both of them durring on long session...
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both of them durring on long session...
A girl is never short of balls to practice with so long as there are boys to hand!
Nice thread!
Great thread!
screw tinypic
uploaded it to the forum then
why can't i see pics?
here's a new pic from wakutama
please, could somebode translate it? ^^ would be nice
Those pics turns me on immensely. Be sure of looking them all. \nFree Image Hosting by
Hope everyone like did it with some paint.
great stuff! I wish I could draw as well as these people!
Can anyone here translate these comics? Just follow this link:
I am so curious because the comics he does are so weird but really interesting and I really want to know what it says.
Thanks a lot! :)
Sorry, here is the link for the entire website if you guys want to check out the other comics he did.
[quote=Anzo;60577]Those pics turns me on immensely. Be sure of looking them all.
simply... delicious, thanks so much Anzo. :)
Just a bit of fun around a boy getting what he deserves
Jesus Christ, 319409! Those are some pretty weird pics you found - but strangely hot too. I'm sure I'm not the only guy that has had nightmares of spiders going after our goodies.
I'm sorry to say I can't translate what the captions are saying, but I'm sure most of us can make some educated guesses! Good find, keep 'em coming!
And the boys can't get enough!
Sorry to ruin your entire day there but I thought someone here could at least translate it and since this was "Ballbusing Cartoons" I thought I could appropriately post it here for some help.
...And maybe the spider is FEMALE since it's a BLACK WIDOW so, yes, it is female domination in an odd way.
Like the picture. How about she follows up with her left and then to dispell any remaining fight in him (and any remaining doubt as to her male slaying prowess) she twists and wrenches at his already severely damaged masculinity until he collapses in agonised submission at her feet. Final scene, would be her victoriuos foot on his chest triumphantly proclaiming the superiority of woman over man:D
Yeah nice kneefodder, I like those crushed balls xD
My last render:
When I was a child (9) I used to tease this cute girl (10) at school, someday she kicked me very hard in my balls, I was in the ground all recess whit a boner... ...she took her friends to see me and laugh at me...
...this makes me remember
Tell me what you think should happen next to this cocky man. Bust his nuts, ******** him, Penectomy, cut it all off, Make him a slave, Tie his nuts in a not, Shrink his dick, Shrink him, bite it off, Whats you fantasy?