What sources do you have for your stats, fullsett? I'm curious where you saw that information about **********/penectomy during the Vietnam war.
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What sources do you have for your stats, fullsett? I'm curious where you saw that information about **********/penectomy during the Vietnam war.
Looked like almost too fast cut off. A lot of GI's ended up coming home without their packages from what I hear.
From film LOS OJOS DE LA VICTIMA, the ********** scene is so hot !
Another 2 movie are
El Castrado.
Dead Silence.
Just an old clip of Cruella I came across. ********** fantasy with Miss Evil.
Maybe someone'll get something out of it.
Sorry if it's been posted before.
Apparently there's at least 1 ********** scene in this movie:
I haven't watched it yet, but when I do I'll let you know when it happens
You have to sign up for an account to watch it, but its free.
liked vey much the last 3 pics on this thread
thanks very much
VanD or others: what exactly is that tool that she's using on him? (No, I don't see anything like it at my local hardware store!)
I have seen this used before in a variety of scenes, commonly grabbing testicles (in the scrotum) with it, but more rarely also applied to the man's penis.
It would have been much more erotic (my opinion) if he had been totally erect, and if they showed in detail how they apply it to his hard cock and how they could use it to remove his male member. I think it's got rather dull rounded "jaws" that could apply severe pressure to an erect penis without actually removing it or doing much damage.
I would love to feel that cold steel coming down on my hard shaft ...
It's a burdizzo.
Thanks for the Wikipaedia link! Not something I want to feel on my testicles:
"While the risks of blood loss and infection are low, anesthesia is a must, without which, the burdizzo causes blunt force causing trauma to the spermatic cords, which are thickly wrapped in nerve fibers. The pain caused by the burdizzo is immediately overwhelming, causing the human to collapse. Vomiting may well occur, and humans have entered a state of shock, and later coma, resulting in death from the intensity of this pain."
Not erotic, at least for this guy. But I would enjoy a woman applying something like that, with rounded (not sharp) "jaws", to my erection.
the problem is small, if you cools your sac and egg with ice water.
i dit it often for horny tortureplays.
after ten minutes of sticking the tied sac in a big cup with ice water the sac is complete numb and your eggs too!
so the clambing would be no problem - complete painless!! and with a little cooling after the clambing from time to time you can decrease the hurts in the howers after the eggs death, until the bodie has accepted the new blood curcuit in your bellow, when the pressure in your unclambed cords rests or stumps is went back to a normal situation. Then you are feeling well again....
...some pictures for you
Apologies if this is the wrong place for this question, or if it has been asked before, but I am curious to know how many Dominant women out there have ********** fantasies.
Unfortunatly, I did not bookmark the sites. However I did locate this one again. The author has an anti US slant to his writing but his research on genital war injuries from the Civil War up through the Iraq War is pretty accurate. The "Bouncing Betty" aka "********** Mine" was used by the VC and NVA extensively in Vietnam. Ask any Vietnam Vet especially those that walked "point" what they feared, and I am sure they would tell you stepping on a Bouncing Betty and loosing everything from his waist down including his sex package.
Here is the site and some clips from it. I will try to find the others.
Dr. Imbascini said he amputated the genitals of one or two men every day.
Soldiers who survive suffer much more grievous injuries. Bulletproof Kevlar vests protect soldiers' bodies, but not their limbs, groin and genitals.
The war also witnessed the introduction of a new type of landmine, one that, when stepped upon, blew directly up and thus destroyed not only the victim's legs but genitals as well.
The Vietnam War witnessed the introduction of a still newer generation of weaponry that inflicted major physical calamities, including a significant increase in injuries to external male genitalia.
For men reared under the tyranny of patriarchal masculinity, nothing is so shameful as the loss or severe injury to one's genital, to a man's ability to sexually perform. Many men experience it as **********. The loss of an eye, hand, leg or other body part doesn't make a man any less of a man; each organ can be replaced, thus sometime even strengthening, empowering the man. However, the lose of the ability to sexually perform, to fuck, is for (some?, few?, many?, most?) men in America experienced as a lose of masculinity, a challenge to self-hood.
"because of frequent use of land mines [in Vietnam], such [genital] injuries accounted for 41.6 percent of all urogenital trauma." [Arneri, p. 3902] Looking at one brief period of the war, March 1966 to July 1967, the total number of hospitalized soldiers was 17,726, of which those who suffered external genitalia wounds were 594 or 3.4 percent.