View Full Version : My first ball grab

07-01-2010, 02:13 PM
The first time I ever got my balls grabbed was in a tickle fight with my girlfriend. My girlfriend is Taiwanese, pretty tall (5'9"), well-endowed, and fond of walking around naked when it's just the two of us. The fact that she's often naked naturally lures me into grabbing, teasing, and (playfully) attacking her a lot. Generally, she loves it.

One day I was sitting on the couch in my boxers reading, when my girlfriend walked past, stark naked. I pretended not to notice, and then as she passed in front of me I shot my arm out between her legs, grabbed her thigh, and pulled her onto the couch. She collapsed onto me in a tangle of limbs, and I got a faceful of boob. I immediately started tickling her, causing her to writhe around shrieking with laughter trying to fend me off. I knelt over my ball of naked squirming giggly girlfriend, tickling her mercilessly.

Then she reached out her hand and grabbed my balls firmly through my boxer shorts. This was new. I froze in surprise, and stopped tickling her, just staring at her. She stared back, her hand still wrapped tightly around my balls. All she said was one word:


With her holding me by the balls like that, I suddenly felt a surging feeling of vulnerability, but in a romantic, not a frightened way. I leaned forward, and instead of tickling her, I started kissing her gently on the mouth and face. She smiled and stroked me with her free hand, never letting the other move from its grip on my balls.

Even though she was naked and I had on my boxers, I felt like I was exquisitely vulnerable. We slowly rolled over so that she was on top. As she gripped my balls, I got a chance to look over the whole length of her gorgeous curvy body. We kissed, while she gently squeezed my balls. Eventually she let go of my balls to take off my boxers, and we had sex. But that was the start of our sexual ball play; the eroticism of that accidental moment inspired us to try more.

07-01-2010, 04:43 PM
First hit on google (http://www.google.nl/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:nl:official&channel=s&hl=nl&q=taiwan%20girl&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi)image search: "Taiwan girl"

07-01-2010, 04:49 PM
The first time I ever got my balls grabbed was in a tickle fight with my girlfriend. My girlfriend is Taiwanese, pretty tall (5'9"), well-endowed, and fond of walking around naked when it's just the two of us. The fact that she's often naked naturally lures me into grabbing, teasing, and (playfully) attacking her a lot. Generally, she loves it.

One day I was sitting on the couch in my boxers reading, when my girlfriend walked past, stark naked. I pretended not to notice, and then as she passed in front of me I shot my arm out between her legs, grabbed her thigh, and pulled her onto the couch. She collapsed onto me in a tangle of limbs, and I got a faceful of boob. I immediately started tickling her, causing her to writhe around shrieking with laughter trying to fend me off. I knelt over my ball of naked squirming giggly girlfriend, tickling her mercilessly.

Then she reached out her hand and grabbed my balls firmly through my boxer shorts. This was new. I froze in surprise, and stopped tickling her, just staring at her. She stared back, her hand still wrapped tightly around my balls. All she said was one word:


With her holding me by the balls like that, I suddenly felt a surging feeling of vulnerability, but in a romantic, not a frightened way. I leaned forward, and instead of tickling her, I started kissing her gently on the mouth and face. She smiled and stroked me with her free hand, never letting the other move from its grip on my balls.

Even though she was naked and I had on my boxers, I felt like I was exquisitely vulnerable. We slowly rolled over so that she was on top. As she gripped my balls, I got a chance to look over the whole length of her gorgeous curvy body. We kissed, while she gently squeezed my balls. Eventually she let go of my balls to take off my boxers, and we had sex. But that was the start of our sexual ball play; the eroticism of that accidental moment inspired us to try more.

nice story!

07-08-2010, 08:40 AM
Yes nice tale. I once paid to have a fight with a wrestler. Big mistake. She was only 5'6" and I am 6' so I thought no problems. I was with my ex gf and she was excited about it. The girl was not that pretty but had a great fighre. I stripped down to my boxers and just before I entered my gf gave me a quick squeeze and said "just look after your balls" then gave me a kiss.

In the ring the girl was just dressed in a bikini. She said you will last 2 minutes thats it. She made a move to kick me and I instinctivly cupped my groin. But she planted her foot in my stomach and took all the wind out of me. She then hit me hard on the back of the head and i fell to the ground lieing on my front. She put her knee in the small of the back and with one arm put me in a head lock that i could hardly breath. She leant forwards and wispered in my ear "that has only taken thirty seconds." Keeping me in the head lock with her knee on the small of my back I felt her other hand gently working its way down my spine then between my arse cheeks until she reached the bulge in my boxers and grabbed my balls hard. "Only 1 minute to go "she said and continued to squeeze the hell out of me for that minute.

Alec Anaconda
07-08-2010, 11:47 AM
Thanks for sharing those narratives, Falael and jblack9999.

I enjoyed both.

Alec Anaconda

07-10-2010, 01:50 AM
i love sensual ballbusting that's playful and intimate....quite arousing

07-10-2010, 11:20 PM
I agree with blan. This was nice. That ********** stuff freaks me out!

07-11-2010, 01:54 PM
Yeah, I see ********** and ballbusting as distinct fetishes. If you cut off your balls, you no longer have any balls to bust!

I'm actually not as much into the S&M of ballbusting. I don't really like feeling a ton of pain during sex. I like my girlfriend to slap, grab, and punch my balls, but only because my balls get much less vulnerable when I'm aroused, so it doesn't really hurt...if she were to bust me hard enough to put me on the ground, I'm sure neither of us would enjoy it (because then I'd be on the ground instead of able to do fun sex stuff with her!). But I like the feeling of vulnerability that I get from her holding and lightly busting my balls...it is a good nonverbal way of communicating that we like each other. Also, the sharp pain/arousal from a quick hit to the balls is pretty exciting.