View Full Version : help me with a film

06-07-2010, 06:29 AM
I once saw a film or a telefilm on tv, I live in Italy but what I saw was probably an american film, there was this scene:

The scene was in a office, there was a rich guy near a desk. The rich guy was dressed in a busness outfit was shouting at a couple of girls, something like "I will destroy you, I will sue you to death, I will..." and suddenly a girl kicked him hard in the groin.

When the foot arrived you heard not a SBAAAM but a SPLOOORH and the girls both laughed, while the guy collapsed.

He had a bodyguard that was shaking him and he was saying "boss... boss... boss... are you ok? boss..." but he collapsed, so he didn't reply.

And the girls, while laughing "what was that funny sound?" "OMG, I don't know... splooorch... ahahahahah" "sploorch AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" while miming something that is squeezed with their hands.

The dialogues are obviously not the same word by word, but I got the meaning (I hope)

Please help me to find it

06-08-2010, 08:05 AM
Not sure man.

I have a movie you may be interesting in too, that I don't know the name of.

Set in America I'm pretty sure. The only 2 things I remember are two guys who are dating these 2 chicks spend all afternoon popping their pimples so they look hot.

Also, in a restaurant one of the girls kicks the guy in the balls, then gets up and leaves, and the waiter comes over and asks him 'Cracked?' to which he replies "definitely".

Not meaning to "thread-jack" you, but I felt this belonged in here :P