I find the responsibility onerous.
I have found female pain thresholds unpredictably variable, with a tightrope-walk between too much and too little.

For anybody who planning to use the safe word system, I’ve also found women who unilaterally change the rules.

Alec Anaconda

05-29-2010, 10:40 PM
I Myself Don't Enjoy Being Restrained Or Confined In Any Way , But I Do Like Women In Bondage , and women getting cuntbusted in bondage:D

06-06-2010, 04:25 PM
I love to be immobilised before my balls are busted. I love to feel vulnerable. And I love to be ****** to experience just how vulnerable I really am. Luckily I have a very cruel Amazonian Mistress who is bigger and stronger than me!

Alec Anaconda
06-14-2010, 04:46 AM
Here’s an extract from a newly released bandage ebook that I found entertaining.

The first thing he noticed was that he was cold.
There was almost a numbness creeping into his bones and the surface he was lying on was hard.
The dizzying disorientation made it difficult to concentrate, but he realized his arms were stretched out to his sides and he uncurled his fists to brush his finger pads against it.
Concrete… yes, I’m pretty sure it’s cement I’m lying on.

Slowly other senses came to life, and he smelled a dank, musty smell that reminded him of a place either long abandoned, or a cave… maybe a cellar.
He strained to hear, and he thought he caught the sound of some kind of metal softly banging into something hard enough to emit a slight clanging sound.

The eyes were a different matter.
He was sure they were open, yes, I’m blinking, but there was only a dim light that let him see through a dark fog.
Gradually, other things began to occur to him, and he tried to raise his hands to rub his eyes to clear them, but they refused to cooperate.
No, my muscles are working. My wrists are tied down to something.
He pulled with his strong arms, but they barely moved.

He tried to clear his fuzzy mind to think.
Have I been in an accident?
Is that girl… Julie, something… is she here?
Shit, what if Harriet finds out?
How long have I been here?

Sam did a mental scan of his body.
Nothing hurt, but maybe they had given him something for pain.

As time passed by, exactly how much time he was not sure, an accident seemed unlikely.
He tried to think back to the last thing he remembered.
The office and the Phiston contract… Julie laughing with me over the meeting… I called Harriet to tell her I was working late on the completed contract… Julie’s apartment and having sex with her.
Did we have sex?
He remembered her straddling his lap.

As he became more conscious, several uncomfortable facts about his situation bombarded him and caused the dizzying headache to turn into a painful throb.
His ankles had some kind of straps on them that were holding them spread apart and locked in place.

Now fully awake, he became anxious as the full measure of his current status became clearer.
He realized he was naked and lying on a concrete floor with his hands and ankles spread and bound, and he could not see.
At last he tried to call out, and his voice came out raspy and hoarse,
“Hello? Hello, is anyone there?”

God, I’m thirsty.
It felt as though the inside of his throat had been scraped with something, and it was swollen and sore.

“Mr. Sturgis, I see that you are awake.”
The voice had a slight echo, and he thought it might be coming from a loudspeaker.

He tried to search for the sound with his unfocused eyes, and that was the first indication he had that there was a strap around his neck as well, like some kind of collar.
It was hooked to the floor beneath him, and offered minimal movement.

“Where the hell am I?” he demanded, and the voice of authority that usually caused his employees to quake, came out as a feeble croak.

“You are in Section Nine, Training Room Three. Someone will be with you shortly,” the woman’s voice echoed.

He heard the click of some switch, and he guessed that it had been the speaker being turned off.
“Hey… hey… what the fuck are you talking about?”
He winced at the pain in his throat.
“Who the hell are you? I demand you release me, now.”

He finally silenced when no further responses echoed a reply and his yelling was hurting so badly that he felt like he was swallowing glass.
His eyes seemed to be adjusting, and he was relieved to begin to see a light haze around the edges of the fog.

In a comfortable office in the center of the training hub, a woman ran a French tipped manicured nail down the ridges of her cut crystal rocks glass.
The ice clinked as she took a small sip of the single malt.
After she looked on the monitor in the corner at the man spread on the floor, and had assured herself it was Samuel’s raspy voice she had heard through the speaker she said,
“You guarantee he will not be found?”

