Would love to see your gameshow where women try to liquidfy the other 4 balls while leaving their husbans balls intact
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Would love to see your gameshow where women try to liquidfy the other 4 balls while leaving their husbans balls intact
How about the old "Musical Chairs" game. The loser of each round takes a few shots to the nads.
I'm sure someone wrote a story a good few years back along similar lines. It might have been ballbusting olympics now I think about it. I think the idea was that there were man / woman teams and the woman had to cream the balls of the man from the other team before her bloke had his eggs scrambled.
Pretty good story from memory and I'd love to take part in something like that!
Maybe some Olympic events. Long jump: The contestant with the shortest jump, gets his balls jumped on. Shot put: Shortest thrower has his balls crushed with the 8 lb ball. 100 meter dash. Loser gets crushed with those track shoes with those little metal spikes. The list would be endless.
one more please
I'm looking for a better set and a microphone for the host.
An other style of mine !!!!!
And in these ones we can see super Heroinas killing enemy soldiers.
Exiting ! don't you think ?
nice ones in the
"hard" section
It's very difficult to find scenes like this (that's very hot to me too :D) but in the adult comic site posted under the images you can find Codename Knockout; inside that comic there's a various scenes with kick and punch in the nuts, not hottest like Mistress of the seas (this is a pearl :loveeyes) but good.
Possibly, but I prefer the idea of a 'pairs' competition, a man and a woman on each team. The woman has to try and cripple the opposing male while defending her man as much as possible.
A good one would be that the woman gets say 5 hits to take the man down. The quicker she takes him down the fewer hits her man has to take. Maybe something like he goes down first hit, her man only takes two whereas if she doesn't take him down then her man has to take 7 hits.
I can just see it, one bloke is struggling with badly crushed nuts, his woman trys her best to get a perfect blow in to give him a chance to recover by only having to take one hit, while the other man trys his best to stay up as long as possible to his girl can take advantage and win the match.
Also, I bet training would be a lot of fun!
The game can be won either by the man conceding or the first to crush a nut permanently. You could also have variation such as if the man doesn't go down then the woman gets a kick in the cunt and has to get up and start her kicking with a set time or she misses a turn.
Don't piss her off.
Two others from my Ballbusting Museum.
I've been getting creative again, and while I usually draw in colour now, I still like doing B&W and grey, like this illustration of a girl making a guy suffer for getting fresh with her.
This one introduces to the girls a sensual game by Woder Woman.
I love.
it is v4 omega hunter.
Look what i have found! Sorry for japanese
Hope it is appear the first time in this forum
'my next idea...
Something where the men are under a false floor with their balls
poking out to be abused. I am thinking about a game show.'
This is an earlier story of mine that I dug up a pic from!
Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated Stories
BlackMasters, femdom cuckolding and humiliation!
I'm anxious to show you this great drawing wich is not of me but two young spanish girls.
They sent it to me by e-mail and I only added (by my computer) the comment they dictated me.
Congratulation to them:) .
I suggest you expressing yourselves there above :
Among 27 women on the drawing, which inspires you most ? And why ?
The drawings are brilliantly effective, but the English makes no sense whatsoever.
I like your drawings too, RAvanner, but sometimes they look like they've been copied from photos of rather half-hearted women. I'd like to see you draw a woman (with a determined look on her face) kneeing a man so hard that he's lifted off the ground by his balls and his eyes are bulging out.
By the way, why hasn't anyone drawn Putin getting the boot in the balls he deserves from Pussy Riot fans or the whole of womankind, for that matter?
doople, thank you for your reply I'm glad you like my publications.
It is true that I am inspired by photographs or drawings to give life to my heroines.
The style that you would like to see is more oriented to draw the cartoon, sorry this is not my style because I like my personages are close to realism.
I draw girls are either super heroines or ordinary women like those we meet every day.
I cook more.:bananajum
In Japanese but pretty good: