View Full Version : Girls ballbusting me led to varicoceles and broken nuts
06-17-2010, 08:18 PM
so I have been getting kicked in the balls by a few girls over the last 6 years and for the last year i have been feeling really down and my balls are always in pain now.
i went to go see a doctor and they found my testosterone in the low 100's and varicoceles on both of my balls.
because i am a true masochist and still the relish the humiliation of what i have recently discovered i have let a few of the girls who were possibly responsible for my demise in on what i now know. two of the girls were very appologetic but there was one (an ex-girlfriend) who parted with me on bad terms and was ecstatic when i informed her of the news and wants me to keep her informed of all the misery im going through at the moment. i was and still am torn apart from enjoying the pain and degradation she's putting me through to being angry at myself for allowing it in the first place.
im scheduled for surgurey in less than a month to repair my varicoceles and they are placing me on a drug that is kick starting my nuts to start producing testosterone again if they aren't completely ruined from high heeled boots violently slamming into them.
are there any thoughts from the lady's (and guys) in the forum? i know personally as painful as it may seem to me, i kinda wanna take it easy for a few decades before i start this activity again i enjoy so much. i'm only 28 but those boots and heels have done a number on me.
eric B
06-17-2010, 09:47 PM
That's bad to hear, hopefully you're balls get some recovery. What a crazy life huh?
06-17-2010, 09:51 PM
Damn dude sorry to hear it.
Are you sure it's from busting? I mean did the docs say it could be from injuries??
Once the varicoceles are removed they should be okay, especially if you're going on some drugs.
But I guess it's a reminder about moderation. I have never gotten to heavy into any busting because of concerns like this, but I am sure you'll be fine after the surgery and some rest. ;)
Keep us posted.
06-18-2010, 12:01 AM
I'm very sorry to hear about your injuries, and I hope that you will eventually heal. Is the damage permanent, or will you recover from all the kicking?
I pray for your swift recovery, and please do not engage in any extreme ballbusting; only participate with girls whom your trust will respect your limits and be safe.
06-18-2010, 07:32 PM
well, to answer a few of the questions and replies.....
thanks for the words of support for my recovery and hopefully with the surgery and medication the physicians put me on, ill be on my way to a smooth recovery.
to answer the question about whether or not it was the ballbusting that led to my medical problems now; it's difficult to say but aside from a dysfunctional pituitary gland from a possible tumor, i can only conclude that i may be in this predicament ar least partly due to the ballbusting. i can vividly recall say 4 or 5 times where the ballbusting had to stop, much closely related to iron horses thread to "celebrating the debilitating kick" and my nuts (or sac) would start to swell and turn blue/purple a few hours later. it was a weird feeling of both knowing that this girl has just wrecked my nuts and me loving what just took place. i have the video but i'm uneasy uping it until i mod it.
just as in the thread of "celebrating the debilitating kick" i still very much enjoyed the girl lauding her handy work in causing me great pain and agony and how it just goes to show that my fate was at her whim.
i'll keep yall posted on any updates... and thanks again for the support. please feel free to keep on commenting, i still like to discuss it
06-19-2010, 08:02 AM
I also have a tumor near my pituitary gland. Doctors theorize that a calcium deposit formed there while I was in the womb. I wonder how many others with the BB fetish have similar conditions...? Perhaps the area of the brain that responds to pleasure and to pain have been affected by many of us. Any thoughts?
06-19-2010, 08:51 PM
im a little curious to know from the forum if there are any girls here who have ever heard from a guy they ballbusted and know they have permanently damaged them. i wonder what sort of feelings they might get from knowing that they were responsible for dramatically altering a guys life because of ballbusting.
im sure the feelings probably range from feeling guilty to feeling empowered and actually excited and thrilled to know that they ruined the guy (sort of speak). am i wrong in thinking this way, anyone care to validate what i think about it?
06-20-2010, 03:11 AM
Hey thanks for sharing, I've always wanted me wife to move beyond the light nut slapping she does for me but I've been afraid to ask. Maybe I should be grateful for my lack of courage. I hope your recovery goes well and things look up for you. Let us know if you find anything that works.
