that is an entirly hollistic bb cartoonery....thanks very much. It eroticises balls and their squeezing on a very deep level
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The score says it all.
Don't think these have been posted before, but apologies if I'm wrong...enjoy :)
An Amazon girl waiting to ascend to full warriorhood entertains herself by teasing a captured Spartan to the point of ejaculation before dispatching him with her older sisters battle proven weapon.
A while ago I saw a site were big strong women totally ripped of a guys dick. I believe it was a Japanese site but somehow I lost the url. Does anybody know the new url?
I think it's the ultimate humiliation for a guy if a woman rips off his manhood.
Yea go to the Goruchan forum and look at the penis goru or guro and someone just posted a bunch a comics worth of pics
lol thought these were cool :o
GuroChan was actually the first site I've encountered that contained cartoon femdom.
How about losing your manhood this way? My favorite!
Or you can take a look here :
I have modified one of image precedently posted... sorry if the english in the cloud isn't very good, i don't know english very well... :-)
Lovely image,
fan art gif for Soulkick
hahaha Awesome
Got some new stuff up now
Hi, I really like these pictures. I know they used to be at the website (and sometimes they appear on gurochan).
The fevsma site seemed to have closed though. Does anyone know where they can be found now?
i am a huge fan of the baroness from gi joe. many of my fantasies involve that character and torture.
Very very very good pictures!!!!
i know she is not exactly busting balls, but it's a nice self defence method, isn't it?
here is some japanese art
In regards to the earlier post, "You get captured, She tortures you".
The Viet Cong and NVA had well over 100,000 females fighting in their army. Enemy soldiers captured by them they tortured and *********. How would you like to meet up with these ladies in the jungle??!! Do you think they would hesitate to slice off your dick. I think maybe no. But many found themselves on the business end of their knives.