View Full Version : this is to the girls

08-08-2010, 01:41 AM
hey im very curious about the size of my penis and balls and i thought i might aswell ask in here, not only do i like my dick and balls being told that there very small etc i would actually like to know if u girls litterally think that there small tiny or whatever, i will in no way be offended by this so feel free to insult them as much as possible if that is what u think lol :) http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=...IIh4l5k2T Gxc (http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=7vBB%2FOG64CrOAU2L%2BOezIIh4l5k2T Gxc)

if this doesnt show please look at this link instead :)

http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=...IIh4l5k2T Gxc (http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=7vBB%2FOG64CrOAU2L%2BOezIIh4l5k2T Gxc)

thanks to any and every reply :) kind regards 3xlballs