You haven't seen my E-mails
Originally Posted by
Sorry CP- Rowling is pretty specifically and uniquely identified with "Harry Potter and the ..." and I'm sure she actually has legal copyright to back her up.
Again- In my humble opinion- You ARE NOT specifically and uniquely identified with "ballbusting cartoons". Bad comparison.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but there are guys who are "legendary" in the world of ballbusting cartoons- Knave (E.M.) comes to mind for one. This is NOT meant as a dig against you or your style- I know you have a following. But "ballbusting cartoons" doesn't immediately bring to mind "cutponies"- at least for me. I am NOT confused by a similarly named thread and have difficulty understanding people who would be. It's just not that hard to figure out. At the risk of repeating myself- this is not about you- it's a friggin thread about cartoons.
When people hear "Harry Potter", they don't automatically think J.K. Rowling. When they hear J.K Rowling they most emphatically think "Harry Potter".
The character "Cutponies" is most certainly associated with ballbusting cartoons, tho' not vice-versa. It's not a question of legality. It's a question of discourtesy. Richter had every right to open a new thread. He had No right to take the name of another thread, Did he even think for a moment that it might cause confusion? So what if you're not confused, others are. so what if you don't care for my pics, others do. You might notice that when you click on the forums list it shows the latest contribution, and lists the name of the thread. Now people don't knowto which "ballbusting cartoons" is being refered. Richter, in doing what he did showed himself arrogant, uncaring, unimaginative, and an intellectual thief (in fact if not in law)! In short an ASSHOLE!
P.S. You're not much better, Posting in a font colour that makes it almost impossible to read! arrogance and discourtesey