She looks SO hot, can someone pls post a smaller version of this? My internet is so slow :( or reup to ballbustingtube or something (I think they reduce the filesize also automatically)
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I love this pic:
I have a ballbusting fantasy where a woman/girlfriend is squeezing my balls while i'm on the phone:bananajum . So i am like... at home and speeking on the phone with a friend, then i sit down and continue speeking and a girlfriend comes next to me and starts squeezing my balls thus controling the pitch of my voice, making it go higher and higher and at one point making me scream... :) . So she is controling the whole conversation i have with the friend, and the friend suddenly asks me: " are you ok... ? " " what's wrong... ? " then i cant take it anymore and i hang up. I enjoy the thought of her having me at her whim controling everything that i say...
I'm not sure what exactly is going on here, but he's undoubtfully being grabbed..
Nice clip indeed!
If you want the direct download, go here:!download|630l3|3300393638|www.tvn.hu_dd19b41f2ad 2e7e647e70089e25e7495.flv|1115|R~A3CB08A0B5FC6A83D 0023465EF5FC10A|0|0
Hey anybody remember that movie where the guy creates a girl genetically or something like that so that she is as horny as a guy? There's a great groin grab in that movie, actually two. Only one on screen tho.
Taken from the latest Kinky Kicks update Please Louise.
View more pics from this set at http://www.***************/blog/?p=352
that will make me join for sure!