Nice picture, try! :jumpsmile
I have a couple ideas, but let's also open this up as a caption contest.
You can offer the winner a custom "try" drawing!
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Nice picture, try! :jumpsmile
I have a couple ideas, but let's also open this up as a caption contest.
You can offer the winner a custom "try" drawing!
Great idea!Quote:
Originally Posted by ilny2000
I used to be able to attach pics so that one could see the thumb. But I can't remember how I did it.
Now I insert them as attachments and don't get the thumbs anymore. It's a nuisance.
I've tried "Insert Image", but it demands a URL.
Can anyone explain to me how to attach pics that appear as thumbs?
These toons are not exactly ballbusting, but I find them great.
Man, all great pics! Where did you find them?
There are millions of regular hentai pictures out there.
Which episode of hunter x hunter is it in?
Which episodes of samurai champloo has ballbusting in them?
Now you are getting kind of personal. Don't go for mainstream regular. Go for the pure hentai series: you get the most out of them.
I know this isn't exactly bb but it is a cartoon.
I have dreamed a lot of this picture when I was younger. It is like a worst-
case-scenario you see :cryingblu
Imagine you are a bullfighter. You have already killed hundreds of bulls for
the game. Because you are a man and you are supposed to be the "stronger"
sex you enter the arena with full confidence. The arena is completely sold
out. There aren't any seats left. The crowd starts to cheer and all ladies who
specially came to see you go crazy by the look of your eyes. You carefully
step towards the bull. You, the great bullfighter stand face-to-face with
the bull. Then suddenly the button of your pants falls off and your pants
drops to the ground...
Imagine what an embarrassment.
I think I saved this from Yahoo, hopefully it hasn't been posted already.
David B.
From this angle, the bull has every right to laugh. :Baahaha:Quote:
Originally Posted by hallo26nl
Thx for the new posts - love that first one from papschlumpf. A real action shot!
why cant i see the pics? :confused:
Now you can!Quote:
Originally Posted by XCLUSIVE
You are right Snoodle, compared to the bull the bullfighter has every reasonQuote:
From this angle, the bull has every right to laugh.
to be embarressed. What do you think of men in such "painful" situations? ;)
I love them!Quote:
Originally Posted by hallo26nl
You are really doing great jobs , keep on posting ....thanks:ibow4u:
I like these virtual reality cartoons.
Great pics papaschlumpf. Escpecially number 4, it is so realistic!
Keep posting I would say :thumbup
Wow, I wish I could do stuff like that... I guess this way one sort of materializes fantasies in the safest way possible.
I call this piece
"Princess Leia gets on with it"
P.S I told you I could draw Princess Leia ballbusting!
Illny2000 and Batmons, this pic is made for you to be creative with! Do your thing.
I know its not a great quality but it really asks for you two to apply your talents to it.
Originally Posted by Ihurtballs_princess
that is hilarious in its own right. :thumbup
Thank you!
The resolution is a little low for me to work with, is there a higher rez one anyware.Quote:
Originally Posted by try
Heres something for now anyway ;)
Lovely picture! You really are imaginative in the way you think up ballbusting pics that show something origanal.Quote:
Originally Posted by Batmons
Unfortunately I doubt if the pic I enclosed before is available in higher resolution, I got it off a nostalgia tv site. Its actually an audience member from Top of the Pops in the sixties so that res is probably the best available.
How come there isn't any? I mean, sure electricity on the balls would be very painful in real life, but it's not painful to draw a cartoon of it. Is it? Must be, because I've seen maybe 2 in my life. I must admit, though, Knave and other cartoonists have come up with some very imaginative bb methods, but how come you never see a sexy girl turnin' on the "juice" to a guys balls? I can only assume it's because it's just not considered erotic enough -- it's more erotic if the girl's making physical contact with the guy. But I don't see why imagination can't solve that problem. Same with needles -- wouldn't want to have it done to myself or anything, but I'd like to see it drawn a little more often. Don't worry -- the cartoon guy won't feel any pain, I promise!
Not sure what reason Princess got banned for, but I didn't get to see the Leia picture. It seemed (based on the posts discussing it) legitamate, and I was wondering if anyone saved it and could repost.
They asked to get banned :)Quote:
Originally Posted by kdunstfan