Link at you tube's video where a veterinary women ******** a stallion ...
For Becki: hi, please have you other videos and pics ?
Thanks, Frency
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Link at you tube's video where a veterinary women ******** a stallion ...
For Becki: hi, please have you other videos and pics ?
Thanks, Frency
Hi becki2shoe,
I'm perplexed.
I'm definitely not turned on by **********, let alone the idea of it happening to me. That sounds like the end of all fun! But I do know girls doing castrations for pleasure on someone else is definitely erotic for me. Wow! As long as my nuts are not the target. Maybe it's just a question of a girl doing the ultimate ball bust. And the fact that the girl is destroying his nuts for her own sexual pleasure at his total expense is the ultimate turnon. Maximum eroticism but on the cheap since no real harm befalls my nuts. It's very hot. And my guys are still safe to arouse me, and be busted, and generally just hang, waiting for a hot chick or situation to come by.
It could be as simple as just sitting on the couch with my wife when she puts her feet on my lap, and more importantly on my equipment, and asks for a foot massage. Balls are very useful at such times as these. So I want to keep mine even as I enjoy watching others lose theirs.
I've never been able to get YouTube videos to post here, but I will try again. I found a video of two women veterinarians ********** a bull. It's not in English, but it's neat to hear the women's voices as they perform the **********.
Sorry, I can't get the link to load. At YouTube type in the subject castrando, the video was added on September 16, 2007. Also titled Aluna UFPR castrando boi no MS. Hope you can find it.
Hi Lezalef, thanks for the compliment. I like your post to. As far as guys are concerned what turns me on too is the psychological thing.
I mean ********** bulls for a few days was exciting, hot, and powerful (I must have gotten off 2 doz times) but it is something I don't do everyday, even though several girl friends and I will probably go back next year.
For everyday, what turns me on is the psychological thing of talking to guys about my experience ********** bulls and the guys reaction. I mean I am NOT into ********** guys myself (at least right now) but the thought of ********** them is hot for me and their reaction to my threat is so hot and powerful for me (and for them too).
Since I ********* bulls I have talked with all the guys I know and date about my experience ********** and all but one or two got excited. The first time I tell a guy about ********** bulls I do it when we are alone but not making out, then after I talk for a while about **********, I grope his crotch - all but a couple had huge hardons! I take this as proof ********** gets them hot so I keep talking and stroking them and they all get this glassy eyed look and lose their loads rather quick.
All of them that get hard when I talk about ********** come back for more. I like to talk about ********** when I bust them too.
But even though they keep coming back for more it has usually been hard to get them to open up and talk about their feelings and thoughts they have while I talk about **********. I can tell that the details make a big difference. Some details they are not interested and some get them so hot they almost go blind. This is a very subtle thing and very important. I mean I like all the details but some guys do not and it is slow and difficult to learn by trial and error. Since visiting here I have learned a new nuance - rolling up my sleeves!!! - but it seems to only work for one man on earth! Oh well, it does seem like every single man has at least one unique slant on a ********** fetish that makes him go blind. Anyway, I would like to learn them all! I just love it when I make a guy go blind!
I am starting to see the subtle differences in interest here between different guys. I guess here it is different because we have only words between us, no groping, busting, sex, etc. so you have to express more if you want discussion.
Anyway, for right now my main interest is all the psychological aspects of ********** guys. Thats what I call it - psychologically ********** you - that may not be exactly correct terminology but it works for now.
I mean even just the words relating to ********** are so hot!
******** (**********, *********) tops the list I guess, that one little word whispered in a guys ear can cut through him like a gelding knife. Of course, it may make all the difference whether you talk about ********** him or others!
But there are many other very hot words as well such as gelding, eunuch, steer, nutted, cut, fixed, etc. Here again seems like each guy has different "hot" words. I suppose some guys find none of these words hot even tho they get off on thoughts of **********?
Becki, you are indeed a powerful omnipotent Goddess, and I worship you. That is the effect cowgirls ********** has on me and the effect that a girl who has done castrations has on me. It would be very easy for a girl like that a girl like you to put me totally under her power.
I like to hear all the details of how you perform the ********** step by step, of what it is like for your victim and what it is like for you while you are doing it. And I love to hear girls talk about ********** and **********, not only about doing it but also what the male or eunuch is like after she does it and why he is that way.
I have imagined you ********** me, how it feels and everything. Even though I don't know what you look like, I've imagined you standing over me with your sleeves rolled up above your elbows and you slowly cutting my nuts out.
