I don't know how I sent the last pic twice, but I'm always making mistakes when I use anything to do with IT!
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I don't know how I sent the last pic twice, but I'm always making mistakes when I use anything to do with IT!
Hi ndtechie09,
glad to welcome you to the forum, I am delighted you liked my drawings. I hope you will enjoy this site for a long time and make many contributions. If you have any ideas about what you would love to see illustrated in a ballbusting drawing then let me know. I'm always open to suggestons.
several animes that includes m/f ballbusting are mezzo d.s.a., noir, samurai champloo and kite. has anybody watched them ? good male reaction and worth to see.
I remember another good one - an episode of Hunter X Hunter has some great ballbusting in it, she puts her foot on his balls and grinds them in. It surprised me due to the nature of the anime.
Mugen's (Samurai Champloo) reaction is fantastic. And the effect they use for Mikura's (Mezzo D.S.A.) kick in the opening moments of episode 1 is just classic. Also pops reaction to when she kicks him, later on in the series, is also really good. For some reason I always think of Tantan when I see that scene. :weryfun Speaking of Mezzo the original, Mezzo Forte, also has a couple bb.Quote:
Originally Posted by qazw
good drawings! Keep it up
Glad to see you posting again Try! Your pencils are full of emotion and action, but I'm dying to see some colors from you! :)
Thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear from you Knee my balls and Knave.
I will be sending more pics as I love this site but I have been approached by other sites to do work for them which is taking up my time.
To Knave, my pics are not in pencil, I do them in pen. I don't do colour, though I am thinking of doing that in future. I do like the cartoons you do on your site, but we have very differant ways of illustration. Wch of course is great, because we are illustrating the same thing, i.e. ballbusting, but are using differant ways of doing so.
A question to Knave, do any of your pics illustrate incidents you have experienced, or would like to?
I am also working on doing pics of BB by celebrity women, including Samantha from the sixties TV series Bewitched. I like the idea of a lovely babe twitching her lips and making an invisible knee slam like a battering ram into my crotch!
Here's a nice cartoon ballkick, i've just uploaded. Hope you like it.
there should be a rule, that you only can post in threads like this, when you upload some pictures in your post.
here are some picures, and not to forget one mandatorily twilek pic.
one question: what happens when your "Sum of all attachments" is full?
There is just something about a cartoon that is devine
The males always lose in our culture!!!
Like the pictures and the discussion, thanks.
I know it's picture thread,but since there are only drawings on that site I hope it's okay to post a link ;)
any one has the gen13 pic?
Here is one i like :)
Ok, but is there something more like to that animated cartoon in #310 ?
Knave, and any other artists -- maybe it would be neat to do some [more] "vintage-style" bb drawings, where they look like they are from decades past.
Hmmmm. Something to think about. :)
Watch what happens when you kick the football at the goal keeper's balls in this web game. I like the reaction of the completely female audience when you hit the target :weryfun This site should prove useful in sounding out whether a girl might make good BB material or not ;)
A very funny game, indeed. The reaction of the audience is great!
This soccer game fits perfectly well at the moment - for this year everyone in Germany seems to go mad because of the world cup. So, this is an excellent anti-football game. :autogun
Are there any other games that deal with ballbusting?
Wak the Sak is goodQuote:
Originally Posted by Pyrmont
Use the mouse to wak his sak. He screams real good if you get him over 400 mph. Let all the girls you know try it. You'll soon pick out the ones with real BB potential ;)
I hear that the German police will arrest any fans dressed as Adolf Hitler during the world cup for ‘racial abuse’. Who would such a fan be abusing? The Germans? The Jews? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by Pyrmont
It’ll be worth dusting off the old costume to find out :)
PS. When are they going to sort out the off-side rule?
A couple more illustrations,
Thanks Try :)
That’s what this place should really be about.
Fenric – you are stray towards contentious territory with the Adolf Hitler stuff. The past is exactly that and best left there. Today’s generation should not suffer because of what their grandfathers did. Please leave the costume at home this summer ;)
You really cross the line and enter the minefield when it comes to what constitutes offside.
To be clear:
In order to break the rule: The player must be in an "offside position" at the moment the ball is "played" by a teammate. To be in an "offside position", a player must be on the opponent's half of the field & closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball & the second-last defender. A player is not in an offside position if he is on his own half of the field (i.e. the half his goalkeeper is on), or even with the second-to-last defender or the last 2 defenders. (The goalkeeper is usually the last defender, or one of the last two, but he might not be; the rules just refer to the last 2 defenders & don't mention the goalkeeper). This is often difficult to call. (For example, if a player is even with the Second Last Defender & thereby in an "onside position" but runs past the Second Last Defender a split second after his teammate makes a through pass. In this example, the player is not offside because he was in an onside position at the moment the ball was played.)
In October 2003 FIFA circulated new recommendations to football's national associations with on how referees should handle offside decisions.
Assistant referee's (why they don’t still call ‘em linesmen I don’t know!) now have to wait until the end of a move before signaling a passive player off-side. The new guidlines mean that offside will not be signalled for uninvolved players who do not directly block the vision or restrict the movement of an opponent and who do not touch the ball. This is not a rule change but an attempt to define more precisely what is meant by 'interfering with play.' The new guidline states "that offside for interfering with play means - playing or touching a ball passed or touched by a team mate." And that offside for interfering with play means,"preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball, for example, by clearly obstructing the goalkeeper's line of vision or movements" or "making a gesture or movement while standing in the path of the ball to deceive or distract an opponent." A player will be deemed to have gained an advantage from an offside position if he "plays a ball that rebounds off a post or the crossbar having been in an offside position" or "plays a ball that rebounds off an opponent having been in an offside position". FIFA hoped that these new guidelines will improve the game by allowing more attacking play.
So – its clear as mud and I cannot see what your problem is!
Now, where I really have a problem is with that game they call football in the United States. Why the hell do they call it 'football' when most of the time the ball is handled!:confused:
he helps her workout
Try, very nice! You seem to be taking more time with your line quality. It really shows.
When will we see some color from you, eh? :)
Thanks for the compliment Knave, but I don't do colour, just black ink.
Alright, I respect your artistic choice. Would you mind if a fan colored one of your pieces? Hmmm? ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by try
Hi Knave,
I'd have no objection to anybody colouring my pics, or doing anything creative with them.
Only one thing I'd like in return. Can you tell me how to include text from the post Im replying to in my message. I've forgot how to do it.