OFF_THE_CHAIN_by_Candace_Smith (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2493&in=222)

Alec Anaconda

06-14-2010, 04:56 PM
Hehe, I hope it's intimidating ;)

Intimidating, tantalizing, arousing... :o

06-18-2010, 09:21 AM
Most definatly restrained. I tell my wife she can do what ever she likes as long as I am tired up. She is amazed I get hard from getting kicked in the balls, ass beat red, etc. She will not admit it but she is wet as hell and wants to fuck after she beats on me and my balls. What can I say I love her....

Alec Anaconda
07-19-2010, 09:22 AM
Here’s another bondage story, well worth reading, from the writing queen of FemDom

GIRLS SCHOOL, by Susan Strict

When Gary took the job at the academy for young ladies, he had never expected anything more than hard work to maintain the buildings and grounds.
An unfortunate incident with one of the girls led to so much more, and Gary found himself a prisoner at the mercy of the sadistic headmistress who was determined to use him to educate the students in the finer points of how to dominate men.
Most important in the headmistress’s curriculum for the girls was they all should experience the joy of achieving a sexual climax while sitting astride the face of a helpless man tied to a bed.
The greatest problem for Gary, was that there were more than three hundred young ladies at that academy and he was the only man, and the headmistress was determined that every one of them would have the opportunity to gain some practical experience.

Extract (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=1690&in=776)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
07-20-2010, 12:28 PM
Bobby suffered pain and humiliation at the hands of three Mistresses before finally being accepted as suitable to become their permanent slave.
His relationship with Mistress Andrea developed far beyond the norm for a Mistress and her slave, and all three Mistresses began to trust and rely on Bobby’s abilities and judgement.

However, life was not simple.
Firstly, they needed to deal with the young thugs who had attacked and injured Bobby and were now in the Mistresses’ dungeon after trying to break into the house.
Secondly, there were other Mistresses whose treatment of slaves was far from being as mild as Andrea and her sisters, and Bobby was going to find that his experiences would become far from pleasant – particularly when Andrea began to have doubts as to whether she was being harsh enough in their relationship.

Extract (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2538&in=78)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
07-22-2010, 01:15 PM
I should have mentioned the first book in this series, A_GAME_FOR_BOBBY (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2515&in=79)

Alec Anaconda

07-23-2010, 01:45 PM
A few years ago I went out with a very inventive girl friend. One night she told me she had bought a few presents for me, but I had to strip naked first. She was wearing tight water look leggings and a short top.

She told me to take all my clothes off and kneel in front of her. I did this and she stood in front of me with a large bag. "I have lots of things in here for you she said" and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs. She secured my wrists behind my back and told me to stand up.

When I stood up we started to kiss intensly. She was pressing hard up against me. I soon got a huge erection. She let this rise between her legging clad thighs and rubbed it gently. Then stepped back and smiled at me. I knew what was comming but did not resist as she kneed me quite hard between the legs.

I bent over groanig, but unable to clutch my self due to the hand cuffs. "Now for my next present for you", she said and pulled a humbler out of her bag. She walked behind me and reached between my legs and gently grasped my bollocks and pulled them back between my legs. She then fastened the humbler leaving me bent double with my hands cuffed behind my back.

Walking back in front of me she pulled a length of rope out of her bag and then proceeded to bind me just above my knees.

07-23-2010, 01:47 PM
A few years ago I went out with a very inventive girl friend. One night she told me she had bought a few presents for me, but I had to strip naked first. She was wearing tight water look leggings and a short top.

She told me to take all my clothes off and kneel in front of her. I did this and she stood in front of me with a large bag. "I have lots of things in here for you she said" and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs. She secured my wrists behind my back and told me to stand up.

When I stood up we started to kiss intensly. She was pressing hard up against me. I soon got a huge erection. She let this rise between her legging clad thighs and rubbed it gently. Then stepped back and smiled at me. I knew what was comming but did not resist as she kneed me quite hard between the legs.

