Not much really. I have only been slapped. I don't think I could get much punching.
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Most of the last ones came from:
All of these Ocigart cartoons came from here:
Incredibly, this tumblr page is still working.
[boko877]ultimate Fighting Girl 2 Ver Alpha-0.1.3 all Skill Animations
This page has some interesting cartoons sometimes:
Reddit: Ballbusting Hentai
Funny little creatures these balls are
How Is It Even Possible To Be That Pathetic?
Teased By Step-Sister
Let's See If You Can Take This Tough Guy!
how can you see this limk?
[Careful, this one is a long one, quite a doozy. [don't know why I wrote it now, but better to post than to delete and feel unproductive for five hours].
Post #9623, .... Ah, yes. Pecan's hentai. Some of my fave, along with knave, [unintended rhyme].
Something about the absurd results [esp. ... let's just say "slightly over moderate" swelling, the colors changing like slowly and progressively stiffening and hardening eggs, and so much more...
[Random and admittedly dumb story incoming].
Some playful, naughty, mischievous, adorable, lovable female culprit delivers hundreds of the cutest, strongest, most powerful, mightiest, and sexiest knees, elbows, punches, kicks, uppercuts, thrusts, and all manner of attacks [and that's just merely as her very exciting, sensual, arousing, kinky, hot, and titillating warmup exercise, all of which surprises, shocks, jolts, "wakes up", and otherwise blasts the balls, nuts, seeds, sack, scrotum, and every other part of the crotch of the "poor victim" ...
Then, just when the guy thinks that the busting has finally ended, the heroine becomes a Ballbusting Chef Wizard by ...
1 [metaphorically, at least], freezing time so the busted guy can't know what is happening,
[even if his eyes are wide open from the initial first several "steps of the recipe", shall we say],
[or at least stunning him to the point that he is absolutely frozen stiff and can't move, respond to, react to, dodge, say, try, or avoid anything at all], ... :)
2. Before she decides to put her unique and figurative culinary skills to the test:
She proceeds with naughtily, repeatedly, and metaphorically
1. hard-boiling, soft boiling, baking, friying, peeling, mashing, chopping, and restoring his eggs, [just to do the process over again, a total of 12 times]...
2. Then, cracking open everything in his carton of {by now} excruciating, sensitive, painful, aching, bulging, wounded, and pulsating eggs,
3. She befingbefore they make "ranchos hueveros" out of them, ...
A. scrambling them,
B. chopping some bits of bread in there,
C. mixing some hot sauce, light salsa, ketchup, ... spicy mustard, pepper, and salt together into the dish,
D. stirring in some miniature, chopped,and full-size ghost peppers, jalapenos, etc.,
E. getting a can of the meatiest, thickest, beefiest chili they can find and heating that up at twice the maximum recommended setting,
F. Topping the whole thing off with a few slices of grilled, melted cheese, ...and
G. finally cooking the whole thing together.
Then, she plays every manner of ball game she can think of with his ballls still attached [, basketball, billiards, bowling, cricket, croquet, football, golf, kickball, lacrosse, paddle-ball, ping-pong, racquetball, soccer, squash, tennis, volleyball]. She made sure that his ballsack was loose enough, his balls were strong enough, and he looked happy enough [even though his face truly had long since frozen in a look of pain, shock, surprise, and anticipation which, ... to her, looked enough like a smile] for her to go through an entire season of each sport, playing each game at least 100 times, [with friends, relatives, minor league, A, AA, AAA, major league, community, neighborhood, city, district, county, state region, state, tri-state, country region, coast, country, continent, and world; one game at each level with just women; another game at each level with women & men, games of different age-ranges, and another game with just herself [copies, clones, or running fast enough to be on each side,]]. She would play entire games, sets, matches, seasons, series, finals, World Series, Super Bowls, and Championship games]. ... By the time she was done, she had played a total of at least one trllion games. For the first 2,000 games, she would use his penis as a bat, club, putter, paddle, mallet,cue, or whatever equipment the sport required.
