What would women do with your balls once you have been *********?
Hang them on the rear view mirror of their car?
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What would women do with your balls once you have been *********?
Hang them on the rear view mirror of their car?
She's going for the whole thing in one shot.
Cool shot.Quote:
Originally Posted by jonnyk75
Here's my contribution.
"I mean she just grabbed me all down there and yanking and yanking and tearing me up with those fingernails."
you never know...she could need a coin purse.Quote:
Originally Posted by hallo26nl
Wow! Having your nuts torn off would be a horrifying experience. :cryingblu
only if done right.Quote:
Originally Posted by Magnum
There's a wrong way to do it? I figure it would be the tearer's prerogative. :Baahaha:Quote:
Originally Posted by mgspecter
well if the tearer knock's the tearee out first...horror can't be enjoyed by either party.Quote:
Originally Posted by Snoodle
Although, the look on his face when he wakes up might just be worth it. :Baahaha:Quote:
Originally Posted by mgspecter
My balls banded, this allways gets me off. I would let the right woman cut them off.
I have and it does not hurt at all, I have left the bands on for 30-45 min. so far. My cock always gets rock hard once I band my balls, if you do it your balls will turn dark and get numb, it gives me the best orgasms. Now just so you know when the band is cut free it does sting a little but I think it is worth it, if you got a girl tell her to band your balls before sex, she'll love doing it to you.
love the pic, do you have more?
thanks I love Gif pics that work
I don't know why you would think ********** a man would be any more dangerous then doing a dog or horse, balls are balls. know you do have a point on the psychological part of your post, for some men losing their nuts would be hard to deal with.
well its not just danger of the operation itself...it isn't illegal to ******** a horse...it can be to ******** a man. i still don't think that would stop some of us.Quote:
Originally Posted by ottobeused
Go on Snoods sort him out ;) I know ya don't like blood but my guess is that there wouldn't be any if you used two bands and cut between them.Quote:
Originally Posted by ottobeused
here's a medical interjection for practicing "safe" **********...if you cut between the two bands there will still be blood...just not alot and it won't spurt out it will kinda ooze. now if you were to cut it with a knife that were hot enough to seal the wound as you cut...then there would be no blood. and also no need for bands. :D like a hot knife through butter...just don't try and spread it on a bagel that would be gross and wrong.Quote:
Originally Posted by SIL
Never do that! if you use a hot knife through butter, you can die be cause of sepsis. you can use a burdizzo to be *********. but you can't do that yourself because of the pain.you can't give yourself that much pain. nobody can.Quote:
Originally Posted by mgspecter
But,why to be ********* now?why not to play with our balls for more? many females could kick and do anything they want to our balls. when we get bored,or we want to try the final game, we can get *********.. if you want an incisional cut on your scrotum,you can do that also. but i advice dont have your balls cut off. you will need them to serve women. :)
and when you decide to be *********,i think you should firstly have one of your balls cut off. then in an other game, you would cut the other.you can play this game just for twice in your life! :)
I don't know if God is Female but "she / he" sure made it easy for a males balls to be removed. If you ever hear woman talking when they think a man is not around, they talk about ********** men alot, any time a man has done something wrong its "we should ******** him". I don't think I have ever heard men talking about cutting off a womans tits or clit just because she cheated on him. I think women really like the idea, and more are willing to do it then we men think. that is if they could change the laws to make it OK to do.
but there is no anti ********** law...if you want to be ********* and can have a doctor do it...then its a legal procedure that falls somewhere in the realm of cosmetic surgery. hell you could probably even have a vet do it.
great pics thanks for posting link
Probably could not get it done in a US hospital. Maybe in an office. The ethics folks would stop the office. Will have to do considerable shopping. Maybe in the third world.
Surgically is it quite simple, takes about 45 minutes max. Is done legitimately for certain cancers.
I don't see why the ethics folks would have a problem with it...its just another form of body modification...like piercings, or tattoos.
I wish I were a Vampire, so I could remove cock, balls, limbs, whatever, and they'd just regenerate overnight. One of my fave movie scenes is in the vampire club in Blade2, where a vampire girl's back is peeled open and her spine exposed, and a vampire "surgeon" is fiddling around inside her with metal tools, and she smiles up at Blade as he walks by with a sexy look of suppressed pain...
yeah that would be awesome...being able to absolutely destroy my bits and have them working again the next day ready to be abused again. Would be a dream come true.Quote:
Originally Posted by vulkrypse
not sure if this really applies to this forum, but an interesting article for the aftermath of **********:
You know there are people who actually make purses of scrotumsQuote:
you never know...she could need a coin purse
from all kinds of animals, like kangaroos, bulls etc.
It is even possible to buy such "prescious" items via the internet.
Personally I am not interested in such things b/c it gives me an
unpleasant feeling :cryingblu
Just follow this link: www.australiagift.com/scrotum_shop/scrotum.htm
Maybe a little bizarre but maybe the ladies fancy a new purse?
those poor kangaroos...would be interesting if someone made my nuts into a purse though...kinda freaky too.
an ex-girlfriend once gave me one of those kangaroo scrotums...the label on the package was "I'm Roo-n'd" and had a picture of a kangaroo with a nice big "X" bandage across his crotch. We'd never done any BB, but I think she kinda knew somehow ;)