How have I never seen this one before.
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How have I never seen this one before.
i have now noticed that the first 3 and the last link don't work for some reason. im sorry, though i dont know if anyone was going to translate them anyway i guess. ill repost links to those pictures though.
in case these links still dont work, i will give descriptions of the pics, so someone might be able to find them on
in the first section, labeled Illust, there is one with a thumbnail of a sort of orange-haired girl. on this date it is the third from the top. the one directly below that is another one (it has a girl in a towel holding out balls to really hot water). the last one in Illust is another, and then the one 2 above that. both girls in these have blond hair and blue eyes. lastly, is the one that is currently first in the Hard section. there is a girl smiling about shooting an arrow through someones balls. that picture seems to have two different versions where the text is not the same. if someone could please translate both. thank you so much.
also, to contribute a bit, i thought i would mention a doujin by Mame (aka sanagarah i believe) called Dog Days. the girl is loli and it has parts where a dog is giving her cunnilingus. it has some pretty nice ballbusting in it though. there are also three other works that i know of by Mame (and not loli), but im pretty sure they've already been posted. either way, they can all be found here:
For future reference, mouseover the thumbnail and copy the link address.
The image links won't work, but the htm ones should.
OK, let's meet these requests...I can't guarantee accurate captions, but I think I've got most of the meaning.
"Hey, don't worry, I put them in view for you, so at the end you'll get a commemorative photo, so don't move!
HEY! Don't struggle! If you move around that much I'll just pull your balls right off?
Eh? They've really changed color! Maybe just before they can escape they'll go rotten and rip right off, hey? Pfft...ahaha"
On becoming a live-in employee at the girls' dorm, from the first day on, every night before cleaning the bath the girls ****** me to undergo "Ball disinfection".
To make sure they wouldn't contaminate the dorm with dirty male sperm, my testicles were sterilized in scalding water, and hung limply from the heat.
As I cleaned the bathroom floor, moving my hips, my balls swung to and fro along with the motion.
The girls laughed to see my limp nuts swinging like that...
"Hey now! If you don't resist like you mean it, I'll completely bust your nuts!
Oh, fine with you? I'm going to crush 'em, ok? _REALLY_ crush 'em?"
"I wanna see!! I wanna see squished balls! Ne, show me?
It's okay, right? to bust your nuts?
Yeah! Let's break your balls! Let's break your balls!
Let's break both of your little balls!"
1st pic:
"Whoa--This one's balls are HUGE!
Is this really a human? They look like Orc balls!"
2nd pic:
"'d be a waste to simply take these balls.. Maybe I should take him back home...
Mm, that's it, I'll keep him as a pet for a while."
thank you, so much. if you need anything in return, you can ask me and i might be able to help.
there were some others that i forgot to include. would it be okay with you to translate any of them as well? im sorry……
i know this is a lot, but if you could maybe do any of them, since no one else seems to be responding to me (i made a post less recently than the one you answered). once again, ill try and do whatever i can to repay you.
One or two of those I think I've already done--check my posts earlier in this thread-- but I'll try to get to some of the others on my day off.
Also, sorry to anyybody that's been waiting on the "Ballbusting Garl" manga/doujinshi--it's long and a bit tricky to do, so it's been shelved a long time.
"I just HATE those there dangling, dangling...
These! These balls! It's your BALLS I can't stand!
Swinging, good-for-nothing nuts, I--ugh, should just go ahead and crush them--
Yes, that's it, I am smashing these!
I am gonna kick these depressing balls till they bust, so just cry me a river and get over it!
Oraaa! Break! C'mon, you balls-BREAK!
"Horaaa! POP! POP 'em! Beat and SMASH these ballsie-wallsies! Hurry up and SQUISH!"
"Heyy, they've really started to change color!"
"Ohh! I just turned a man's balls into dango! ( sweet dumplings) What should I do?
They DO look delicious, don't they?"
"Pigs that don't listen to what they're told...