So please keep talking to us about ********** and your feelings and experiences with it Becki, we need to have more women talk to us about ********** especially women like you who have done castrations sharing your experiences and women sharing their feelings about ********** and **********.
By the way, just asking out of curiosity, do you think you could ever reach the point of ********** a man? If you knew for sure nothing would go wrong and that you could easily get away with it, would you ever ******** a man? Since we are talking about ********** and eunuchs, what are your thoughts and feelings about having your very own eunuch slave/pet that you had ********* yourself?
I'm sure performing any ********** is a big power trip for any girl or woman who does it and especially on a big powerful animal like a bull or a stallion,
and it would probably be even more of a power trip for a girl or woman to actually ******** a man. From your own experience at the dude ranch Becki please tell me if that is true.
I'm also wondering if any of the bulls had hardons or came while you ladies were ********** them.
Yes, that is true, it is quite a power trip to have a 2000# bull by the balls!
To feel his power of 2000# straining against the steel pipe chute as he struggles to get away, to feel him shake the chute and rattle the gate to get out, that is power.
And yet to hold and feel his sexy soft scrotum and feel his heavy monsterous nuts in my hand, to swing them back and forth, to lift them and feel their weight, to feel the huge cords that have shot who know how much cum. Those monsterous balls are the source of his power.
To take a small little razor sharp gelding knife and slowly slit the bottom of his soft velvety sac and then slide his soft sac up over his nuts exposing them and then the huge cords, that doesn't take much power to do but the effect is very powerful, it takes little power to take his power away!
As for bulls having hardons while ********** them - well, I am disappointed you have not read my post on that! Perhaps if you were ********* you would calm down and read more carefully!
Yes, that is true, it is quite a power trip to have a 2000# bull by the balls!
To feel his power of 2000# straining against the steel pipe chute as he struggles to get away, to feel him shake the chute and rattle the gate to get out, that is power.
And yet to hold and feel his sexy soft scrotum and feel his heavy monsterous nuts in my hand, to swing them back and forth, to lift them and feel their weight, to feel the huge cords that have shot who know how much cum. Those monsterous balls are the source of his power.
To take a small little razor sharp gelding knife and slowly slit the bottom of his soft velvety sac and then slide his soft sac up over his nuts exposing them and then the huge cords, that doesn't take much power to do but the effect is very powerful, it takes little power to take his power away!
As for bulls having hardons while ********** them - well, I am disappointed you have not read my post on that! Perhaps if you were ********* you would calm down and read more carefully!
I went back and read your post about the bulls all having hardons while you ladies were ********** them. Did any of them actually cum while a woman was cutting his nuts out? Excuse my asking, but were any of the women at the dude ranch wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows when she was doing the castrations? For some reason that's a big turnon for me. I would love to see some pictures of that.
I have wondered what it really would be like for me secured helpless to a gelding table with a beautiful woman standing over me, especially a woman like you who is turned on by **********. To see her ********** instruments laying there, and to watch her as she rolls her long sleeves up above her elbows knowing that she is about to cut my nuts out and my manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands, and I'm totally helpless to stop her, I'm totally at her mercy and in her hands.
I have also wondered what it really would be like for me physically, sexually, and emotionally while she is performing the ********** surgery on me, how would it feel, how much would it hurt, how much would I bleed, what would it be like sexually and emotionally, would I have a huge hardon and would I cum for the last time while she is operating on me? What would it be like for me worshipping her as Goddess as she slowly cuts my nuts out and to worship her forever afterword?
Also, what would it be like for you or a girl like you to do that to me?
What would it be like for me to personally serve her as the eunuch slave/pet of the girl or woman who had performed the ********** surgery on me?
Would you ever ******** a man if you knew you would get away with it? Have you ever thought about what it would be like having your very own personal eunuch pet that you yourself had *********? Is that something you might like someday?
Sorry to keep going on and on like this, but I have wondered these things. I have wondered what it would be like laying there helpless and looking up at you worshipping you as you cut my nuts out, wondered what I would see and feel and experience.
I'm very big on lots of details, and I like to hear women talk about ********** and ********** and their thoughts and feelings about it, especially women who have actually done some kind of **********.
I would like to know what your thoughts and feelings are about the other things I've said about ********** and my femdom ********** fantasies, and about what all I've said here. Getting the women's perspective on ********** and ********** and on things like my femdom ********** fantasies helps me to understand them and deal with them better. Only hearing it from the men's or male perspective is only half the story, we need to hear from the women's side just as much. By women like you posting here about all of this gives all the guys here the women's perspective and I think we all need that. Thank you Becki.
