View Full Version : Need help and assistance with new GF
Jammy james
07-29-2010, 11:08 AM
Hey guys,
Need some help, with a gf i have been with for nearly a year. I am trying to get her into ballbusting, our sex life is great but not great, boring, i desire so much off the most beautiful girl i have ever been with, and can't get it off this girl i want to be with for the long term.
With my ex, after 3 months i turned her into a ballbusting machine, i posted something over 2 years ago about this success if anyone remembers!
Now this time, its been so difficult, i have managed to get her to give me footjobs which she found odd, now it is a regular thing, then with much nagging, everytime during foreplay or bj/hand job she will squeeze my balls, and now i even got her to slap them, but she will neva do it that hard! I really want her to kick or knee, and i have tried EVERYTHING!
Whenever i try and talk about me liking it, she goes on like im wierd and walks off like she dosn't want to here anymore. So i just give up. I have sometimes just slap her vagina through underwear randomly, to get a retaliation as she always retaliates to violence, but it dont bloody work, she will just slap my face instead and say wat u do that for!
She kicked me once when i literally begged, and it was great, but not hard enough, and after doing it once, she kind of just looked at me with wierd face and said "happy!!???", i thought ...'no im not flippin happy, i want it 10 times harder and about 50 more while your wearing that filthy skirt i bought you from ebay!'
Can anyone give me suggestions for this, because being honest just is not working with this one. since everyone is unique, here is a bit about her character, she is kind and sweet, but switches quick and easily wound up, like once i chucked a little cup of cold water on her and she went mental started getting the shower to reach round kitchen door to get me in kitchen!,
so getting her to play fight is easy but she neva goes for balls! The whole, i love you too much and dont want to hurt you bullshit! and i will say 'but i like it, dnt hurt that much', she wil respond with 'thats just wierd then'. so i cnt win!
James :)
Alec Anaconda
07-29-2010, 12:56 PM
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and then try again.
But let’s not be silly, you can’t keep on bashing your head against a brick wall.
I suggest you either accept her for who she is, or move on.
If you can’t, or won’t, dump her all I can think off is:
1. Don’t ask again and get your BB elsewhere.
2. Explain how important BB is to you and tell her you will not do without.
Clearly either could well lead to her dumping you.
Good luck!
Alec Anaconda
07-31-2010, 03:57 AM
The most success I've had with bb has been a combination of two things:
1. I'm a "squeeze guy", so I'll introduce it with letting her know i like her playing with my balls, and that I like them massaged. Let her get used to that. Afterwards, I'll sort of expand on the idea with, "You know how sometimes a really firm, even hard massage hurts but it feels soooo good at the same time? That's kind of what I like."
2. I'll instigate playfights and intentionally leave my legs open, and get myself in positions where she has a clear way to smack me in the nuts with her hands. Eventually, it's always worked for me... and I have an incredible ability to get hard instantly after. If I can get a playfight in, I usually don't have to explain myself to get busted, it's pretty obvious I like it.
07-31-2010, 04:32 AM
have you tried showing her a cool ballbusting video?
try something that she would find very sexy, and not offensive/vulgar.
Good luck buddy!
07-31-2010, 05:31 AM
Hi everybody
I am new to this forum and desperately trying to contribute, which seems awfully difficult, as my postings do not appear anywhere. I have already written to the moderator ( sharon ) but to no avail.
I am a domme wife with a sub hubby. My fav game ( apart from using his oral skills ) is to keep him teased and denied. I find it endless fun to get him the point of him dribbling precum and then cool him down again, which I usually do with adequate testicle "massaging", such as slapping, squeezing, kneading and stretching/yanking them !
So as to your question... have you ever tried to offer your girlfriend the option to control your urges, i.e. your ejaculations, but treating your boiling balls accordingly, especially when you are near the critical point ?
I could very well imagine, that she will enjoy to have this power over you, provided you are man enough to take it, that is !!
From a female point of view I can tell you that it is a very thrilling feeling to be able to control a man's urges like that, besides the fact that with full, aching balls you guys become so much more attentive, willing and eager to please.
If you adopt your attitude accordingly, while being teased, denied and "busted" for a while, she may very well find it an excellent game providing her with plenty of pleasure, rather than the usual mouthful of cum... !
