a few more!
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a few more!
Fuckin great Cyrus! :ibow4u:
I especially like the one in the middle. They look like they're about to pop :iluvu:
I'd have never have thought it possible but julies done it and you have photos :thumbup
Where did you find 'em?
Wow! I'd have never thought it possible.:eek: Do you have and movies?
This one really made me hard. I have a lactation fetish too and this tit suspension shot with her milk literally flowing from her tortured tits and puddling on the floor almost made me cum in my pants. Thanks TollmasterQuote:
Originally Posted by Tollmaster
P.S. Where did you find these?
What a great collection of sick puppies this place attracts! :D
I’m glad you like the photos. Unfortunately, I visit so many sick places I’m not sure where exactly those shots came from. I used to string an ex-gf up by her tits (because she asked me too). I wish I’d have known how much weight they could really have taken :D I used to arrange it so that I'd hurt her first and then have her get her own back by busting may balls - Oh Yeah! I'm getting off on the thought of it all.
Yes Collin, I’d be VERY interested in seeing movies of tit hanging!
Don't remember where i found them. Have some tit-hanging movies but they are in realmedia (.rm) and I don't know how to cut them:( They are very large files and I have a slow connection, so I can't upload whole movie.Quote:
Originally Posted by Tollmaster
Here is a short one for U :)
Thanks Cyrus :thumbup
Sadly, Rapidshare doesn't work for me anymore because I have a 'shared IP address' BASTARDS!
Thanks for trying anyway.
I can't wait to see some of this :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
Hey all found another website with animated cb. Thought you might like to check it out, unfortunately it is in japenese which I cannot read.
I was also wondering if someone with more computer knowledge than me could tell me if there is a way to make internet explorer translate these pages to english?
Ok here is the link http://kazetanuki.web.fc2.com/comic.html
Some tortured breasts
And a tortured cunt
A cunt on a string! Now that's different :weryfun
I'd like to see her lifted off the floor :eek:
Wow! This stuff is amazing. :ibow4u:
Thank you :)
Pumping the milk from her tits http://rapidshare.de/files/15050668/...Promo.mpg.htmlQuote:
Originally Posted by Endeavor
I bet this hurts