Forgot to mention. I might do a pic to illustrate our adventure with Mrs Peel. And how about you Knave? Do you fancy doing a pic or two?
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Forgot to mention. I might do a pic to illustrate our adventure with Mrs Peel. And how about you Knave? Do you fancy doing a pic or two?
Wow try! You made me harder than chinese arithmetic! I'll write more later, but right now I have to take care of a certain matter in hand.
By the way, if you cannot tell from my avatar, I am most certainly a knee man. In all of my stories and fantasies, the coup d' grace to my character is always delivered by the the heroine's knee as it is driven with great force and passion into my dangling plums.
Glad you liked the plot. Why not send your own in? Yea I should have guessed from your avatar your a knee man, personnelly I think a squeeze is good as the girl gripping your nuts can tease and taunt you while your in pain and helpless.Quote:
Originally Posted by ilny2000
I've sent a pic in that is not good enough for me to normally submit, but while we are talking about fantasies this pic illustrates another of mine, NHB fights between the sexes. Of course the ladies win easily every time.
On the subject of fantasy BB how about this. A gold smuggling gang are set up in a third world dictatorship, its ruler excepting bribes to let them operate. Any scheme to stop them has to be undercover, so a team of beautiful female agents, allegedly on holiday, are sent to attack them. The criminals are led by two "Dominant" women, who only employ weak males to do their handiwork for them.
So we have a scenario where half a dozen lovely but lethal ladies take on, say, a hundred wimpish men. That would provide the oppurtunity for every BB kick, stomp, knee, punch, squeeze, pull, twist we can imagine! The girls could differ, from a strapping Amazon built like Lynda Carter to a petite girl just 5 ft high who is nimble enough to dodge the mens attempts to grab or punch her then fell them with fierce kicks to the nuts that belie her diminutive size!
Oh I could go on but I think I've said enough. What do you think of it?
We probably should move this to a new thread. What do you think?
You know what's funny try? I loved your quick little story but I noticed you enjoyed the author's liberty of hogging the best ballbusts for yourself!!! :Baahaha:
I mean, poor helios gets deballed with two awesome kicks. My character is neutered with a squeeze (which is my least favorite bust but it worked for my in your story!) and a devastating kick.
Yet you are unmaned in the best manner of all! You get TWO knees AND a kick by TWO different women!!! Plus your character has the added fun of getting to watch both Helios' and I as we are emasculated by Ms. Peel before you suffer your similiar fate.
I only hope that just before we thankfully slip into unconsciousness we get to hear those last humilliating words from the women!
She may not be Miss Peel, but this lass would no doubt put us in the same situation :iluvu:
Hi ilny 2000,
I think if we are going to continue exhanging fantasies like this we should start a new thread. Does "Emma Peel Busting Balls" sound ok?
I'm afraid I did reserve the best bust for myself but I think you and Helios got a good busting to. Perhaps I'll do a sequel. When the 3 of us have recovered we want revenge for our painful humiliation by Mrs Peel but of course she just busts us again! If I do this I will start a new thread. And of course we could feature other hot women destroying our balls. Like Gail Porter, who is a karate black belt, or Lynda Carter. I bet she could kick hard! This could be fun!
Oh and I liked the pic, especially her comment!
A lot of telented members here, nice one :ibow4u:
Thanks for all the BB cartoons - I couldnt draw to save my balls!
I specially enjoy the CFNM stuff.
A big thankyou and MORE PLEASE!
More coming soon. But I don't know what CFNM meansQuote:
Originally Posted by msms
Originally Posted by try
CFNM = Clothed female naked male. Rather a large sub culture of the Domme/sub scene. :)
Thanks Julie. This has not been something that I have thought much about but I think that the concept of men being naked while the ballbusting girl is clothed adds to the mans humiliation, and I'm all into that!Quote:
Originally Posted by Julie18nz
Glad to hear it. Do a search on CFNM - theres alot of stuff on the net, yahoo groups, AFF ect. CFNM dont have to be violent - it can just be a party scene with the guys serving food and drinks if you like. Any thing goes!Quote:
Originally Posted by try
A few old ones I had
How to deal with monsters