This should be interesting. :Baahaha:Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
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This should be interesting. :Baahaha:Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
I'm Done. Tee-Hee-Hee:Baahaha:
Out of respect for Snoodle I had myself emasculated before I attended her neutering ( see my groin in pic):(
Well done cutponies bet Snoodles is fealing much calmer now lol
whats it like Snoodles ? :)
Originally Posted by cballs
Well, like I said, it's...interesting. Having your wang chopped off is an...eye opening experience. You're right, though, I am calmer. I don't actu up nearly as much now.:Baahaha:
I love it! ...although, I think the hair is throwing me a bit. Mine's not curly. ^_^;;
i hope that you like...
:wooow :wooow :wooow
:( Poor Snoodle she lost her gobblewhompers... she lost her futa-esque quality...Quote:
Originally Posted by Snoodle
O.K I'll try againQuote:
Originally Posted by Snoodle
Again out of repect for Snoodle I had myself emasculated.
Originally Posted by cutponies
Heheh, yep, that's it! :D
I see from your avatar that you want to be punished. Tell me how and I'll oblige with a 'toon.Quote:
Originally Posted by cballs
Kicked, crushed, burned, cut off (p or t or both)?
By a woman, man, eunuch, chick w dick or dildo, freemartin?
Anyone watching?
Need a face
A lui continua (life goes on)
I just can't let a good thing go
This may test you cutponies
First off I have short fair hair sort of like a crewcut
Want to be 69ing a vampire/ goth woman and get a suprise She uses her teeth more than usual :) Her on top and pulling my balls as I have my last cum. before she finishes biteing through my cock. Have no idea how to show that though.
Well that should be a challenge for you lol
Challenge accepted
"Submitted for your consideration" - Rod Serling:soomad
Heheh! Awesome. :D
Way to go cutponies! The man seems up for any challenge :) even shirtsleeves! I like all the toons but I was also a little confused by the hair on end in the first Snoodle pic. However, I can imagine that getting yer dick burnt off might do that to anybody! Snoodle part 2 is awesome. Do ya think you could take that pose and just get her kicked so badly that her nads just ‘uselessly hang there’ all swollen like? I reckon Snoods might be well into that sorta thang.
Oh, and lets not ferget to applaud our Snoods here for being game! She’s a rare find indeed. How many other girls d’ya know that would agree to have their nuts destroyed in the name of public entertainment!?
Now there’s a question!Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
I believe that it’s a British thing (please correct me if I’m wrong)
‘Rock on Tommy’ was a former battle cry pertaining to user ‘Tommy’ on this very forum (Hey where are you these days Tommy?). Tommy’s avatar used to be Kermit the frog. Somebody (yep, yer right Magnum – there is always one) complained that the use of this image infringed copyright :asleep. As a result, former moderator, Sara, removed all such images from the selection the forum offers. Tommy proceeded to upload his own avatar of the muppet ‘Animal’ (see example Tommy post with phrase in question here: )
‘Rock on Tommy’ was the catch phrase of Bobby Ball who was one half of the British comedy duo Cannon and Ball (see: The Lancashire duo had their own prime-time TV show during the decade 1978-1988 during which time the phrase in question entered common usage. The duos book is called…. you guessed it…. ‘Rock on Tommy’ (buy it at:
To an outsider like myself, the phrase ‘Rock on Tommy’ has clearly become ingrained in the British psyche. I can think of no better exempli gratia of this than the fact that there even appears to be and an episode of that primary and quintessentially British Sci Fi show ‘Dr. Who’ called ‘Rock on Tommy’ which stars the archetypal artiste that played the character, Tom Baker (see
Well, you did ask cutponies and I like to do my homework,
In my femdom ********** fantasies one of, probably the most intense part is the point where she crushes and ties off my last spermatic cord and my last testicle dies at her hands destroying my manhood.
She has cut off my right testicle which is laying in a small dish and she is now operating on my left testicle. She clamps off my left spermatic cord with her forceps and I cum for the last time a small squirt as my last testicle and my manhood die in her hand. Also just after that as she ties off my left and last spermatic cord with surgical ligatures.
The next most intense moment is when she severs my left spermatic cord with her scalpel cutting off my last testicle and my balls are gone and my ********** at her hands is complete.
There is just something to me, something very powerful and intense to me about laying there totally helpless looking up at a beautiful, sexy, and omnipotent young woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows and worshipping her as Goddess as she cuts my nuts out.
Also, in my fantasy the castratrix is always left handed, and the women assisting her are enjoying watching a man being ********* by a woman as much as she is enjoying ********** me, and she is really enjoying doing it to me.
Way to go cutponies! The man seems up for any challenge :) even shirtsleeves! I like all the toons but I was also a little confused by the hair on end in the first Snoodle pic. However, I can imagine that getting yer dick burnt off might do that to anybody! Snoodle part 2 is awesome. Do ya think you could take that pose and just get her kicked so badly that her nads just ‘uselessly hang there’ all swollen like? I reckon Snoods might be well into that sorta thang.
Oh, and lets not ferget to applaud our Snoods here for being game! She’s a rare find indeed. How many other girls d’ya know that would agree to have their nuts destroyed in the name of public entertainment!?
What about me? How many men would allow themselves to be ********* in public?:wooow
Not bad Cutponies :) all it needs is some evidence of me having my last cum >:) but still worth a look :) I'll be recovering in the next to snoodles lol
You're spurting
I love her so much I just can't stop:soomad
That should read monomaniacal
My guess is several hundred worldwide whereas Snoods may be unique.Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
Keep up the good work :thumbup
i like!!! :iluvu:YES YES... i like it
Hey cutponies maybe snoodles is a vampire herself :)
Her balls keep growing back lol
Way to go snoodles :)
Cheers, Trouble – I was definitely the best of the bunch.Quote:
Originally Posted by Troubled
I’m not into blood myself and much prefer seeing Snoodle’s bruised balls getting smashed by a knee. Monomania is no bad thing where Snoodle’s involved :)
What would you like to see Snoodle?
And what thanks to I get? Does anyone ask what I want?:(
Sob:cryingblu! Why doesn't someone do a 'toon of snoodle doing my packet? YESSS, Back in time, Eqyptian Queen. Having me painfully ********* in front of all her harem-girls and eunuchs:D . Being licked by a eunuch while she watches. Snoodle is up while she does me:iluvu: