... and a big stick to mash your balls!
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... and a big stick to mash your balls!
A little bit off-topic, but this guy was neutered by a greyhound (a coach).
Thanks to Mick and Freed for your support! I'm glad that you like the pictures. Please feel free to write to Anastasia and try to persuade her to start the site up again (she concentrates on music these days) and change her webspace provider, which would enable her to do sessions like these again. We did talk about it once, but - sadly - I seemed to be the only one bothered about this. She once told me that hardly anyone else wrote describing their fantasies.
I did want to post some more snaps of her, not to mention some rare real knifeplay pictures and some photo manipulations, but my connection either times out or I am greeted by a message which informs me that I am "not logged in" or I "do not have permission to access this page". Strange. If anyone knows how to rectify this, please let me know.
loved the vamp pics Venator ( a pet fantasy of mine :) )
He won't do that anymore!
is there a free tgp of hot women with severed penises
First, thanks for posting those anastasia pics. They are awesome, and exactly what I like best. Apparently, we have the same tastes in pics. Thank you very much.
Secondly, about your tech support troubles....I've seen a lot of this stuff, as I did tech support for verizon dsl for over a year....pretty much seen it all, lol. The biggest problem is sizing up your audience. If you're a pretty technical and smart person, then when I mention something basic, it can cause offense, so please bear with me--not insulting you. For what it's worth, some common reasons for the errors you are getting have to do with changing ip addresses and cookies. Can you tell me if you're using dial up, dsl, cable, or a router? Can you tell me if you have special "security" software installed to clear cookies/cache/traces at regular intervals. Do you have your internet explorer settings to anything other than "default" when it comes to security and cookies? And to make things worse, many providers are now giving 15 minute ip addresses (It's called a 15 minute dhcp lease expiration.)....seems unfair, but dsl companies will go to any length to save money, even if it inconveniences customers.
If your cookies get deleted or the browser refuses to store them, or if your ip address changes underneath you from your dsl provider, these are two common reasons for such a message. Do you get it on other forums, or even when uploading pics to something lame like ebay? Also, have you tried other browsers, like mozilla firefox or even opera or something other than plain jane MS I.E.?
Dear Misterbill,
Many thanks indeed for your helpful hints as regards my problems posting pictures. You did not offend at all, especially since I belong to that breed of user who is quite happy to utilise the benefits of computers whilst having little technical knowledge about how they work. I am ******, unfortunately, to use an antiquated dial-up connection, as nothing else is available in the rural area in which I live. This leads me to suppose that the problem may well lie in the IP address change that you mention. The last batch of photos that I attempted to upload seemed to take forever, and, had they worked, the time would have amounted to well over fifteen minutes. I have AOL and Mozilla Firefox installed in addition to IE. As such, I shall try them and see what happens. Perhaps I should also post smaller numbers of pictures at once, too? None of the other possibilities you mention in relation to cookies and so on apply to me... at least as far as I know!
I'm glad that you enjoyed the snaps.
Best wishes!
I also live in a small town in south kentucky, so small, that alcohol is illegal. If you look up "dry county" on wikipedia, you get a map showing kentucky and tennessee as the main dark spots..looks like mold on a map, but I digress....dialup...slowness of uploading does lead to timeouts with servers. A friend of mine had the same trouble when uploading to ebay for that very same reason. Based on what you've told me, we now have a pretty clear idea of exatly what's wrong. Group your small pics (small in number of Kilobytes) together and send them at once, but large pics, one at a time, or even get an image manipulator to make them of lower resolution and higher jpg compression. You certainly are going through a lot of work to share with us for free. Thank you for time and effort.
On a lighter note: As you suggested, I checked out Anastasia's website. It's awesome, and I actually feel like being a "fan". I haven't been a fan of anyone since before Metallica sold out, and since Alice Cooper was still releasing good music, lol.
Nice one! :thumbup
In a similar vein - unfaithfulness leads to Mika snipping his right testicle. He begs to keep his other conker – I guess he’d best not mess up again!
Very nice, Baker.
Sexy little Mika Tan doing ballbusting, ********** fantasy, and a little facesit at the end. Not much gets better than that.
attach more women cutting off penises or about to please