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View Full Version : Rachel Sinclair - NYC (6/18 - 6/23)

06-13-2010, 12:30 PM
I will be back in NYC (6/18 – 6/23), to participate in the Wrestling Showcase that is being hosted by Doom Maidens on 6/19. The Showcase is open to the public and more details can be found here:


I will also be available for private sessions in Midtown Manhattan on 6/18, at the Showcase on 6/19 and all day 6/20 – 6/23, in Midtown. I am open to mixed wrestling as well as female domination, so please review my website (www.myfantasydomme.com) for my complete lists of interests. I am very excited about this trip and always looking for wonderful people to session with! So, please contact me if you are interested in booking a session!

In order to book a session, it is imperative that you contact me directly at Rachelfights@live.com.