I bent over groanig, but unable to clutch my self due to the hand cuffs. "Now for my next present for you", she said and pulled a humbler out of her bag. She walked behind me and reached between my legs and gently grasped my bollocks and pulled them back between my legs. She then fastened the humbler leaving me bent double with my hands cuffed behind my back.

Walking back in front of me she pulled a length of rope out of her bag and then proceeded to bind me just above my knees.

07-24-2010, 03:20 AM
I was bent double with my hands cuffed behind my back, my legs tied at the knees and my balls held behind my thighs in a humbler. She walked in front of me and sat down on a wooden chair close to my face. "Now I have got you ready let's see what else we have in here" she smiled pulling open her bag. She pulled out a small pair of pliers, see the worried look on my face she said "don't worry these are not for you". Then she pulled out what looked like a small tenis racket. "This is an electric fly zapper" she explained, "it has an electrified mesh but to stop you zapping yourself it has a grid on either side of the mesh". She then started to snip through the grid with the pliers. "And guess what I am going to use this for?"

She pulled the chair up close to me and spreading her legs wide pulled me to her crotch clad in her tight leggings. I started to nuzzle her as she continued to snip through the protective grid on the zapper.

Alec Anaconda
07-24-2010, 12:12 PM
I like the way you are going with this.

More please!

Alec Anaconda

07-26-2010, 01:40 PM
Thanks Alec.

I was enjoying thefeel of her through her leggings when she stood up and said "Enough of that, how much do you think you can take?" I was imoblised by the humbler and the binds around my knees as she walked around behind me. The next thing I felt was a blow to my nuts. It made me wince, but not too much, it felt more like a slap. "How many?" she asked. "Ten", I said not thinking it was too bad.

"Ok, but I made a mistake the, I hit you but forgot to turn on the zapper". She then proceeded to spank my balls ten times with the bat, each time there was the initial pain of the swipe followed quickly by the pain from the electric shock. After two swipes I was wimpering but unable to do anything because of my bondage. Seeing how I was teetering she grabbed me by the hair as she carried on beating and zapping my boolocks.

Alec Anaconda
07-31-2010, 08:54 AM
Your story is just becoming interesting, jblack9999.
I’ve experienced many painful punishments, but never an electric fly swot.
How did this feel?
And, what did she do next?


I forgot the cover picture for A_GAME_FOR_BOBBY (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2515&in=79) so here it is.

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
07-31-2010, 09:16 AM
Here’s an unmissable volume for any man who enjoys pain.

Eleanor Tremaine has brilliantly shortened, updated and translated the classical masochistic story from the legend who gave his very name to masochism, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.

VENUS_IN_LEATHER (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2514&in=74)

Alec Anaconda

07-31-2010, 09:57 AM
The fantasy I like is of being trapped somehow, so my hands aren't tied but they can't protect my nads - but some evil female could...!

For example:

If a woman stronger than she appears has me trapped in a corner, one arm pinned behind me, and the other blocked by her body. She just takes her time reaching into my pants, taking my poor nuts into her grip, then slaowly squeezes the life out of them.



Alec Anaconda
07-31-2010, 01:24 PM
It’s even more exciting when she slides her hand down to the buttock first, and gradually glides over naked flesh to her venerable target.


Once again, I failed to post the image for my previous post.
VENUS_IN_LEATHER (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2514&in=74)

Alec Anaconda

07-31-2010, 07:17 PM
It’s even more exciting when she slides her hand down to the buttock first, and gradually glides over naked flesh to her venerable target.


Once again, I failed to post the image for my previous post.
VENUS_IN_LEATHER (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2514&in=74)

Alec Anaconda

I have to agree that is pretty sensual.

08-01-2010, 08:39 AM
I think a kick in the balls immobilizes guite well. But anyway, I don't like the male to be tied up or anything. I like the scenario to be mostly realistic with the guy being the baddie and deserving the punishment. Like some would-be molester getting his balls squashed.

