it's great thread< but i can't understand how to get a permission to view pictures?:cryingblu
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it's great thread< but i can't understand how to get a permission to view pictures?:cryingblu
yo uso google chrome y puedo ver todos los de la pájina,no se porque vosotros no podeis.
Woman squeezes testicle out of man's scrotum
Woman charged with **********, urinates in police car
Monday, Jun 4 2012, 10:55 am
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Alicia Banks
A 35-year-old Shelby woman is accused of squeezing a man’s testicle out of his scrotum this weekend, according to a Shelby Police report.
Police charged Joyce Maxine Gregory with malicious ********** and assault inflicting serious bodily injury.
Gregory and a 59-year-old Shelby man argued early Saturday morning at a home on Bowman Street, according to a Shelby Police report. The man told police he went outside to call 911 after the confrontation.
The man said Gregory came outside and grabbed him by his scrotum before he was able to jerk away from her grip, the report states. Then, the man walked to the Shelby Rescue Squad building for help. He was taken to Cleveland Regional Medical Center. A hospital urologist told police stitches could repair the man’s injury, according to the report.
Police officers on the scene went back to search the Bowman Street home. They found Gregory inside and arrested her.
While inside an officer’s patrol car, Gregory removed her pants and urinated in the back seat, according to the report. She was taken to the magistrate’s office at the Cleveland County Courthouse after the incident.
Gregory was booked into the Cleveland County Detention Center. She is being held without bond, according to the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office website.
— Alicia Banks
See the article here at the Shelby Star's website.
Девочки мучают шарики и угрожают отрезать яички:
This thread is amazingly hot.
Would never willingly allow myself to be chopped, but the thought of being in the position where it could happen turns me on a huge amount.
Last night I double banded my testicles. Fuck it felt felt great I didn't leave them on for long as I was so turned on I came in no time at all. I would love for a female to tie me up and double band my balls and not let me cum till they are purple nearly black and there is a very high possibility of not cumming ever again.
There's a ********** near the end of this movie, enjoy :)
Since several years I have a strong ********** fantasy. I am not yet ready to lose my balls for real, but always get rock hard, when thinking about it. I am happy to find this forum!
I love pair of Fried TESTICLES, prepared fresh straight off the ballsac for Supper. Just cut out your ballsac open, remove the BALLS, put them on a tray for Picture . Then FRY them on a frying pan add spices as you need.
PICTURE shows the boy is going to do so. Should YOU wish to pursue the experience with your OWN PAIR.
Since women enjoys these type of Stories or Fantasies quite a bit. I am eager to hear their FEEDBACK and also any RECIPES for these TESTICLES.
Please women !!!!!!
COMMENTS please !!!!!
Also all other feedback or Comments is most Welcome.
Thank You.
I love a pair of FRIED TESTICLES, prepared fresh straight off the ballsac for Supper. Just cut out your balsac open, remove the BALLS, put them on a tray for Picture. Then Fry them on a frying pan adding spices as you Need.
PICTURE shows the boy is going to do so. Should YOU wish to pursue the experience with your OWN Pair.
Since women enjoys these type of stories or Fantasies quite a bit. I am eager to hear their FEEDBACK and also any RECIPES for TESTICLES.
Please women, Comments PLEASE !!!!!!!
Also any other feedback or Comments is most WELCOME.
Thank You.
Picture related to the article "Fried testicles":letsplay :asleep
Apparently Brazil is the place to be when you like things like this:
This is real :
Originally Posted by article in portuguese
Same report different website:
Would that woman like what she sees ?
check out a youtube video called "testiculos-MCAC"
kind of hot
I don't want to be the asshole to say this, but he wasn't a child molestor, his boyfriend was just the insane jealous type..
cops r letting ppl really close to that crime scene. i suspect that they approve & r working to make this a photo op for the press & civilians. whoever did this is not going to b seriously investigated, i think.
Ugh... This isn't sexy OR a turn on... That's just disgusting.
Plus, you can't let impulses control the justice system. AAaand that's all I'm going to say.
i'm a brazilian
and just why is that really hot plain-clothes cop interviewing that witness right on top of the body? everything about this just screams comedy-horror movie. badly written, low-budget comedy-horror movie.
Waited so long for this.. finally found..:bananad:
(remove the space)
Esto va para las mistress principiantes
One more clip at clips for sale 46787. you can even hear the crazy sounds of the testicles rupturing!
ugh, can't the animal lovers get their own thread, let's just keep this restricted to humans, you know..your own species..