Ballbusting ( or lets say " controlling and tormenting a man's testicles" ) is fun, but it is convincing and exciting, when I as a woman can feel the benefits from it, which are a positive change in his attitude, more sexual pleasure and satisfaction for me and a much more willing, eager and attentive man at my side.
If she has any questions, I am happy to give her some advice...:)
07-31-2010, 09:15 AM
I will read with interest the suggestions. I had gf slapping and sqeezing my balls as we shagged. It was great. Then she decided after a month or so that I was getting all the fun as I came with great gusto and was knackered for hours afterwards. Quite the selfish male...according to her. I think there may be no going back.
08-01-2010, 04:40 AM
I was at a similar point with my girlfriend once. She knew i enjoyed (very) light hits to my balls, but she didnt know i liked it hard. So one day i just flat out explained to her i was interested in trying it out and then showed her a ballbusting video soon after to show her exactly what i was talking about. While watching the video she realized what i meant and asked "oh, so you want it to hurt?"
So i say give that a try, especially if you guys have already watched porn together as foreplay. Though i would suggest downloading a brother love's first time ballbusters scene to show her. Only because i've found his videos mix sexuality into the ballbusting the most rather than it just being a straight up leather bound ballkicking fest which might weird her out more
Best of luck!
*edit - woops, i didnt even realize the post before mine basically said the exact same thing. must mean its the thing to do ;)
08-01-2010, 01:46 PM
when i got the nerve to explain to my wife that i liked ballbusting, she really got into the squeezing and slapping, but it literally took years after that to get anywhere close to taking a full kick from her.
she felt really weird giving me knees or doing any of the squeezing and slapping hard, but over time she found she enjoyed doing it. she has to really be in the mood for it to do more than light squeezing, but on a good day she'll have me curled on the floor begging her to stop
the best advice i can give you is 1) dont force the issue. if every time she turns around you are bringing it up again, you are gonna make her less likely to do it, which is the exact opposite of what you want. carry on like it's not an issue and every so often, when she is in a playful mood, try to get her to be a little rough and work it in
2)i would avoid trying to taunt her into busting you by making her angry unless you want ballbusting completely disassociated with sex. if she associates busting you with times that she is very angry, then getting her to do it during sex will probably become impossible.
3)recognize that people do in fact find this odd, and being that she appears to be one of them, you probably cant change her mind about it over night. if she is "the one" and you plan on this being a lasting relationship, just put in the time and keep in mind that you will eventually reach your goal, its a marathon, not a sprint. if she isnt "the one" and you dont see a definite future with her, then you might want to just accept that she isnt gonna bust you like you want while you are together and save all the effort for the next girl
another thing that helped move my wife along was that after a good busting, she said i was "harder" and i was pretty much guaranteed to fuck her like a wild animal. if you are the same and your girl occasionally likes a wild fuck, it might be worth your time to single one of her "wild" moods out and tip her off to it
08-01-2010, 02:32 PM
It seems everyone is saying this but I will re-interate the fact.
Positive re-enforcement is key. When she is doing something you like or going in the right direction even if it isn't hard enough tell her how good it feels and how much you are getting turned on.
It works this way with every aspect of sex. When I first started having sex I was totally silent and it drove my girlfriend at the time crazy. So I ****** myself to moan and make noise, now it comes natural and every girl I'm with says its one of their favourite things because it means they know they are doing a good job.
Honestly if when she is giving a good squeeze you act like its the best thing that has ever happened to you she will know this is what you enjoy and what makes you happy and she will try to take it a little further.
The other thing too is there are other ways to ease into it. If you can talk her into a footjob that puts her feet on your cock. After doing that for a few times tell her you would love to know how it feels if she were standing up giving you a footjob, then hint that you want her to push with her a foot a little harder. Baby steps is the name of the game.
It varies from person to person but I have found that ballbusting is usually a little easier to talk girls into then lets say, anal or something like that because although it may seem a little weird to them its not something that is hurting or putting them in discomfort.
Jammy james
08-01-2010, 09:51 PM
Thanx everyone these responses are great! I will let you know of any changes after a month of trying these things out! Thankyou all for being so supportive and understanding.
As for the videos, a friend mentioned this also, show her some videos, but like you say, dnt wnt to wierd her out with a full on hardcore bdsm busting video or something lol.
Any game recommendations, she loves playing sex board games, foreplay and stuff i forgot to mention, any ideas to train this habbit of busting without going too far, integrating it into som sort of foreplay sex game? lol
Thanx again
James :D
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