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06-24-2010, 05:09 AM
its an interesting question on what hurts the most?? and im talking about if a woman is going the hardest she can in all the ways possible to bust a guy

most people will say Kick as its easier to kick hard

a knee i think because of the force it has being right on target could be the most painful

now a punch is rare to see on a BB video.. is it because it hurts the most?? when I see a punch the men seem to be in massive pain the most maybe its because a punch is more accurate to do?

a Kick from behind might hurt more then in front because you dont see it coming

a Stomp?? Ive never seen a hard stomp on a BB video maybe because this can do permanant damage I dont know I only see real soft stomps

now a squeeze ahs the potential of being the most painful because not only can a woman grab those balls and squeeze as hard as they like they can make the pain go on as long as they like and control it! till your begging to stop

what are peoples thoughts?

06-24-2010, 05:35 AM
I'd say a kick from behind hurts the most as far as lasting pain goes. Like it'll floor you and keep you there for a good while. But a squeeze can be almost unbearable while it's happening. But for the most part once she lets go the pain goes away. Doesn't last like a normal strike to the balls.

06-24-2010, 06:25 AM
squeeze squeezing pop the balls

Alec Anaconda
06-24-2010, 09:55 AM
What really hurts the most?

This apparently simply question does not, for me, have a simple answer.

There is the pain at the time and the after pain.
If you’re unlucky, there is the “do I have an injury” pain that lasts for an apparent eternity.

The most intense immediate pain I recall was in “positional bondage”.
After a genital thrashing with wet nettles, she delivered five moderate blows to my balls with the flat of her hand, spaced out at ten second intervals.

She asked me how many more I wanted, and stipulated no submission.

Perhaps foolishly, I opted for one hundred.

However, despite the mind-blowing intensity towards the middle and end of this treat, and then twenty minutes where I was fit for nothing, the ecstatic agony soon passed.

Within an hour, I was fit for normal sex and walking.

On the other side of the coin, a dozen punches in briefs hurt far less than expected at the time, but the next few days were agony. This took months to clear up.

I’ve found squeezing and barefoot kicking almost as unpredictable.

Alec Anaconda

06-24-2010, 01:00 PM
I would have to go with when you lay down face down of the floor and the woman steps on your balls, pressing them between the floor and her shoe. I have had this done a couple of times. My ex was really good at it, probably because she was a big girl. She would pull by balls back towards my feet so they were exposed as much as possible. She usually wore flats and stepped with the outside edge of her foot first. She would step down at the very base of my balls (up by my penis). Then she would step down, rolling the flat part of the shoe square on my balls. Often times she would lift up her other leg and have her full weight on my balls. This was terrible painful and usually made me yelp quite a bit. Another form of this was for me to be sitting up with my legs spread. She then would put one of my nuts under each of her shoes. This hurt but got way worse when she would get on her tip toes. ouch. But the most brutal was sitting either way and a stomp to my balls, smashing them into the floor. This is far and beyond the most painful way i have ever had.

06-25-2010, 12:19 AM
I agree with the stomping. My girl puts my balls on a solid surface and tramples me.. she gets me to a point where I will want to stop much sooner this way! Of course.. that doesn't mean she will!

06-25-2010, 02:00 AM
For me, the absolutely most painful experience occurs when my wife bites my balls. She does not even need to bite that hard to cause excruciating and intolerable pain.

In a distant second place, her standing on my nuts atop a low platform between my legs as I sit on the floor is also intensely painful, as well as pleasurable.

One time we were in a hurry, so she wanted to give me a quick working over. I pulled down my pants, but left on my briefs as I sat on the floor. She gave me a few dozen medium powered kicks. Although they did not hurt that much at the time, they ached for at least 2 weeks.


06-25-2010, 07:54 AM
I have been bitten several times and it definitely hurts. Although I have never gotten to the ball pain because the teeth on the skin is enough to send me over the edge in .1 milliseconds.

As for deep ball pain. Squeezing will really hurt me good. I think because the Dommes have your nuts in their hands and can get just the right angle to administer pain. I have begged several times to be let go. Although someone above stated it best when they said this pain goes away very quickly when release from the grip.

Now the longest lasting pain I have been through was after a severe ballkicking scene. My nuts were purple, swollen, and hurt for a couple weeks.

06-26-2010, 01:24 PM
Interesting post! I would imagine a full-on kick would be the most painful and the most damaging but I've never experienced that, thank goodness! I say that because my Domme is 6'2" and weighs 240lbs and is very strong.

When she does kick me or knee me in the balls she doesn't do it the hardest she can, or else I'd be going to the hospital! But she does it hard enought to hurt me and scare me.

One time I was kneeling in front of her as she was seated on her throne and she started kicking me from that position. So it was only the power from her thigh muscle driving her foot forward. But she did let rip a bit. My cock and balls were bleeding by the end and it hurt a lot.

But she also loves squeezing and manually tormenting, and is quite happy to use more of her power when doing this. This hurts the most for sure. But, again, I can tell there's more power in reserve and that scares me!

06-27-2010, 03:35 PM
I always found it hard to know what would really hurt. My ex- was never that great at kneeing - I think she stood a little too close most of the time - and her kicks were a bit slow so I'd subconsciously flinch nd miss the full impact.

However, she has really strong and quick hands so could punch or slap me before I could blink and it would be enough to floor me. When she grabbed me should could squeeze hard enough that I'd be in agony and would drop to the ground and curl up as soon as she let go.

06-27-2010, 03:53 PM
BALLBITING - hands down. Especially when the chick has really sharp teeth... Jeez that's rough.

06-27-2010, 05:27 PM
It seems to me there are two sorts of ball pain. Kicks and knees give a very brief surge of pain when the actual impact happens, then depending how the testicles were crushed during the impact there can be a secondary response due to the way the testicle reacts to the impact injury (swelling etc). With squeezing / standing on you get a possibly less intense version of the impact pain but it is much longer lasting and the brain has more chance to process it properly.

As the impact-related reaction does not occur the pain is different as it comes from different processes within the nuts / brain.

Punching is in some ways different as it is much easier to be accurate with the blows and to repeat them much more often, but there is not the same force behind them.

One difficulty the producers of BB videos must have is getting across the impression of pain. My GF loves squeezing my nuts really hard and several times I have become delirious from the pain but on a video there would be little visible action so it would not make a good show. Kicks and knees look good but to be honest, unless they actually crush the testicles against the pubic bone don't hurt that much. However, they look good and give the impression of the man having balls of steel and taking a lot of punishment.

I do agree though that there don't seem to be many videos with a lot of punching but again, that quickly becomes too hard for the man to take so would be a fairly short video.