Tom Jones, Davey Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones
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Tom Jones, Davey Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones
And since her friend has a little girl, and cutponies has humiliated her by seeing her naked, in the ancient tradition of harems;-
Silvia has a solution!
Originally Posted by cutponies
I am italian!
Brava Silvia, porta alta la nostra bandiera!!
Here in Italy (and south italy in particular) girls are a little shy about ballbusting, usually the key is starting it as a game/joke (my girl loves squeezing me while I am answering the phone!)
Silvia and I have no secrets. I've seen her naked many times and she's ********* me twiceQuote:
Originally Posted by fittizzioh
only twice??? i remember more! heheQuote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
What does
Brava Silvia, porta alta la nostra bandiera!!
Mean? hmm lets see
brava, brave?
porta, port? wine,left, carry, take?
alta, altitude, up?
nostra ah nose!
bandiera, band
Ah Brave Silvia, take up your nose band!
Really very maxi baaaaad cutponies
very good silvia... bring high our flagQuote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
If you took the phrase
"Birds and mammals are higher vertebrates"
Translated that into Latin, then translated the Latin into French, and back to English, you could get;
"Pilots and mothers are Brave"
The statement
""Germany" is English, and "England" is German."
Is quite correct grammatically and is a true fact
How So?
omg :cussing::wooow:asleepQuote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
I got Silvia exactly right, and porta alta right, (more or less.!)Quote:
Originally Posted by silvia_lati
Italian Women are so HOT!!! What is it? The food, water, genes?
Germany is an English word, and England is an old German word ( The English themselves called the island Briton)
P.S. the answer isn't Irish or Scottish, Silvia. I'm from Wales (Whales-big sea mammals, get it)
Baaaad Baaad Super-Duper Bad cutponies
Mama Mia Silvia, You have beautifull tush!Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
Closer view:D
i'm redhead and i'm full red, also under!Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
Originally Posted by cutponies
Pleese, prettty pleeeese?
AKA pussy, beaver, box, muffin!Quote:
Originally Posted by silvia_lati
Do you mean your pubic hair ( the tuft between your legs?)
Well silence gives consent:iluvu:Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
I think you misunderstood. Your tush is your rear,backside, bum, derriere, what you sit on. I think you thought I was refering to your bush, which is slang for a ladies pubic hair. My friend will demonstrate!
If I had wanted to kiss your BUSH
But it didn't. So there is no need to be embarrased or to ******** me again.:wooow :D
I graduated with a diplomat tha says something about cusrum perfecti, summa cum laude. Like any dropout, I know what summa cum laude means, but I can only guess that cursum perfecti means "course completed".Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
In general, Latin is of little relevance to BB, which is one very good reason why I do not toss around the "Valete!" to everyone.
My sometimes inane postings on this thread are to give me an excuse to post a picture. Perhaps excuse is the wrong word. Reason is better. Yes a reason to post. The pictures are either requests, challenges or "out of the blue", and some of the ootbs are very popular. I check to see how many times they've been viewed to get a feel for what my "fans"?? like to see. Even some of my most inane get a response ( see Silvia's reply to my "England is German" quip.Quote:
Originally Posted by Trouble
Happy spherici destructi
(that's ball busting for you hoi poli)
(that's common people for you, proletarians)
(that's the masses for you;- Ah shaddap
baad badd badd cutponies
Forgot to attach the picture. I picked a bad day to stop drinking. That's Silvia by the way. She's in disguise, but I'd recognise her bush anywhere.
I was in love with the actress Faith Domergue.:iluvu: Nobody before or since looked as lovely in a cocktail or evening dress, and the directors knew it. She always had a scene in which she was dressed up to the nines.
She was the queen of SF, appearing in such classics as "This Island Earth" and "It Came From Beneath the Sea" (Boy that dates me)
I thought her name was pronounced Dom'-Rang , like Lemon Meringue. When I saw the movie "The Aviator" last year, I learned that it was
Doe'-Mare. ( Hughes had the hots for her, she was portrayed by Kelli Garner)
What has this got to do with Ballbusting?
Except for the fact that we lost a Dom in there
Absoluteley Nothing
Just needed a change of pace from my art
Cutponies your drawings are really sensational! My advice is: why don't you make comics?
Adding dialogues (like the drawings from Try... see from page 9 of this post) really underlines the mood and the temper of the characters!
You are very quick too... you could realize a complete ballbusting story or just strips like those from carnivorousdaisy (i love them!)
Anybody know where the toon below is from. I came upon it all by itself . It appears to be part of a rather interesting comic strip about Tarzan. Any ideas?
i'm here :DQuote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
They must train Italians at a very young age to kick balls, There in the FIFA final.
That's World Cup for all you BBFBF
Now Hockey, There's game for men
They travel twice as fast as football players, hit as often, and wear half as much protection. Ouch (I know, I was a goalie).
Hey there's an idea for a pic. Ballbusting with a hockey stick!
What kind of a square, normal dressing, sexually straight man wears a garter belt?
Again Silvia, Brava Italia (Did I say that right)
I honour your country by honouring you
First you musn't be embarassed being "attended to" naked, in public. If you look closely at my groin in the first picture you will see that I'm a eunuch. (You should know, YOU ********* me) (3 times I think).
In the first picture I am kissing your TUSH
In the second picture I am licking your BUSH (Your Red Bush), again, I'm still a eunuch.
Wait a minute, A Red-Headed Italian???? Hmmm. An Irishman must have climbed into a window way back. (Crusades?? 100 yrs.War?? Napoleonic Wars?)
What kind of a square, normal dressing, sexually straight man wears a garter belt?
Give up?
A Hockey Player