A few pictures to end the night with. Repeats to some:soomad , brand new to others:jumpsmile , artwork enjoyed:bananajum ...
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A few pictures to end the night with. Repeats to some:soomad , brand new to others:jumpsmile , artwork enjoyed:bananajum ...
i like fumetti :)
a guy is teased, handcuffed by the balls and his fully erect cock and interrogated with a serious threat... he decides to talk, of course!
http://img232.imagevenue.com/loc545/..._123_545lo.jpg http://img147.imagevenue.com/loc792/..._123_792lo.jpg
I recently joined and have several pictures to add, however, it says at the bottom of this page that I cannot add attachments. Now, being a new user I also cannot see anything more than the thumbnails. The post that Sharon added stated that once I started contributing I would be able to see them. But, how is this possible if I cannot add attachments? What am I missing here. Thanks in advance for the assistance.
chucked, I fix it. You can add attachments now.
A web comic I read had a ballbust today.
Been feeling creative again so heres another bit of art.
here you can find it (i admit, it's not my work!)
from hustler comix, a bite from two point of view and a kick
They R so HOTTTTTTT:iluvu: :iluvu: :iluvu: :iluvu:
Is my pencil drawings good?
Thanks for fixing this so I can upload. Not sure if these have been posted before. I did not see them anywhere, so hopefully they are new. Enjoy.
Not really sure where to put this since it covers many topics on this forum. So I will just add it here: http://gynarchy.org/cgi-bin/PhotoAlbum3.cgi
looks like ball stretchinghttp://merryshare.com/images/zbjf16ifsn67apqx0the.jpg
That's good, it's the sort of scenario I'd like to find myself in (but without the nazi/guantanamo chick).
I did some CG renders for my own enjoyment, and I thought i'd share.
It's a short unarmed fight between a man and a woman. *looks around* I bet you can guess who wins and have some idea how. :O
Whole Set in RAR: (and slightly higher quality)
Part 2:
Images 6 to 10(of 22)
Part 3:
Images 11-15 (of 22)
Part 4:
Images 16-20 (of 22)
Last ones.
Images 20, 21
That's it for now.
And I'm just about out of upload space now. :(
Dunno if that regenerates...
SVD, those were PHENOMENAL! Great work!
And that's how BB should be done, very well done.