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06-05-2010, 01:49 PM
Hi guy's

I am arranging to have my balls busted by a proffessional ball buster.
I would just like to know from any else who has had this done, can you give me some advice on how to prepare such as, is it a good idea to eat before the session, is their any form of breathing exercise that helps with the pain?

Any advice would be welcome, the lady her self is very experienced, I am also trying to think of senarios.

I have e-mailed the lady in question some so people know, I have never had my balls busted and I am keen to have them busted. The mistress knows this and I have booked an eight hour session (lots of role play).

So any advice or ideas would be appreciated. YES I AM SERIOUS.:bananajum :loveeyes :ibow4u: :jumpsmile

06-05-2010, 02:18 PM
Eight hours???!!!!! Good luck. Start slow and test your limits. If she is experienced she will understand this. Make sure you tell her just what you want and experiment to see what you like the best. When I first started I never thought about being kicked from behind and I discovered it was one of my favorite ways to be kicked. Don't get kicked hard at first, build to it and you may even find you don't need to be busted really hard to enjoy it. I know for me I found that getting slapped by the foot between my legs allows me to take more of it and it lasts much longer, the pain building in my crotch and it is a real turn on for me. Most important, relax and have fun. Be open and honest with her and you should have a good time. Good luck.

Alec Anaconda
06-06-2010, 06:59 AM
I’m exceptionally worried about giving you advice.

Then again, I’m concerned about not doing this.

Is their any form of breathing exercise that helps with the pain?

The pain is the point.

I have e-mailed the lady in question so some people know

You are wise to be anxious for your safety.

Her fee for a full day must be a substantial sum, and the sex industry is plagued by scams.
How much do you know about this Mistress?
Are you even sure that there is a Mistress?
If you found her through the web, post her site address here.

My greatest worry is that she has agreed to a full day session for your first time; this rings loud warning bells in my head.
I think eight hours is far too long and that a one-hour session is more than enough.

I also suggest you read skweezme’s posts.

Whatever you do, good luck!

Alec Anaconda

06-06-2010, 07:17 AM
I will private message you the mistresses website only with your permission.

The femdom in question has appeared in kinky kicks videos, I have e-mailed her several times and she has told me where the session will be taking place, I have checked this site out and it looks genuine.

I do understand that there are many scams in the porn industry and surrounding fetish sites but I have looked on all of her other sites and she comes across as genuine. No money has changed hands yet, like I have said I will private message you the sites with your permission. Do not want to post incase improaches any femdom rules.


06-06-2010, 07:36 AM
Once you are 'in the zone' you will find you feed off the pain and even crave more so don't worry about breathing etc. Your biggest worry will be trying not to blow your load...

However, as other have said, 8 hours?!?!? Eating before isn't going to be an issue - you'll need a couple of meals during!

Have you talked through with her what is going to happen. There is no way you will be able to take 8 hours of testicular abuse and I'd be surprised if she could keep things up for that long either. Also, with that much stimulation you are going to need to cum several times if only to release the pent-up desire. If you don't then you are more likely to end up focussing on orgasm denial than the ball busting. However, when you do cum you'll need a while to recover before the next session starts.

You may also find that unless you self-bust a lot your nuts won't be able to take a lot of busting first time. They will swell and if there is a lot of busting you are unlikely to be able to take it for that long.

You will also know your stamina level which will help you plan things out. Don't expect to be able to withstand being kept on a sexual 'high' for the whole 8 hours. Maybe work out 3 or 4 sessions over that period and if you can take more then just make it up!

Also, daft as it sounds, get to know your nuts. I find that squeezing after blows is too painful. You may be the opposite. Also, consider how to make the best of the time you have. A crunching knee in the spuds may be erotic but if you spend 99% of the time curled up in a ball you won't get much out of it.

As others have said though, really, really consider if 8 hours is a good plan. For a first time I'd say a single 'scenario' lasting two hours max would be best as it helps you find your limits and know what you want from next time. I doubt many experiences bustees would go for 8 hours as the simple fact is testicles simply cannot take punishment for that long and it still be enjoyable.

The only other piece of advice is don't drive there. You will find it impossible to drive back safely with balls the size of grapefruit being mashed between your thighs every time you brake or change gear...