Sometimes, she would play tetherball, attaching one end of a rope to the top of his penis and the other end of the rope to a ball the size of a volleyball, or to one of another guy's testicles, when she was feeling particularly naughty.
With paddle-ball, she would either use a large paddle or his body as the paddle. When using a large paddle as the paddle, she would simply tie one end of the rope to the paddle and the other end of the rope to his ballsack. She thought about giving him a ballsack-ring or a cockring to make this easier for her to attach the rope to him, [as she thought that would be silly, playful, naughty, and superb fun]. She tried that on somebody else as a test-run. She was surprised at how much easier this truly made things, & the guy's already attractive, shimmering, glistening, and hypnotic groin, [nearing a level of seeming ... almost magnetic], looked even beefier, bulkier, and shinier. However, his constant shrieks, yelps, yells, moans, and groans were nerve-racking & aggravating. ... Plus, it made more sense to just attach the rope to his balls, anyway.
When using his body as a paddle, she would have a few choices. She might tie one end of the rope to the base of his crotch and the other end around his ballsack, smacking his ballsack against his crotch repeatedly. Other times, she would tie one end of the rope around his forehead, his chest, or his feet, and the other end around another guy's testicles.
For billiards, she would sometimes magically grant him with at least ten balls in his sack and either use a cue stick or form his penis into a cue-stick, using a provided cue-ball from the table.
Other times, she would use him and four other guys to make up the nine balls in play, ... and then, she would take a guy with two testicles of quadruple the normal size and transform his sack to have one super-ball, roughly twice the size of a regular cue-ball. She would even get him to walk and run with his feet always somehow stepping on his mega-testicle, so as not to roll his upper body onto the humongous pool table.
she took many other clever steps with each of her re-vamped sports. [too many to list].
Sometimes, [rarely, though.... maybe for a few games of each sport] the goal, hoop, posts, net, etc. would oddly be a giantess' ass, vag, or mouth. ...
Nobody ever got eaten, lost, or pregnant.
After all of that, the women still had so much fun & games [including some very weird games of pinball, Hungry Hungry Hippos, naked paintball [sometimes either with tons of guys acting as the required paint-"ball" ammo, and other times, using the guys as the paintball "guns" {after they had been "loaded", "warmed", & "charged up"}] [and with grown [18+] women as the quite clearly rather eager participants], "water" gun battles [women use the balls as the trigger], beanbag toss, target practice, "love tester", "lillipad jump", "test of strength", "skee-ball", and other games of chance.
After every game had been played, the lady goes to the balcony of her house and she magically makes two humongous, half-full eggs appear. The eggs are the size of his current ballsack, .... somewhere between the size of a full-size neighborhood and an entire region of a country. Thinking quickly, she decides to repeat the recipe until she has made enough of the meal to fill the rest of the eggs. Luckily for her, she is faster, sillier, more careful, and more calculating than anybody else when it comes to playfulness, naughtiness, kinkiness, ballbusting, and so forth.
Having made enough of the dish, she fills the eggs. Carefully, she moves the eggs into his ballsack, notices that every part of his crotch is about nearly 750 zillion times the size of the most ... "well-endowed" man on the planet, and decides to make the rest of his body match the size of his crotch, bounces on his ballsack like a trampoline, uses his penis as a balance beam, a diving board, a pull-up bar, a gymnastics bar, and anything else she can think of, even referring to a list of every nic-name for balls, penis, and so forth.
Then, she makes sure that she is as big as he is. with each of her breasts being at least three times the size of each of his balls.
Finally, she unfreezes him [or time, whatever the case may be] and waits for the reaction.