Alec Anaconda
06-20-2010, 12:23 PM
I wish you a full and speedy recovery.
May your god walk with you on this journey.
06-20-2010, 01:27 PM
I wish you a speedy and successful recovery but....
I can't help but be excited by your ex-gf's reaction.
Could you tell us a bit more about your previous activities with her or any comments she made then or now?
Did she ever give you the impression that she was hoping for this kind of damage?
06-20-2010, 04:23 PM
if i were a girl for one day i would play with myself to check exactly what gives me the most pleasure. After that experience i can use it to improve my skills :)
06-21-2010, 08:29 PM
I wish you a speedy and successful recovery but....
I can't help but be excited by your ex-gf's reaction.
Could you tell us a bit more about your previous activities with her or any comments she made then or now?
Did she ever give you the impression that she was hoping for this kind of damage?
well, let me just start off by saying that my ex-girlfriend was completely new to female domination before her and i hooked up and i recall the first time i explained to her my desires to be dominated by her that she was uneasy but i could tell she was intrigued by the idea; the way her open-ended questions kept seeking further information about what this lifestyle could be like validated what i was feeling inside that she "could get used to this" sort to speak.
i would have to say that while her and i were really close and the relationship was on good terms, i can tell she never had a real desire to actually cause me any lasting damage even though the bruises, welts and marks would sometimes last 2 weeks or so to heal up. our activities ranged from light to hard ballbusting with and without shoes to light to very hard trampling and jumping with spiked heeled shoes ranging from my stomach to my face. there were a few times she would comment before she started kicking my balls how she was going to "fuck my balls up" if i didn't submit by using a safety word. there were a few other facets of domination she would subject me to that aren't related to my injuries and aren't really related to ballbusting so i will keep it out of this post. if there is interest, send me a message.
to make what could be a long story short, i could tell after we broke up and started to see each other off and on for the next couple of months, her demeanor had changed and perhaps it was just all in my head but i could see she would concentrate on her aim in kicking me in the nuts dead on and they would be much more devastating to which she would add while i was on the floor yelping and gasping for air, "did it hurt?", "i told you i was going to fuck your balls up", and other things similar in nature.
when i e-mailed her about my discoveries, she called me up to laugh and congratulate herself on how she ruined my nuts. she told me that's what my "bitch ass" gets.
i hope i answered your question in a little more detail.
06-21-2010, 10:48 PM
Would it had made any difference if she had used just her feet instead of shoes? I think that is much more safe
06-22-2010, 06:22 PM
I hope and pray you have a full and quick recovery.
I did a little quick internet research on varicoceles. It did not indicate that trauma was a cause. About 10% of men get them. So it's possible that your high impact activity was not a cause. Still I think I'd take it easy from now on.
Anyway, I thought your account was hot. I'd like to hear more about what your girl friend did. Thanks.
Good luck, :bananawin
One from the Vaults
06-22-2010, 06:35 PM
If they're still sore/bruised two weeks later, you were probably going harder than is safe. I'd say that's a reasonable indication... if pain lasts for more than a couple days after the play session, you should probably be careful in the future.
06-24-2010, 11:34 AM
well, let me just start off by saying that my ex-girlfriend was completely new to female domination before her and i hooked up and i recall the first time i explained to her my desires to be dominated by her that she was uneasy but i could tell she was intrigued by the idea; the way her open-ended questions kept seeking further information about what this lifestyle could be like validated what i was feeling inside that she "could get used to this" sort to speak.
i would have to say that while her and i were really close and the relationship was on good terms, i can tell she never had a real desire to actually cause me any lasting damage even though the bruises, welts and marks would sometimes last 2 weeks or so to heal up. our activities ranged from light to hard ballbusting with and without shoes to light to very hard trampling and jumping with spiked heeled shoes ranging from my stomach to my face. there were a few times she would comment before she started kicking my balls how she was going to "fuck my balls up" if i didn't submit by using a safety word. there were a few other facets of domination she would subject me to that aren't related to my injuries and aren't really related to ballbusting so i will keep it out of this post. if there is interest, send me a message.
