It look so nice. I love it....Thank you for sharing..!!
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Thanks for your source, fullsett. This covers occupational injuries, but doesn't mention capture & subsequent **********. Any statistics for the basis of the account of "Apache woman" from _One Shot One Kill_? I've read references to wartime ********** of POWs or the injured on the battlefield, such as Rudyard Kipling's allusion to Afghan females ********** fallen British soldiers. But I have yet to see statistics for those wars.
By the way, I couldn't get the link below to work no matter how I changed it. (Removing the extra '.', dropping the html, www, or http prefix.) Is the site still up?
Try to cut and paste the below to your browser. It worked when I tried it.
Here is a video link to what easily could have preceeded that picture. Ball exposure.
great vid! thanx for the link. (It hurt just watching it....)
I never thought of it that way. An occupational injuries, I got a chuckle out of that. I guess loosing your balls and or dick in battle is the ultimate occupational injury. I wonder how OSHA would handle that. In the book Marine Sniper, it was documented that the Apache Woman, an attractive 30 year old VC ********* about 15 soldiers after torturing them for hours. She even used live rats on some, ouch !!!
I read another account from a female Vietnam nurse who witnessed a whole squad of GIs that were captured, stripped naked, hung by their ankles, *********, and had the severed genitals stuffed in their mouth. I will post the name of the book and the author when I find the site.
I have not heard of the Afghan women ********** soldiers but it is not surprising. Many times POWs are turned over to women to be tortured and sexually mutilated.:cryingblu
"We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."
The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review
Mention of Afghan women ********** fallen British soldiers can be found here:
Afghan women ********* all the male captives before they killed them with knives. Rudyard Kipling had this to say about Afghanistan:
‘When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your Gawd like a soldier!’
This is nice scene between 4:20 and 4:35
The alien say that he cut a tongues, but i think that was something different ;)
How many fantastic videos and pictures! But why can't I access into megavideo or youtube? I'm in China now....:o
this is a old black and white movie from the 60s it envolves a group of woman ********** a guy and teaseing him before the police catch them and him all cuddled over holding his missing parts in his hands nothing actually seen but i hadnt contributed in awhile getting more diffucult to find these vids so iam comming up with the best i can
a woman is raped by a group of hunters and her bf put in the hospital and she wants revenge all she can remember is reading the back of one of the hunters jackets that had his hunting id on it which is stupied for him anyways to make a long story short these hunters that raped her get robbed and she ends up punishing the wrong people but she doesnt figure that out to the end and shes just pist that none of these guys remember her as if she wasnt there first or there was soo many people they raped before but in her head she believes she killing the right people until the end when she finds out from her bf that is out of the hospital that the cops found and caught who put him in the hospital and raped her so it kinda sets itself up for another revenge type movie lol
My goodness. The Hunting Season clip was very exciting. How you are able to find such treasures? Bravo!
Thanks for the link on the Afghan women. Can you imagine lying helpless on the battlefield and seeing a young womam coming towards you knowing she is going to slice off your manhood as you are ****** to watch ??!!
I wonder if your whole sex life flashes before your eyes as she cuts it off.
I have some more info on Viet chicks that loved to deball and decock enemy soldiers that I will post.