08-01-2010, 11:13 AM
After she had finished beating me she took a step back. I could not stand up straight because of the humbler, or move because of the rope around my knees. I looked up and she looked so beautiful in her wet look leggings and tight top. Despite that I just wanted to drop to the floor and cup my sore balls. "I am going to get a glass of wine", she said, "why don't you relax a bit until I come back". I felt so relieved thinking I could have some relief to my pain, but she had other ideas. She picked up the wooden chair that she had been sitting on in front of me and put it behind me. She then walked back in front of me and grabbing me by my hair pulled my mouth back up to her crotch wrapped in her shinny leggings. After a short while she said "That is enough" and pushed me back sharply. With my hands cuffed behind my back, my knees tied and my balls held between my thighs in the humbler, there was nothing I could do but fall back onto the hard wooden seat she had placed behind me.

Not too much of a punishment except i landed hard on my nuts held firmly out of the back of my thighs. After the initial pain I managed to adjust my position, and whilst my bondage basically meant i was sitting on my own balls I managed to adjust the position so it was not to painful.

However my GF soon returned with her glass of wine. After looking at my and my evident discomfort with some ammusment she came to me, and sat on my lap. I had a beautiful girl straddling me, but her weight was squashing my poor testicles on the wooden seat I was sitting on.

As I gasped in pain she said "Silly me, I forgot something so you will really remember tonight." She then got the fly zapper and wriggling her self to cause me more discomfort continued, " The way this works is it has an accumulator. It stores the charge from the battery until the voltage is high enough and then gives out the zap. I think that happens about every 5 seconds. I have been wondering how long the battery would last." She smiled at me and got off my lap. I was relieved that some of the wieght was off my balls.

"This is the experiment I have thought of to see how long the battery will last" she said with a smile. Then grabbing me by the hair she pulled me up slightly from the seat and quickly put the zapper under me before pushing me back down.

I was now in a position with my hands cuffed behind my back, my knees tied together and I was sitting on my balls held between my arse cheeks in a humbler on top of the bat like device. "Oh I have not turned it on" she said and then did so. The first electric jolt hit my balls hard and they kept comming every five seconds or so. The worst thing was that each jolt caused me to jump in the air, but come back down and squash my nuts on the electric wire.

08-01-2010, 09:20 PM

Alec Anaconda
08-03-2010, 09:18 AM
new yahoo group



Thanks, Digo.

I joined and found over a hundred interesting photos and cartoons.


I’m still enjoying your story, jblack9999.
Any more to come?

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
08-05-2010, 01:15 PM
Stella Fyre has just released her best novel yet.

SEX_ GAMES_AND_MORE_PAIN (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2562&in=72)

Alec Anaconda

08-06-2010, 02:41 AM
Me and my girlfriend are not that far yet but I fantasize of being bound leg spreaded and in full control of my domme. :eek:

Since men are normally stronger than women it doesn't fell realistic if the male could defend himself.

Alec Anaconda
08-07-2010, 11:43 AM
This FemDom bondage book has some fasinating cock and ball bondage.

DESDAMONA (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2008&in=68)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
08-14-2010, 12:32 PM
Not to be missed!

TRAINING_THE_SLAVES_by_Peter_King (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2574&in=67)

Alec Anaconda

08-16-2010, 10:50 AM
i like either one...girls would u prefer mine tied or loose

Alec Anaconda
09-03-2010, 11:54 AM
Susan Strict and John Savage

Tyr opened his eyes slowly. His head ached.
He had no idea where he was or what had happened to him.
He was looking straight up at the inside of a roof structure.
Had he been dreaming?
No, surely that was not his own house.
It seemed somehow distant, and there was something wrong with the shape of it, and…

At once, he was aware of someone near him.
Instinctively he tried to roll over rapidly and reach for his sword, and it was only then that he realized he could not move.

It was another few seconds before it dawned on him that he was tied, spread-eagled, and yet another few seconds before he registered the fact that he was completely naked.

Tyr fought the leather ties that held him, his body bucking and his muscles straining to break free or to pull the wooden stakes from the ground.
After ten minutes of putting every shred of strength into the task, he lay still, sweating and gasping with the exertion.

“You will not break free.”
The words startled him.

Read more of this extract: The_Barbarian_and_the_Amazons (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2629&in=61)

Alec Anaconda

Anal male
09-03-2010, 12:46 PM
I find it without question much better when bound! Especially when there is no way to protect oneself and I am totally at her mercy (if she has any that is!).:wooow

Alec Anaconda
09-04-2010, 12:38 PM
Would you care to share your bondage preferences, Anal Male?