Alec Anaconda
06-06-2010, 09:31 AM
Don’t worry about violating this site’s rules, as unwanted links are automatically censored.

If this mistress’s site can be found using Google, she can have no objections to you posting it here.

There’s no point in sending this link to me privately, as I never pay for any sexual services and I’m too busy to do much research.
Others may know this lady.

Again, think hard on eight hours, and good luck.

On the down side, you’ll need a new forum-name!

Alec Anaconda

06-06-2010, 01:10 PM
Yes I do agree eight hours is a long time, I should of mentioned this when I first threaded this there will be lots of breaks.


Thank you for your advice. The mistress and I have been talking to each other about the session, via e-mail.
I am A NOVICE when it comes to this. I will use your advice and start slow and then build up, I will be very honest with her and intend to have fun.
Once again thank you.:thumbup


The session I am booking will involve lots of role play, lots of breaks too.
The cost of the session is just under a thousand pound. I have done my research, I found the mistress via KRAMTOAD.

Her official mistress site is
www.miss-dawn.co.uk (http://www.miss-dawn.co.uk)

Her modelling site (official) is at
www.fetishdoll.co.uk (http://www.fetishdoll.co.uk)

Her dommes profile is on

She also has clips for sale at

She is also champion ballbuster, I am not sure when or where!
Take a look you might be surprised. I have read about people who have had sessions with her, they said it was good but cannot remember where I read it, She is also known as Saphire.

Thank you for your input my session is being arranged for december this year, to be honest I did look at other mistresses, some where overseas the others wanted too much for just 45mins-1hr30mins. The rest would only bust really big balls also only sexy men I know it sounds sill but it is true.

Please do not take this next pharagraph the wrong way, I will only pay to have my balls busted. I will not pay for any other sexual service ie, sex, blowjobs that sort of stuff. That was not directed at you personally I just wanted to let others who read this know where I stand.

After the session I will change my name but have not decided what to yet.

Thank you for your reply Mr Anaconda it is appreciated :ibow4u:


Thank you for your reply.

As I have mentioned the session will involve lots of role play and breaks, I have talked to the mistress via e-mail, we have agreed on some senarios.

She knows this will be my first time and we will discuss how we will go about the session nearer the time, (I am being busted this December).
We will also have words arranged which I can say to stop the nut abuse if it does get a bit too much, thank you for letting me know that I will cum, I did not think that would happen honestly.

I do not drive but will be arranging transport nearer the time so no worries there.

Thank you for your reply unbusted(sadly):jumpsmile :jumpsmile :jumpsmile :jumpsmile :jumpsmile


06-11-2010, 05:18 AM
I don't think you want to go with an eight hour session. Especially if you haven’t been kicked before.
I had 2 guys who haven't been kicked before, and it was 2 very short sessions (one kick lol)

Well anyway, good luck (I hope you already have children…)


06-13-2010, 08:11 AM
I think the difference is while a thug would boot someone in the nuts hard enough to splatter them first time, a dom. knows how to introduce the pain gradually and find the limits of the bustee to keep a session going and building up towards the splattering...

Alec Anaconda
06-13-2010, 12:17 PM
Teapot42: while a thug would boot someone in the nuts hard enough to splatter them first time

That was below the belt!

Alec Anaconda

06-13-2010, 06:47 PM
Unbusted (sadly) I doubt you could have picked a better ballbuster than miss dawn for your first time at ballbusting.

She is a truly excellent ballbuster and one who thoroughly enjoys what she does, especially when it comes to ballbusting, compared to some Mistresses, who are only doing it for the money. She is also a very,very fun and lively person, with a great sense of humour and an amazing personality. Just be honest with her on what you want and respectful and i guarantee you will have an amazing experience.

I myself am good friends with her and she has appeared on my c4s site Sniff that Kick store no. 7106 on quite a few occassions, and it is always been an absolute pleasure to be in her company and indeed have her very sexy feet slam into my balls :)

You will not regret your decision booking a session with this beautiful, open and genuine woman, take my word for it, and seeing as i have had her knee, feet and hands attack my nuts more times than i can remember, i hope you take this reference as a rock solid and fully enjoy yourself with one of the best ballbusters out there today. Have fun, and let us know how it went :thumbup