Women Handling Bull Balls
Originally Posted by
becki2shoe, I want to ask you a question about how women think.
I noticed that in every pic or video of girls handling bull balls, they are always very very careful not to squeeze the balls, don’t they feel the curiosity to feel the consistency and how the balls react to a squeeze now that they can squeeze as hard they want and to test the balls at will? Don’t they remember that they don’t need to be careful now? It’s the habit? Or is it because they think it would be disrespectful to do that. Or are they afraid if they squeeze that juices will come out? Or what?
Have you or your girl friends ever done this, or joked about it together while doing it?
Like I have mentioned before, I can only describe what I have seen and done with the women I know.
I have seen only one pic of a young lady touching a big bull's big balls. Like you said she seem timid and shy about it. Well, who knows, she is young, is it her first time? Has she ever seen a pair before? It was only one pic, what did she do next? Maybe she was embarrased because there were dozens of horny males standing around with hardons teasing her. Maybe there are other pics they did not put up, on and on.
One pic is not enough to make assumptions about all or most women.
Also, that pic looked very staged. The bull was not restrained, so it was obviously tame and probably was a show bull and a breeding bull so very valuable and so no one would want those valuable balls damaged just for fun. Since it was not restraind, if someone squeezed those big balls all 2000 or 3000 lbs of him would be on your ass! Bulls don't know from ball busting just for fun!
Anyway, the bulls we ********* were all semi-wild, had been running free range all their life, so they were difficult and dangerous to handle. Our bulls were herded down narrowing correls to squeeze chutes. In the squeeze chute they are squeezed in from all sides by strong steel pipe gates with their head in a clamp and they are standing and cannot move or kick you. We all took our turn ********** bulls. The younger ones we used burdizzo on and the older ones we cut with gelding knives.
We all loved to feel of the balls before we ********* them. One of the ladies was a sanitrary nut and wanted to wash the scrotums of the bulls we cut for oyster fry. They don't normally do that on the ranch but since we were paying customers they let us play. That was a lot of fun because we all got to handle those huge ball loaded scrotums all lot more before we cut them. I loved the feel of the bull scrotums. And we played a little game guessing how much the nuts would weigh after we cut them out. Several of the ladies wanted their pics taken holding the bulls by the balls, squeezing them and cutting them so they could show their boy friends.
Also, you get to handle the nuts and nut cords a lot when you clamp them with the burdizzo. It takes quite a while and you can actually feel the cords slowly separate.
It took us a lot longer to ******** the bulls and a lot more handling of their bags than the few clips I have seen on the Inet. Those pics on the net are not the same as being there doing actual castrations.
One day there were several cows in the next correl that were in heat and were there to be bred. The bulls that were in our correl to be ********* could smell the cows in heat and got hardons and ran that long red hard carrot out for service. The ********** chute opened into the next correl with the cows in heat so the bulls thought they were going to get the cows when they went into the ********** chute. Of course, before the bulls (steers) were released we cut their nuts out. The first two or three bulls we cut tried to mount cows when after they were cut, they still had their hardons because they could smell the cows in heat all the time they were being cut. Then someone came and move the cows away so don't know if all the bulls would have tried to mount and fuck the cows after they were cut but it was interesting.
Never a dry moment!
Women Handling Bull Balls
Originally Posted by
becki2shoe, I want to ask you a question about how women think.
I noticed that in every pic or video of girls handling bull balls, they are always very very careful not to squeeze the balls, don’t they feel the curiosity to feel the consistency and how the balls react to a squeeze now that they can squeeze as hard they want and to test the balls at will? Don’t they remember that they don’t need to be careful now? It’s the habit? Or is it because they think it would be disrespectful to do that. Or are they afraid if they squeeze that juices will come out? Or what?
Have you or your girl friends ever done this, or joked about it together while doing it?
Like I have mentioned before, I can only describe what I have seen and done with the women I know.
I have seen only one pic of a young lady touching a big bull's big balls. Like you said she seem timid and shy about it. Well, who knows, she is young, is it her first time? Has she ever seen a pair before? It was only one pic, what did she do next? Maybe she was embarrased because there were dozens of horny males standing around with hardons teasing her. Maybe there are other pics they did not put up, on and on.
One pic is not enough to make assumptions about all or most women.
Also, that pic looked very staged. The bull was not restrained, so it was obviously tame and probably was a show bull and a breeding bull so very valuable and so no one would want those valuable balls damaged just for fun. Since it was not restraind, if someone squeezed those big balls all 2000 or 3000 lbs of him would be on your ass! Bulls don't know from ball busting just for fun!
Anyway, the bulls we ********* were all semi-wild, had been running free range all their life, so they were difficult and dangerous to handle. Our bulls were herded down narrowing correls to squeeze chutes. In the squeeze chute they are squeezed in from all sides by strong steel pipe gates with their head in a clamp and they are standing and cannot move or kick you. We all took our turn ********** bulls. The younger ones we used burdizzo on and the older ones we cut with gelding knives.
I still have mine, it has a cute little hook blade for sliting the scrotum and another razor sharp blade for cutting the cords. It is a nice momento because I know it has cut several pair of nuts out.
We all loved to feel of the balls before we ********* them. One of the ladies was a sanitrary nut and wanted to wash the scrotums of the bulls we cut for oyster fry. They don't normally do that on the ranch but since we were paying customers they let us play. That was a lot of fun because we all got to handle those huge ball loaded scrotums all lot more before we cut them. I loved the feel of the bull scrotums. And we played a little game guessing how much the nuts would weigh after we cut them out. Several of the ladies wanted their pics taken holding the bulls by the balls, squeezing them and cutting them so they could show their boy friends. It was not at all like the video clips I have seen on the net.
Also, you get to handle the nuts and nut cords a lot when you clamp them with the burdizzo. It takes quite a while and you can actually feel the cords slowly separate.
It took us a lot longer to ******** the bulls and a lot more handling of their bags than the few clips I have seen on the Inet. Those pics on the net are not the same as being there doing actual castrations.
One day there were several cows in the next correl that were in heat and were there to be bred. The bulls that were in our correl to be ********* could smell the cows in heat and got hardons and ran that long red hard carrot out for service. The ********** chute opened into the next correl with the cows in heat so the bulls thought they were going to get the cows when they went into the ********** chute. Of course, before the bulls (steers) were released we cut their nuts out. The first two or three bulls we cut tried to mount cows when after they were cut, they still had their hardons because they could smell the cows in heat all the time they were being cut. Then someone came and move the cows away so don't know if all the bulls would have tried to mount and fuck the cows after they were cut but it was interesting.
Never a dry moment!