Perhaps your favourite position, restraint points and with/without blindfold/gag?

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
09-07-2010, 02:00 PM
Danny is falsely accused of burning down a warehouse belonging to his employer, and someone has deposited a large sum of money in his bank account, making it look as though he was paid to do it.
Instead of calling the police and suffering the adverse publicity, the chairwoman of the corporation sentences him to a month of extreme BDSM punishment at her isolated home, and Danny’s wife is to play an active role in punishing him.

EXTRACT A_Time_in_Hell (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2633&in=61)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
09-10-2010, 12:33 PM
Her words and the way she had spoken them had placed fear into his very soul.
In her voice was the sound of cruelty, and it was even more menacing than her appearance.
“Strip all of your clothes off,” she said, “I want to see you as naked as the day you were born.”

Danny had expected this order at some time, but he had not expected it to come so soon.
Over the last eight hours, he had been reading BDSM books to try to gain some insight into what might happen to him.
Some of what he had read about FemDom had put real fear into him, but the overriding theme that was in all that he had read was that if you did what you were told without questioning it, then punishments were rare.
Without thinking about it, he stripped off all of his clothes and stood in front of the two women completely naked.

The Mistress gave a little smirk and stood up.
She walked forward until she was in front of him, and Danny cringed inwardly when he noticed the riding crop swinging from her hand.
He dared not look directly at it, because he had also learned in the books that he should avert his eyes.
She stepped right up to within a couple of inches of his face and stared him in the eyes, and he held his breath in case it smelled and offended her.

There was still the smirk on her face as she moved to his side.
With the end of the riding crop, she lifted his manhood.
This was unexpected, and Danny’s manhood began to rise although he did not realise it until the Mistress pulled away and struck his penis with the crop.
It stung like hell, and Danny gave a cough and almost doubled up, holding his manhood.

“Stand up straight, you bitch. I never told you to move. Put your hands back at your sides.”

There were tears in Danny’s eyes as he straightened his back once more, his hands held firmly at his sides.
His manhood was now flaccid and motionless, but the tingling was still there.
He looked across at Tina and thought he caught her laughing, although her expression turned serious the moment she saw him glance in her direction.
Surely, Danny thought, she would not find it amusing to see him in pain?
The Mistress was now behind him and he felt her breath on his neck, and then there was a sharp slap on his ass.
He was not expecting it, and he nearly fell over in shock.
However, he managed to keep his balance, but when he looked at Tina once more there was no mistaking the smile on her face.
He was now feeling even more intimidated and more alone than he was when he first entered the house.

The Mistress was moving in front of him once more.
“You are a miserable thing, aren’t you? Now you are here under my control, I am sure you will be a better person when you leave.”

She turned and shouted, “Jack!” and a young man about the same age as Danny entered the room, but he was fully dressed.

“Yes, Mistress? How might I assist you?”

“Put the collar and cuffs on this filth and take him down to a cell. I will see to him later.”

The young man slipped a metal collar around Danny’s neck and then lifted his hands one at a time, locking his wrists into the cuffs that were attached.
Danny was roughly turned around and pulled from the room, and then he was led down some steps into the basement.
There was a small room sticking out of one of the walls, and Danny was pushed through the door where he was then chained to a wall.
The chain was only long enough to allow him to sit down on a metal bed, which had no mattress and only a thick blanket over the springs.
When the young man left, Danny was feeling very much alone, and he had a big knot of fear and despair in his stomach.

Up the stairs, the Mistress had turned on the TV and with the remote, she had turned it over to the CCTV channel.
She and Tina were watching Danny down in the cell, and the Mistress looked around at Tina’s smiling face and said,
“I am going to have so much fun with your husband, and I will be starting right after we have had our evening meal.”

