some pic.:ibow4u:
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some pic.:ibow4u:
come on,who can up some for cnb?
good pic for web.:bananajum
dkg...your work is awesome...thanks. :ibow4u:
Here's of my all-time favorite pics...I don't know where I got it and the quality sucks but I love it. I love the chick on the right with the belt of low hangers. Can anyone re-make this? I'm totally into ********* balls still in the cocks...
even though some pics are really cheesey, theyre still really hot!
Hey dzk your web sites not working for me for some reason :(
Thanks for all these pics, they are ... delicious
I think what I would need to find is a woman who routinely performs castrations on males. A woman rancher or woman farmer. Best of all would be a woman veterinarian because she routinely performs a number of castrations on males and she does it surgically as a surgical operation. She would also need to be a woman who really enjoys performing ********** surgery. A total female supremist who one of the reasons she became a veterinarian was so she could routinely perform male castrations because that is how she orgasms.
A woman who is so sexually warped up that normal sex and intercourse no longer interest her, a woman so sexually warped up that for her to orgasm she has to have and feel total omnipotent power over a male as if she herself is God. For her the ultimate orgasm would be for her to surgically ******** and emasculate a man against his will, (despite my femdom ********** fantasies I don't really want to be ********* for real), and then for herself to feel that total omnipotence of being God by being worshipped by a sterile impotent eunuch she herself had *********, a eunuch whose manhood she herself had destroyed with her own hands.
Perhaps a woman who prefers wearing long sleeves rolled up well above her elbows because to her it somehow symbolizes her total power and omnipotence.
An extremely dominant woman who somehow as a woman sees herself as God.
There are probably a very very few women out there like that and I know that a woman like that would be very very dangerous especially for a man like myself, but that is probably what I would need to find.
Women already have an omnipotent power over men. It’s just that most times we conceal that fact very cleverly when we exert that dominance. Sometimes we don‘t, and we will deliver a very firm squeeze or an abrupt knee to your balls to remind you of that fact.
You might also want to rethink rounding up some cowgirl that is very likely to hogtie you down, slice off the wrinkled bottom of your scrotum, and pull your jewels off by the roots and toss them into the dusty ground of the corral. Since you say this is just a fantasy for you, there’s a good chance you may just be singing out your regrets in a distinctly soprano voice as the cowgirl of your dreams is shuddering in orgasm at what she has just done to you.;)
I was really thinking more of an extreme female supremist femdom woman veterinarian who would rolle up her sleeves and surgically neuter me the same way she neuters a large male dog, only either with no anesthesia or under a local anesthetic that would leave me awake and conscious to watch and experience her slowly and skillfully cutting my nuts out and would leave me awake and conscious to worship her as God while she is ********** me and my manhood is being destroyed at her hands.
A woman who has the surgical skill and experience to perform a surgical ********** and is the kind of woman who would have her most intense orgasm ever while she is doing it to me. The kind of woman who would experience intense orgasm by being worshipped as God by the eunuch She Herself had *********, whose manhood She herself had destroyed with Her own hands.
I found this castratiion pic coming from a fantasy amazon's story made by a cool artist named diegomez.
Does someone have the whole story and can post it here? or at last provide a link whenre to download those sooooooooo COOL pics?
thanks in advance!
Shown here with short sleeves instead of long sleeves rolled up, but you get the idea.
I wish instead of short sleeves she was wearing long sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
The face of God.