heres a link to a clip. the doctor is cute, see other vids done by her
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heres a link to a clip. the doctor is cute, see other vids done by her
Dear Becki,
If you do ******** Castratrix's pet, you do need to realize, that the ********** is not really complete until you have ********* his internet connection. In fact, if you can't get to everything, please be sure to destroy totally his internet connection. Remember that may be the most sublime destruction of his sexual capacity of all. So whatever you do, remember to kill his computer to internet connection first and most importantly of all. In that way, he will not be able to incessantly recount to us in every possible situation how he want to be ********* by some woman with her sleeves turned up!!! :machine:
If anyone says I am being harsh, I plead temporary insanity, caused by too much Castratrix's Pet's dreams. :wooow
(The foregoing is intended to be total satire, and not any suggestion of actual violence.)
ciao francy disponibile a fare da animale
a presto
Wait, people reading Castrarix's pet's posts actually exist ?
I really enjoyed the posts by becki2shoe where she talked and described in detail the castrations she and the other women did at the dude ranch.
I like posts by women where a woman talks about **********, how she would perform the surgery, why she would perform it and what purpose it would serve her to do it, how she feels while she's doing it, what effect it will have on the male or on the man, what he will be and be like afterword and why he will be that way.
I would love to find some videos of a group of women talking about ********** and about ********** a man. Seeing the women and hearing ********** being talked about in women's voices.
Also videos of a woman veterinarian describing a ********** surgery step by step as it is being performed.
If you go to Google and in the search box type in the name Dr Louise St-Germain the first website on the menu is video de diffusion. Click on that and it takes you to a site where you can see actual veterinary ********** surgeries.
Go down to the one that says ********** Canine and Dr Louise St-Germain.
It shows a woman veterinarian (Dr Louise St-Germain) ********** a large male dog, the size of the balls look almost human. A woman narrator, maybe even the woman vet herself, describes each step in the surgery as it is being performed. Problem is the narration is in French.
I would love to see this same video with a woman's voice narrating it in English. Even though it's in a language I don't understand, it's neat watching a woman performing a ********** while hearing a woman's voice talking about it.
I wish someone could translate that video's audio portion into English so we could see it with a woman's voice narrating it in English. Still, it has some neat videos to watch seeing a woman doing castrations.
Hello! Nice theme about **********! :bananajum It is sorry can not send a attachment!
********** in Russia.....
These is Russsian cowgirls....:)
Yeah, cowgirls with mustaches...
I dont mind when people send pics or vids showing a vet doing an operation, but this is just completely off topic...
I wonder, is this topic so rare?
Cowgirls doing ********** maybe. But there are many pictures of women ********** animals. I know because I have a huge collection stored on disk.
One day when I have some time, I will put them online. Best from my collection is from a woman who had her horse ********* by a female vet and filmed it, but she didnt know how to make it digital. So I was glad to help her and of course she agreed I keep a copy. Forums that is how you meet people through the internet. This particular video was shot in 2003, it is almost 2008 now, time flies and I am not having enough fun.
Tempus fugit. I wish I could freeze time and spend an infinite amount of time on less important things like this. Tempus fuck-it I say.
This is the best:
Sorry if is a repost.