A_Time_in_Hell (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2633&in=61)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
09-19-2010, 12:11 PM
Home Sweet Home by R.G. Bargy

R.G. Bargy’s first erotic novel, Home Sweet Home is a tale of mostly consensual erotic bondage.
Meet Tasha, a successful business woman who gets her sexual fulfiment from self bondage and enforced mechanical stimulation.
Mel, her housemate, who prefers latex and strict bondage without the sexual overtones, and Andrew, the enigmatic workmate of Mel’s who invites himself in and worms his way into Tasha’s confidence.
Will Tasha succumb to his charms and accept his dominance, or will she hold onto her independance and self-gratification? Or maybe she has latent lesbian feelings for Mel?

Extract: Home_Sweet_Home (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2652&in=60)

Alec Anaconda
09-24-2010, 09:49 AM

The door opened and Billy began to tremble.
The Mistress came in and looked at him, smiling.
“I see that you are trembling with excitement, Billy, and ready to get started with the lessons in manners. Well, don’t you worry yourself. By the time I have finished with you, your manners will be impeccable.”

She looked down at Billy.
“Do you think that thirty strokes of the cane would be too much?” and she added,
“Don’t answer that, because I was asking myself.”

She went behind him and grasped his buttock cheek.
“Well, it is big enough to take that kind of punishment, but I think I will start off with the flogger, just to warm your body up.”

Read more of A_FURTHER_TIME_IN_HELL (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2674&in=59)

Alec Anaconda
09-27-2010, 11:55 AM

There was a long, dramatic silence before she began speaking to Ricardo Lopez, again.
“I’m thinking of taking out my wrath on the most sensitive portions of your body,” Cassandra announced.
“Maybe that would relax me, and put me in a better mood. I’ve always enjoyed squeezing your nuts in my fist.”

Extract: FEMDOM_MOMENTS (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2652&in=58)

Alec Anaconda
10-11-2010, 12:52 PM
When he was dressed, she tied a ribbon with a four-foot tail around his sack, and after giving it a little tug, she said,
“Follow me. The guests will be here in an hour.”

Read more of Stella Fyre’s latest Femdom novel: SUBMISSION_BY_BLACKMAIL (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2714&in=57)

Alec Anaconda
10-28-2010, 12:24 PM
This is the best involuntary incineration and CBT novel I have read this year.

MORE_FEMDOM_MOMENTS (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=2722&in=56)

Alec Anaconda

11-11-2010, 09:52 AM
Damn that looks painful.

11-16-2010, 02:33 PM
Being restrained creates a bigger mind fuck, as it gives Mistress total control.

That said, she also loves being able to kick and crush her toys when I'm unrestrained. For even when I'm free of my shackles, my restraints are my desire to take her pain and to please her ever more....

If I have a favourite position it's legs spread and bent forward over the table, cuffed at wrists and ankles, allowing relatively little squirm room. A good pounding of the nuts, followed by a good hard arse reaming, topped off by a few judicious kicks....heaven!

Alec Anaconda
06-25-2011, 12:59 PM
Milking Male Essence, by Chris Bellows

Roger Armsworth Todd was once a successful investment banker, whose life is completely changed when he’s convicted of statutory **** and sent to Sing Sing prison for a lengthy stay.
With the hope of leading a more normal life, he signs on for a voluntary therapy program, which, if successful, will allow him to live as a free man outside of prison—free with a few critical physical and behavioral modifications.
Guided by his trainer, ‘Nurse Rachel’, he’s been systematically programmed to associate ejaculation with pain, making this once predatory male as tame as lamb.
But has rehabilitation really left him better off? The terms for his freedom are stringent—one misstep and it’s back to Sing Sing.
And his new life is nothing like what he would hope for with a key piece of his life—and anatomy—off-limits forever.
Just as difficult are the lingering memories from his training.
While the program was designed to minimize any possible attraction to his domineering nurse, Roger is unable to wipe the imprint of her voice from his mind.
Though he’s never seen her face, when three years after his training, he hears Nurse Rachel’s distinctive voice on a commuter train, he knows that he’s inadvertently stumbled onto the anonymous female therapist responsible for his transformation.
Even now, Roger’s attraction to the woman cannot be denied.
All he wants from her now are a few answers to some lingering questions, but he’s soon swept back into her world where he’ll have a new role and new demands from his cunning and provocative nurse.
Chris Bellows both challenges and titillates the erotic imagination in this singular story of Feminine Domination.

EXTRACT: Milking_Male_Essence (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=3174&in=174)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
06-27-2011, 12:25 PM
You watch as she puts down the handbag and raises the whip.

As it flashes down towards you, the tails a blur, you realise its target and begin to scream in protest.

The scream of protest turns into a scream of agony as the tails impact on your sac.

Seconds later, they strike your now flaccid penis.

You can’t move, you can’t do anything apart from scream and beg as your wife lashes your genitals.

Long extract from THE CONTRACT by Ed Edas, THE_CONTRACT (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=1610&in=610)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
07-01-2011, 01:32 PM
… “But if Tootsie makes you cum…oh dear.”
Catherine held up a needle, twisting it between thumb and forefinger with a meaningful smirk.
“Then you’ll be a very sorry little boy indeed, with a pair of ventilated balls. Shall we begin? Say hello to Tootsie.”

Read more of this novel by Severin

THIS_LITTLE_PIGGY (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=3117&in=117)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
07-28-2011, 04:32 AM
Take a look at this extract from CHAIN of COMMAND.

It's BB in bondage.


Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
07-29-2011, 12:09 PM
Take a look at this extract from CHAIN of COMMAND.

It's BB in bondage.


Alec Anaconda

She clamped his nipples with weighted clamps and bound his balls with a thin black cord.
His gonads were quite visible ib his scrotum.
She was ready and eager to give him the "therapy" he wanted.

Alec Anaconda
08-01-2011, 12:01 PM
Take a look at this extract from CHAIN of COMMAND.

It's BB in bondage.


Alec Anaconda

"You can take more. You will take more. You need it. Don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress." He wished he could massage his balls and somehow relieve the pain behind his pubic bone.

She made him wait.

She lightly caressed his penis with her soft hand and made it semi-erect.

"Oh, Mistress," he maoned while she did.

"A little pleasure. A little pain." She gave each ball a sharp strike.

Alec Anaconda
08-04-2011, 01:24 PM
She clamped his nipples with weighted clamps and bound his balls with a thin black cord.
His gonads were quite visible ib his scrotum.
She was ready and eager to give him the "therapy" he wanted.

"Oh, that feels so good, Mistress."

"It does for now," she said in an icy vioce that made it clear she was going to be intense tonight.

It also increased his anxiety, since she had been dramatically pushing his pain limits as of late.

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
08-20-2011, 12:47 PM

Paul Bastien Bastien was naked apart from a thick, studded black leather collar around his muscular neck and a narrow black leather harness around his cock and balls.

He was crawling on all fours as he moved towards Lady Stern and he’d clearly remembered his instructions.

Leaning forward he pressed his lips to her left boot, kissing and licking the black patent leather.

Gradually he made his way around the back of the boot and Sandra opened her legs more, enabling him to put his head between them to lick the inner surfaces.

She pressed her calves together, trapped his head and then relaxed the pressure so he could transfer his attention to the right foot, repeating the process.

“Now the heels,” she demanded sternly.

The Frenchman rolled over onto his back.

He had a strong, athletic body with a broad hairless chest, flat belly and muscular arms and legs.

His penis was already erect and the area around it was shaven.

His hard cock was strapped into a small black leather harness that lifted and separated his heavy balls.

“All right, now get to your feet and come over here,” Sandra snapped at him, pointing towards the metal cross.

Stern_Manor_by_Denise_la_Croix (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=3348&in=348)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
08-26-2011, 12:51 PM
The Q-Tip Punishment

Arthur is a frustrated male sub, who's wife Emma has no interest in playing his silly slave games.

When he finally talks her into visiting a ranch that caters to dominant females and their slave husbands, he thinks he's found the perfect solution to play out his fantasies.

But life at 'The Ranch' is far from what he expects.

As soon as they arrive, a stern warder, Hilda, zaps him with a cattle prod and locks his genitals in a chastity belt, pocketing the key.

Emma soon learns that Arthur has been emailing the ranch director Jenett, pretending to be her.

Read more, The_Q-Tip_Punishment_by_Orlando (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&pr=3369&in=369)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
09-22-2011, 01:06 PM
My publisher is offering some of my books at half price, for a few days.

Special_Offer (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php?id=annoc&in=999)

Click the centre top banner.

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
10-15-2011, 11:59 AM
Lady Nightshade by FrancineWhittaker

Lady_Nightshade (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b3600-lady-nightshade.htm?id=annoc&in=600)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
10-20-2011, 11:51 AM
Fem Dom - F/F and Fem Dom - F/M

Anitas-Island (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b3629-anitas-island.htm?id=annoc&in=629)

Alec Anaconda

10-21-2011, 03:45 AM
Do you like to be immobilised before you enjoy your ball / cunt busting?

Alec Anaconda

I definately like to be immobilized - so hot!

10-21-2011, 07:59 AM

Thanks, Digo. Great pics on this site.

Alec Anaconda
01-21-2012, 12:27 PM
I was standing there, right in front of her.

She mocked me,

“Yes, Jordan,” lifting her leg and pointing her toe at my crotch.

I winced. She was rubbing me, trying to get me hard again.

Just then I heard the car in the driveway.

“It’s Carly,” I exclaimed. “She’s home.”

“So?” Jordan kept masturbating me with her bare foot.

I shuttered, her toes pushing at my balls, which were full of fresh come.

“So...we’ll get caught.”

“You’re a lawyer. Talk your way out of it.”

The front door opened.

I hopped backwards, depriving Jordan of her target.

“Did I say you could move?”

“No,” I croaked miserably.

“Back in place,” she snapped her fingers.

I whimpered. Carly was in the kitchen. She would come out here any second.

Like a man on his way to execution, I presented my khaki covered crotch for further stimulation.

“You’re learning,” she approved. “But you have a long way to go.”

“Please, stop it,” I begged.

“What will you do in exchange?”

I could hear Carly’s footsteps, the barely audible squeak of her favorite sneakers; a perfect match to her navy blue t-shirt and white shorts.

“Anything, Jordan, anything.”

Jordans_Pet (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b3999-jordans-pet.htm?id=annoc&in=601)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
03-09-2012, 09:35 AM
Celia struck him in the belly with her right fist and seized his throat with her left hand.

He tried to fight her off, but her grip was like iron.

His eyes bulged and his breath whooshed as she brought her right knee crashing up into his crotch.

She kneed him twice more in the testicles, then allowed him to sag to the floor, retching and gasping for air.

Family_Slave (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4156-family-slave.htm?id=annoc&in=602)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda
03-11-2012, 01:51 PM
AMANDA_AND_JANE (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4174-amanda-and-jane.htm?id=annoc&in=603)

03-13-2012, 06:48 AM
I dont like to have my movements restricted, but i do like to have my balls tied up pretty tight and having them abused. Especially since i am not a hanger, my balls tend to tight up, which makes it hard to get them in a slap or kick. So having them tied, makes it pretty hard to get away and i can enjoy the ball pain, instead of just the skin pain that i offen get when they are tighten up. The thinner the sack is at the moment, the best is the pain, because it reaches the ball itself and not the whole lot of skin.

I havent tried tieing them separetly. Does anyone have good tips on how to do it?

Alec Anaconda
03-13-2012, 01:02 PM
In harsh times in a hard land, a woman traveling alone might well become prey for all sorts of men with evil on their minds. But if that woman is an Amazon, it is the predatory males who should beware.

AMAZON'S_REVENGE (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4182-amazons-revenge.htm?id=annoc&in=604)

Alec Anaconda

Alec Anaconda, A1
06-04-2012, 09:18 AM
Colin had an ongoing fantasy,that his lovely wife Teri would dominate him, make him her slave. He also fantasized about her having a lover, so he could watch.
Slave_Husband (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4550-slave-husband-book-one.htm?id=annoc&in=604)

Alec Anaconda, A1
06-18-2012, 12:22 PM
Women With the Whip Hand by Lindsay Ross

A collection of short stories, including The Merciless Nurse.

Women_with_the_Whip_Hand (http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/b4532-women-with-the-whip-hand.htm?id=annoc&in=603)