We have the same situation in Austria. They are flooding us with young male muslims, whos only intention is to kill all non muslims. And when you wont accept this then you are a nazi!
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We have the same situation in Austria. They are flooding us with young male muslims, whos only intention is to kill all non muslims. And when you wont accept this then you are a nazi!
No you just actually are a Nazi, or at least something close. Muslims "only intention" is not to kill non-Muslims. Try having a conversation with some Muslims instead of repeating hateful ignorance. You might realise they're human beings with many different motivations, goals, internal disagreements, etc. Most of them just want to live their lives and they're really not that different from non-Muslims. Only a tiny minority of Muslims are involved in any kind of hate or violence but Nazi propaganda dehumanises them and treats them like they're some uniform evil hell-bent on destroying civilisation.
We found the forum's cucked antifa, I guess.
Jesus christ, could you please keep your bullshit right-wing politics off of this forum?
I do not really wish to enter into a political debate on this forum. Despite the obvious fallacy of saying that the "only" intention of muslims is to kill non-believers, it must be said that Hitler was a fan of Islam, feeling it to be a warrior religion, unlike meek, weak Christianity. Bandying about the term "Nazi" for critics of this religion / ideology is thus incorrect. Here a quote from AH himself, in the original German:
"Hätte bei Poitiers nicht Karl Martell gesiegt [...], so hätten wir viel eher noch den Mohammedanismus übernommen, diese Lehre der Belohnung des Heldentums: Der Kämpfer allein hat den siebenten Himmel! Die Germanen hätten die Welt damit erobert, nur durch das Christentum sind wir davon abgehalten worden."
The English translation runs more or less as follows:
“Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Only Christianity has stopped us from doing so".
The fact that the so-called "Antifa" finds time to whinge about racism and "patriarchy", whilst ignoring the stone-age social structures, views on women, homosexuals and so on prevalent in certain strains of Islam, probably shows that their misguided self-hatred is stronger than any political logic that may or may not be present in their views.
Getting more to the "point" of this forum, Papaschlumpf, thank you for your endlessly brilliant stream of posts!
I'm totally with you, Gadeto.
I will not discuss much more in this forum. I just wanted to support you. We, the people who see the danger of Islam, have to stand up and support each other against the majority of the population who do not get informed good enough about the Koran and just believe the left-wing dogma that "Islam is a religion of peace".
The artist of these last cartoons is Rio.