Goddamn livestock!"
"I told you to Get Those Balls Out! Your balls! I said to show me your balls!
They're out, they're out...
I told you I 'just wanted to see them'? Well of course that's a lie. I was lying!
There's no way I can restrain myself to just look at them,
so of course that's a lie.
"Damn right! I'm gonna make this unused manhood seedless!
I'll destroy these nuts and end your life as a man!
Your body will never squirt its stinking cum again
so prepare yourself!" ("Forgive me! my balls--my balls--")
"You gonna pluck 'em?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna!
I'll totally pluck 'em!"
"Get your balls out, livestock!
You need to have your disgraceful dangling little balls kicked
so you know-nothings can learn some respect!"
The pitiful moans of the man having his balls beaten Ba-ching! Ba-ching! like a speedbag were drowned out by the girls' laughter.
His dangling, swinging little sack had become nothing more than a toy for the young women's amusement.
With every blow to his balls their heavy breasts bounced and jerked about.
The male, left pilloried with dangling, defenseless private parts, could do nothing except let out pitiful yelps and moans as he begged the girls for forgiveness.
Batman in Harley BB trouble.
Dr Girlfriend, from the Venture Bros cartoon.
i suspect the second one may have been posted before, sorry. ive been trying to see if markydaysaid had any more ballbusting pictures. does anybody know?
Those are excellent. I'd seen Retribution quite a while ago, but it is a beauty.
im glad you enjoyed them. i hadnt finished going through all the previous pages yet, but now i noticed that retribution was posted, but in like 2009.
here are some doujinshis, from g-e-hentai.
maybe somebody could translate them? would be nice ^^
Link doesn't go anywhere for me
hope this works
Some ballbust 3d renderings i made
more ballbusting renderings
Very nice, indeed.
Great work, keep going...
Judge 'Maximum' Maxine Hardeman pronounces sentence
on another unfortunate young man in the new Femrule
Sex Harassment Court! New illustrated BB story, coming soon!
Download Femdom cuckold shemale ladyboy illustrated ebooks
New Cowgyrl Illustrated ebook!
Tortured Love
Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated Stories
BlackMasters, femdom cuckolding and humiliation!
Сборник комиксов и анимэ:
Have fun =)
The first image has links attached labelled 金蹴り・玉責め through 金蹴り・玉責め12, each is about 100 images. Most (95ish%) are manga/hentai images, but all are either ballbusting themed or related.
5-10 images are added each day with surprisingly few reposts.
Careful though, some images are fairly inappropriate (loli), so if those offend you, browse with caution.
On that note, does anyone know what manga 11, 12, and 15 are from on thread 13? I'd give my left nut to find out =P
Can't post the illustrations that go with this little story, their to big, but you can see them here,
I've written a little intro to my ball busting heroine, Cherry, some here will be familar with her. What I've tried to do is fill out her character a liitle, get away from a simple 'pretty girl kicks men in the balls' to a more believable person. Anyway, here it is, Cherry's Angels, the begining.
How did a lovely lady like Cherry become such a fearsome fighter? Well, it began when she was just five, and she saw a demonstration on tv of Aikido. Fascinated by the grace and beauty of the art she asked her parents to enrol her in a class, and so her training in how to fight began. Cherry was adept at learning, and in time studied other martial arts, so that by the time she reached her teens she’d become a skilful exponent of them. But she wasn’t aggressive by nature, and never had cause to use her skills until a fateful day when she had reached the age of seventeen. She had just left a martial arts class, where she was now a tutor, and was walking home when something happened that would change her life.
Cherry was now a curvy and beautiful young woman, something that had been noticed by the local young men, including, unfortunately, those of dishonourable nature. Just such a man saw her that evening, his eyes fixed on her delicious figure, delightfully shown off by her tight jeans and top, and as she turned into a footpath, he followed.
“Hey slut,” he shouted, “you look worth a fuck.”
