There little that's hotter than seeing a closed fist between a man's balls and his crotch!
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Darrin Manning, 16, says he was stopped by police for no reason then subjected to a violent pat-down
He had emergency surgery on his genitals the following day
Manning says a female officer 'grabbed and squeezed and pulled down' on his testicles
Name of the police officer was: Cucinotta
A white female officer grabbed and squeezed his testicle. Officer Cucinotta testified she was “physically unable to reach his genital area.”
Word-joke: Cucinotta = Cock in knotta, as she twists his junk in a knot.:wooow I should not laugh about this, because I sincerelt feel for this dude. A shitty thing to happen.
"The real question is why did they omit Darrin’s teammates’ testimony in their finding that he heard Darrin screaming that the police officer was squeezing his balls, and yet they quote him as to the resisting arrest? He corroborates Darrin’s version of the events."
Can somebody do some research and get the full name or photograph of this ball-buster?
Thanx for sharing this. One of his friends who was present during his arrest testified he heard Darrin screaming that the police officer (Cucinotta) was squeezing his balls, but the official report does not mention this information. They intentionally left it out. This entire official grand jury report is a show case of how 'the system' justifies police violence.
If the medical doctor performed surgery on this boys scrotum the next day, without a good reason, he should be banned from his profession for malpractice. But we all know he did not perform surgery on this boy for no reason.
At 2:01:33 p.m., Student #1 is seen in front of Officer Cucinotta’s patrol car. Multiple witnesses testified about the subsequent patdown and frisk of Student #1 while he was next to the police car. Pursuant to established police protocol, Student #1 was being patted down and searched because he was under arrest. Due to his prior resistance and continued belligerent conduct, one officer held Student #1’s left arm, while another officer hooked his left arm into Student #1’s right arm to try to gain more control of Student #1. Despite the fact that two officers were holding his arms and the heavy police presence of police, Student #1 continued to yell and curse at the officers, and continued to move his body. The officers who were holding Student #1 told him to stay still and stop moving, but he refused to do so. Student #1 admitted during grand jury testimony that he refused to be quiet as requested by the officers. Officer Cucinotta, the only female on the scene, testified that she wanted to assist in any way possible and she attempted to help by performing a standard frisk of Student #1. She first checked Student #1’s back pockets; the pockets were clear. She then attempted to check his genital area for weapons and contraband, as she was trained to do. But because Student #1’s pants were sagged down at the crotch but tight on his legs, and because he was also wearing long underwear beneath his khakis, she was physically unable to reach his genital area, and so she moved on. She next went to check Student #1’s waistband area. When her hand touched his front waistband, Student #1 lunged his body forward against the patrol car, stuck out his rear end, and said “get the f#!k off of me.” That’s when a male officer took over the search. That male officer, Officer Wolfe, was the only police officer who successfully searched Student #1’s genital area. Officer Wolfe and Officer Cucinotta testified that they never grabbed, pulled or squeezed Student #1’s testicles during their successful and attempted searches of Student #1’s midsection.
Squeezing balls
Squeeze balls
Squeezing balls in the bus
Dear femaledom fans, please let us all revive this website together again. If we all text to them together and ask, they will come back.They need a little encouragement and support. They are unique and without alternatives. Let's use this New Year opportunity to appease . They left just because of our copyright and infidelity. And if we try again, we can enjoy their unique videos again in 2021.
Hi Melisa,
Unfortunately I do not have the translation but I will look for it.
I worked in India for 2 years so I am surprised to see such a bold movie
I had female partner at that time that was Muslim but I was not able to convince her to do too much in domination field
It is their culture. She felt quite not comfortable with me in a submissive position
I am also a bit curious about you if you like to talk about
Are you enjoying being in a dominant position with your husband?
I mean is it a power - sub relation or more fetish oriented?
Do you also feel those experiences like a fetish for you or maybe like a needed bound with you husband?
Merry Christmas!