For the people that speak dutch
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For the people that speak dutch
I always have the fantasy that a girl kicks my balls so many times that they get useless and then some nurses remove them!!
Got some new stuff up
[quote=Finder;64548]Venator, that's interesting. Did you meet "Nicole" in person, talk on the phone, or did he / she reveal gender in an email exchange? I often wondered if "Nicole" was a he, as he / she obviously had a deep fascination with the subject and more than passable skill at finding online photos to start with and then doing photo-manips - with a very recognizable style. There would be, to say the least, very unusual interests and talents for a woman.
Dear Finder,
Without wishing to go into too much detail about what was, after all, a private exchange, I can say that I had e-mail contact with "Nicole". A number of personal details were revealed, such as his / "her" place of residence. The mention of gender came during the course of a conversation in which I talked about the fantasy element of ********** and the like (i.e.: that I wouldn't want it to happen in reality, but that the idea or the threat thereof really turned me on). Amongst other things, "Nicole's" reply carried the phrase "I too am a normal man". Fairly conclusive, I think.
Sorry if I've ruined anyone's illusions with this information. Perhaps those upset by it should turn their attentions to drawings by artists such as Lady Carole or Karla79de who - as far as I am aware - are definitely female!
Best wishes,
Yeah I always wondered on them. I still would love to see that vampire with the severed cocks photo, it was the best.
Both Karla and Betty seemed like they may be guys, karla I think I chatted with once, but she/he was gone right away, always figured it was a guy. Betty chatted once or twice over the years, but I think a guy took over and published all those stories. I did meet one lady in to it, and it was very hot. I am sure if I was more brave I would have pulled out a cutting board then and there, and I would now be sans one cock. So it is a good thing I am old school when it comes to dates, but boy was she hot.
Oh and this video is very hot
It is part way down.
Awhile ago I came across a video clip on this forum. It showed a man sitting in a chair and a woman going down on him. Before he could climax she reaches up with what looks like a pair of garden shears and cuts his dick off. For the life of me I cannot find that post. Can someone help me find it?
Also, for those of you who want the full movies as opposed to just these clips. Have you thought of downloading them through torrents?
It's from Twisted Sisters. Not sure if the rapidshare links still work, but it was here about 6 months ago: Scroll to the bottom of the page.
[quote=ABBEY;64597]penectomy video,penis amputation02 25MB-divx RAR
NO PASS(word)
I downloaded and unZIP'd the large file by ABBEY. Note that for JPEG (.jpg) and MPG-encoded files there's little benefit to ZIP-compressing them, as JPEG and MPEG-encoding algorithms are already very efficient at compression. But that's another discussion.
Many of the images in the file are BME copyrighted. I know some "copyrighted" material gets posted here but this one concerns me because BME is the host for Eunuch Archives, which is the main forum many of us frequent. EA has built a well-developed and caring community of users over the past decade and more. A few people, myself included, have made financial donations to EA to help pay their overhead costs but BME support is largely what keeps them going.
As to the material itself - many of you are familiar with the specific kinks some of us take pleasure in, as exemplified by stories and posts by Finder, Coinflipper, Slammr, Shortie, Ibn Michael, and many others who post to EA. So I downloaded ABBEY's post with some anticipation and oddly enough found no erotic content.
Everyone here has a different sexual profile of course, a broad spectrum of interests that, with the application of sufficient testosterone or the female equivalent, meet their personal definition of "erotic". The photo set of mostly self-administered genital modification and bloodletting for whatever reason doesn't work for me. A previous poster asked "Where's the femdom?" or words to that effect. Your mileage may vary.
:autogunMy pics 18 years old boy ,made in Thailand
Some more pics :bananad:
I don't know if this should be on this thread but here are some youtube pix of male penis and balls . If you feel I should not have it on this thread then let me know which thread it belongs 09470&index=0&playnext=1
Thanks for post, but I dont want to see more that 20 second of first video. I think it is a dead guy -yes. It is examine of dead guy penis. It make me feel pain in my body. Maybe I'm just a sissy boy! LOL :cryingblu
Very informative AND interesting videos!
Thank you! :bananajum
Oh, man!
The second and third links are..., well maybe I'm just a sick bastatard. :D
But in the second one, I don't understand every word, but after explaining one or two differentliy-crossected penisses (explainig it very closely :cryingblu) to the girsl and boys around, the (female) doctor turns over to that other penis and says like: "Ok, Now: This is another penis we have, we finally found it, we thought this was missing." And now: everyboudy is laughing very loudly, and..., sorry, fuck, but imagining, if they would they would discuss (and touch) MY penis like that (maybe because they found it...) ...
Sorry. I will get Hair on my palms... :D:D
Tokyo Gore Police is a techno gore flick w/lots of nudity and tons of ridiculous gore. this clip has a guy getting a blowjob and it's bitten off... I've extended it to the alligator girl scene.
:ibow4u: :wooow :confused: :cussing: :o :thumbup :asleep :bananad:
I am reading on this board since a long time, and i would thank all users posting so many great links here.
Now i will alsopost a few links to movies with **********:
The first one is one of the best ********** scenes ever made:
The ********** with elastrator begins at 2:30min
But look through the complete clip!
I will post a few other ********** video links in the next time!
Have fun!
Wonderful clip. I have to admit to enjoy that one very much.
I agree with jimenizgarcia that this is a great clip. My only complaint is that it shows a male touching the one being ********* during the process (once, when I was in a strip club, in a fully aroused state, a guy I barley knew tried a little "male bonding" (i.e., shoulder-grabbing) with me, which shriveled me up to such an extent that I've never been able to go to another strip club again), and also shows a female who is sympathetic to the male being *********. But I love the way the castratrix speaks to her victim, explaining the process involving the elastrator (I really wish SHE were called the elastratrix!) beforehand, and explaining that this is how you ******** pigs.
Great stuff, in spite! :bananawin
I am lucky that you enjoyed that clip as i did!
So here is the next one:
Many more to come!
Have fun
Nice stuff thanks Gadeto
[quote=Gadeto;64797]I am lucky that you enjoyed that clip as i did!
So here is the next one:
what's name of the complete film?