She ignored him, and walked on. “I’m talking to you, you little whore,” the man almost screamed. Cherry would have continued to walk away, but her tormentor now grabbed her from behind, both hands around her throat, and he began to utter a threat to kill her if she screamed. Only began, as he suddenly cried out in pain, as Cherry, acting on instinct and training, kicked back and up with one foot, the sole of her shoe thumping hard into the man’s groin! As he doubled over, gasping in pain, she again walked on, but the words the man now uttered made her stop.
“You fucking bitch!” He bellowed, “I’m goanna make you wish you’d never been born!”
Cherry turned to face him, her legs slightly apart, her arms relaxed but ready for action, her toned body primed for fighting.
“Go on then, make me wish I’d never been born.”
He was startled by her reaction, expecting her to be frightened. But he’d make her regret what she’d done, he thought. He wasn’t going to let her get away with having the audacity to hurt him in such a personnel place, he was going to teach her a lesson she’d never forget! And so, standing straight, albeit with some difficulty because of the pain in his scrotum, he strode forward and aimed a right hook at Cherry’s lovely face. Regrettably for him, Cherry knew how to recognise when someone intended to deliver such a blow, she could see from his body stance and movement what his intention were. So she stepped back to avoid his punch, withdrawing her right leg as far as possible to give the maximum momentum and force to the kick she was about to deliver. The man, being off balance as his fist connected only with thin air, was unable to take evasive action as the pretty blonde’s shapely but strong leg came up between his thighs, the instep of her foot hitting his testicles like a battering ram! His mouth opened wide, but no scream came out, just a gurgling noise, as, clutching at his wounded crotch he sank to the ground, and lay there retching and weeping.
Cherry stared at him for a few seconds, then, with a toss of her pony tail, walked away.
She was later to read in the local paper of a man being admitted to hospital with severe injuries to the testicles, and she realized it was her attacker. He’d told the police he was attacked by a group of youths, not surprisingly he hadn’t wanted to tell the truth of what happened!
The paper quoted a police spokesman as saying, “This was a very serious assault. The victim will definitely lose one testicle and possibly both, meaning he’ll have been *********.”
“Hopefully.” Cherry muttered to herself. But the incident had got Cherry thinking. For the first time her fighting skill had been tested, and had saved from a ******. “If I can do that,” she thought, “so can other girls, like those in my martial arts class. But as women are being abused all the time, it would be great if girls who know how to fight sought out men who mistreat females, and made them suffer”.
And that was moment that Cherry’s Angels was born.
In time Cherry established her own self defence course for girls, where she not only taught them how to fight, but impressed on them that a man’s weakest point is his balls! Not only physically, but mentally to. A man’s concept of his masculinity is in his balls, she’d tell them. Make a man fear for the safety of his testicles and you were halfway to defeating him. Hurt him bad there and a girl would not only defend herself, but she’d strike a blow for the fair sex, as he’d think twice about trying to force his attentions on a girl in future. And she’d always tell them kicking a man in the nuts is fun!
Whenever a member of her class told her of how they’d used the skills she’d taught them to defend themselves it really thrilled her. Cherry loved the look of elation on girl’s faces as they’d describe how they’d fought off a man, their joy as they’d cry, “I kicked him really hard, right in his nuts! He was in agony!” They’d then hug, and laugh at the weakness of the ‘stronger sex’.
And there is another aspect of Cherry’s work. She and a few girls with fighting skills as lethal as hers are commandos against male abuse. Sex slavers, gangs of rapists and such like are their targets, or more precisely, they target the men’s balls. Not just to hurt their manhood, but to destroy it! That way, Cherry reasons, they’ll never abuse women again!
Cherry’s Angels are the dark side of female emancipation. Like Emma Peel they seduce men with their beauty and sexuality, but then they kick, punch, knee and squeeze the organs men want to use on them into a messy, crushed pulp! Just as Cherry did to the oaf who pestered her when she was just seventeen.