Of course I would love to have my own eunuch slave - I do have a friend that has been ********* - so I have thought a lot about that.
But you seem extremely needy, can you actually do anything that would be useful to your Goddess besides just worshipping her? Eunuch slaves are supposed to have talents that are useful to the ladies they serve.
I'm very good at housework, cleaning, laundry, that sort of thing. I don't know much about cooking though. Also good as a gofer to go to the store for various small items and for groceries. I'm good at gardening and growing all kinds of vegies.
The Goddess's home is Her temple and Her slave must work to keep it a wonderful happy place for Her.
Yes, some of the bulls that had hardons shot their loads while we were cutting their nuts out.
But remember that there was a small herd of cows in heat in the next pen for a while. They got hard because smelling the cows pussies.
Also bulls cum quick. One of the other things we did was collecting semen from bulls for artifical insemination (these were breeding bulls, not the losers we were **********). Wow do they ever cum quick, the poor cows never seem to get a real good fucking, they must not get off, it was the same with the stallions and mares.
I think the few steers we cut, that got to mount cows after their nuts were cut out, fucked longer than the bulls did. Fascinating.
I know I have talked at length and gone into a lot of detail about ********** and girls and women ********** and my femdom ********** fantasies and the feelings and fetishes that are a part of them.
Would you please read back over that some and comment about it? I would like to know your thoughts and feelings and insights as a woman and as a woman turned on by ********** and **********, what your thoughts and feelings are about my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes and such.
What do you make of my femdom ********** fantasies and feelings and desires?
What do you make of my sleeve fetish? By the way, did any of the women at the dude ranch wear a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows when she was **********? Do you ever dress that way?
What do you make of the spiritual aspects of my femdom ********** fantasies? In my fantasies, the woman who is performing the ********** surgery on me becomes and is God Herself, and I worship her as she cuts my nuts out, and forever afterword.
Most of all I'm trying to figure out what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes, and what the best way really is for me to go about finding it.
What do you think it would really be like for me while you were ********** me? What would I feel and experience physically, sexually, and emotionally while you were doing it? What would it be like for me laying there helpless seeing your ********** instruments and watching you rolling up your sleeves knowing that you are about to ******** me and my manhood will be destroyed at your hands? What will it be like while you are performing the ********** surgery on me? How much would it hurt, how much would I bleed, what would your touch against my nuts be like, would you torture them before you cut me, would you torture or examine them after you cut away my scrotum but while they're still attached, would you force me to cum while you're doing it and what would that be like, what would it be like for me worshipping you as Goddess as you cut my nuts out and to worship you forever afterword, what would my existence be like as your very own personal eunuch slave/pet ********* at your hands?
I know I have asked a lot of very deep and odd questions here, but I have wondered about these things. Also, how long would it take you to ******** me? Would it take longer than it does for you to ******** a bull? A lot longer? Would you work more slowly on me so you could make it take longer to do so you would have longer to enjoy doing it? How long?
I have wondered about these things and would like to have a woman actually answer all of them.
This has also made me wonder what you look like as I imagine you ********** me. How would you describe what you look like?
Like I said, I think there is something I'm searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes, something much deeper than just the physical thing of a woman cutting out my testicles. I would appreciate any insights, thoughts, views, and ideas you might have on what it is I'm really searching for through them and what the best way is to go about finding it.
I know it's a lot to ask and a lot for you to work through, but I would appreciate it if you would please answer all this and share your feelings, views, and insights on all of this with me. Thank you Becki.
Like I've said, for me there is a very strong and deep spiritual aspect to women doing castrations. It has to do with female power/male weakness, total female dominance and omnipotence/male submission. I sense in it total male sacrifice to The Goddess, and it puts woman in the position of being God Herself with male totally under Her power and at Her mercy.
It puts that woman into being The Goddess Herself, all powerful, almighty, and totally omnipotent. And male into being Her subject, Her worshipper. By ********** the male, the woman makes him into what she needs and wants him to be for her own purposes, so he becomes her very own creation made and created by her at her own hands for her own purposes. Goddess and Her creation, Goddess and Her worshiper.
I sense in all this a kind of balance, the making of a kind of balance, the maintaining of a kind of natural balance. Remaking and maintaining the natural order of how things are supposed to be as The Goddess Herself created and ordained them when She created all that there is.
I don't really understand these feelings I have, but this is what I feel about ********** performed by women, and I'm trying to understand these feelings and find answers to the questions I have about them.
With all this in mind, you can understand that ********** performed by a woman is very powerful and aluring to me.
Thanx for the video. Very goodI must say :D
Keep em coming!