to make what could be a long story short, i could tell after we broke up and started to see each other off and on for the next couple of months, her demeanor had changed and perhaps it was just all in my head but i could see she would concentrate on her aim in kicking me in the nuts dead on and they would be much more devastating to which she would add while i was on the floor yelping and gasping for air, "did it hurt?", "i told you i was going to fuck your balls up", and other things similar in nature.
when i e-mailed her about my discoveries, she called me up to laugh and congratulate herself on how she ruined my nuts. she told me that's what my "bitch ass" gets.
i hope i answered your question in a little more detail.
Thanks for such a detailed answer.
It's interesting that you created quite a sadist from a girl with no prior femdom experience. Maybe this should give us all hope!
Get well soon! (Then you can do it all again)
06-24-2010, 07:47 PM
It is surprising what a woman with no prior experience is capable of being in a short period of time. My current girlfriend had never heard of this type of fetish but she wanted to try it for me. Now she wants to do it every night and will try to sneak a few random tags here and there. I have been into busting for nearly ten years and have had no problems with test levels or anything but the stomping has mostly been barefoot. Hopefully you have a successfulsurgery! I'm sure if I were to break up with my current girl I would be in a similar situation and she would laugh about it. She fantasizes about ********** me sometimes she has admitted...
07-17-2010, 12:49 PM
Well, it's been two days now since my surgery and my surgeon tells me the operation was very successful with no complications.
He informed me that he didn't realize I had so many varicoceles but after inspecting me under the microscope he was able to tie them all off to keep the blood from pooling around my testicle and to allow proper flow.
I'm been almost in constant pain for the last two days and it doesn't feel much different from when a girl kicks me in the nuts really hard but the difference is the recovery from those kicks come much faster than this procedure has.
If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll keep a few updates of my progress on the forum. :bananawin
09-15-2010, 12:26 PM
I'm curious to follow up with people who've had this problem. I just got varicoceles this summer, and ironically, it was right before I was set up to have my first wickedly awesome BB session in years.. oh, the irony.. more waiting now.
Been in pain for a few months (since June) but it is dying down slowly, and I think I might be up for trying some light and brief BB again soon. But I may end up having surgery next year if things don't improve, so I'm wondering how many people here have faced that and how it affects their passion for ballbusting.
I personally think I'd go nuts (pun intended) if I had to abstain from this fetish for good. I've waited too much already! Surely there must be safer ways..
10-15-2010, 05:19 AM
It's been 90 days since my operation now. Blood test are showing my Testosterone and free T to be within normal range now and ultrasounds show no more signs of any medium or large Varicoceles.
So far the hardest things I've had to cope with is my lack of sleep which i believe is attributed to all the extra Testosterone my nuts are producing now that they haven't been for years and my body had just been used to less for so long.
As far as getting into ballbusting again with my girlfriend; I will abstain for now and possibly for quite some time (thinking ~25 years) lucky for me I also love high heel trampling which is less destructive so long as her high heel doesn't come stomping down on my xiphoid process.
I'll probably volunteer as a video slave some day (far from now) and those girls can be ruthless and merciless. I know Ballbusting will be there whenever I choose to volunteer my nuts again for girls to kick them. I already miss it but I missed the testosterone more.
I wish there was more data correlating Ballbusting w/ Varicoceles as it pertains to rate of incidence but I guess it's just not so common.
Any questions, I'll be happy to answer. :thumbup
08-13-2011, 09:59 PM
i think they are coming back after having my g/f kick me a couple of times. i'm scared.
the pain is lingering as i write!
08-14-2011, 06:11 AM
i think they are coming back after having my g/f kick me a couple of times. i'm scared.
the pain is lingering as i write!
I know it would be tricky, but did you discuss ballbusting with your surgeon? I don't know what the difference is between a variocele and a hydrocele in terms of repait but I was told that the surgery for the latter would in effect weaken the testicles from future impacts and make recurrence more likely.
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