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The ones from here down come up as "forbidden". Too bad.
so glad to run across this forum. I didn't know there were so many like me.
Attachment 20889Attachment 20890Attachment 20891Attachment 20892Attachment 20893
Hopefully, there are images from the manga "Need a Girl" attached to this post.
Attachment 20894Attachment 20895Attachment 20896Attachment 20897Attachment 20898
Here are the rest of the "Need a Girl" images.
Attachment 20899
Gotta love when Ned gets a little love too.
Hi guys,
Here are some drawings I have made lately. Attachment 20901Attachment 20902
I love these illustrations! Thanks so much!
the wonderful Zarmazarma from reddit did me a solid and translated one of Space Jins pics
Z man there is just fantastic
Nice ones. Thanks
Me too ( love the blondes smile! ), keep drawing!
I saw this in the Metro the other day and thought it would fit here:
Anyone up to translate these pages?
Attachment 20908Attachment 20909Attachment 20910Attachment 20911
I commissioned the two ********** illustrations cited here. I must have spent around $2k for commissions by Sorenutz but we didn't end up parting on the best of terms. I doubt I'll be paying him for any more work. AndysDames seems like a lot better guy. I wouldn't do ********** 'toons with him, though. He's too sex-positive. Which is OK by me. What with all the repetitive material in this fetish area you'd think there'd be more people shelling out for some commissions for some new stuff instead of posting Stig and Jim and Montogruel and Sardax over and over and over and over. And that hentai is just so plastic and cookie-cutter looking, it's hard to get into.
There's some really nice pics here but I don't know how to download them. Do I have to become a member first? I've been downloading the whole page in order to get at the individual pics but this ends up being 18Meg because of the hundreds of thumbnails that are included. And I have a somewhat slow connection. Thanks.
I'd be willing to do some custom work. Here's some stuff I've already done. Attachment 20915Attachment 20916
OK, I'm commenting on this again because I forgot to quote the original. I'm new to this.
OK, I commissioned the drawings for the 1st and 4th links above. The work for the 6 panel story in the 4th link went fairly easily but the work for the 1st link involved a fair amount of back-and-forth. Unfortunately, Sorenutz's way of doing these commissions is to always respond to a request for an alteration with an updated pic. He never responds with a text message to clarify exactly what is wanted before he makes the mod to the pic-iin-progress. This results in extra expense for the customer because he basically charges for each alteration he makes to a pic. 3 or 4 alterations will result in a request from Sorenutz for more money, usually $20. This nickel and dime process can add up. The only way to guard against it is to know exactly what you want right from the start.
Anyway, the pic in the 1st link is part of a 3-panel strip. I'll post all three of the final versions soon.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm really looking for more polished and professional quality work. I'm hoping to do one more piece with this guy:
Then I'm going to hang it up. I can't really afford this. I'm an old man, basically living on hand-outs from relatives and food stamps. It amuses me that so many of the affluent people with big salaries who frequent these boards don't lift a finger to commission new work. I guess they're all worn out from their high paying jobs, ha ha!