He shouts, yells, yelps, moans, groans, whines, and sobs, but does not cry. He jumps up and down, pounding his fist, shaking his head, scratching his head, pinching himself, slapping himself, and making all sorts of noise and racket that you'd expect from somebody who was just "reactivated" [through time unfreezing or himself], to find that his ballsack now measured the same as an entire country region and his penis now measured at least as big as an entire country, and whose whole crotch was throbbing, pulsing, pulsating, bulging, swelling, beating, and discolored to the point of looking as though somebody had poured, splashed, brushed, thrown, and otherwise drenched violet, purple, red, blue, and fuschia paint onto every inch of his now "North America" sized groin, including Canada, Mexico, and Central America).
He spent a month or so having fun in many different ways, including running in circles, jumping to touch random buildings and the higher mountain-tops [and sometimes landing on his crotch], very quickly cleaning his state of all problems {pollution, filth, smog, smoke, crime, etc.); ... having just a bit of guru-like reflection on hilltops (with a bit of trouble where he sat on his balls), and frollicking like a puppy for a week days (sometimes forgetting that he wasn't a puppy, & thinking that his penis was really his puppy tail, catching it with a a chomp maybe a few times).
(He would even pounce around like a kitten, (sometimes feeling so comfortable as a kitten, he would think that his ballsack was really a mouse, capturing it with his hands, playfully slapping, punching, flicking, swatting, and smacking that playful little rodent with his "paws" (fists, hands, fingers, etc.)
He also pretended to be a little bear cub, sitting down near a river bank, and he watched as something splashed up and down in the water. He noticed this long, thick, and oval-shaped thing had what looked like fins and seemed to be purple, blue, and pink, with what looked like a mouth at the end. With his over-active imagination, and his dedication to his way of make-believe, and with his mind now thinking like a very hungry and silly bear cub, he felt like this thing must be a salmon. With his mouth watering, salivating at the vision of this fish, and being trained by his wise, caring, and thoughtful bear dad, he was getting that fish. Smiling, he truly knew exactly what to do. Leaning over so that his mouth was just above the water, he waited patiently.
The next time he saw the salmon leap out of the rapidly flowing river, he took the precise second that fish had reached level with his mouth and chomped his teeth around the sorry little guy.
Remembering how bear dad had done this, he repeatedly shook the fish back and forth, left and right, & taking some tiny bites all of the time, while placing his left paw on his new tasty snack. Feeling so happy that he had caught his first bit of food by himself, ... he leaned back, smiling rather brightly, & clutching this rather delicious, playful, and very wriggly animal with two paws, so that it couldn't get away from his grip. One end of the fish had a different feeling in his mouth than the rest. He shrugged, rolling from side to side like any bear cub would, and moved his other two paws to this yummy & huge fish. Moving his two back paws, he noticed there was something round and squishy at the back of the fish. Again, he shrugged and figured that it must just be his dorsal [/ back] fin or something. After way more time than the "cub" would really ever care to admit, he wanted to remove the back fin. After pushing down on the "fin" for a while, he realized that every little push down had an effect on his overall body. Moving his back paws further back, he realized something very troubling. . This "fin" was attached to his waist & hips, meaning the fish was attached to his body. Thinking for a minute while still biting [more lightly] on the big "fish", he realized this was really no fish. This was a part of his body.
He figured out exactly what this thing was, so he stopped. Most people wouldn't have gone this far into the fantasy. ... Most people hadn't gone through things he had experienced that day.
So after all of that, he easily decided that despite his current [yet [by now] just slightly lower] level of pain, bulging. pulsing, swelling, and discoloration that each part of his crotch happened to be experiencing at that point, this was truly very good. Actually, he was starting to enjoy the swelling to some degree, along with the discoloration, which had made his body more colorful. Plus, his much larger overall size, strength, might, mischief, and especially his undeniably positive change in personality [happier, perkier, sillier, friendlier, more exciting, & way more energetic] added up to a very great improvement in his complete self. He loved his new body, spirit, soul, and mindset. He had never felt happier than he felt at that exact moment.
The lady, even throughout all her naughtinesss, playfulness, kinkiness, and mischief, had actually done him the biggest solid anybody had ever done for him.
Something like that could not have been her intention. However. maybe it was, ... deep down. He thanked her.
She actually smiled and said, "You're always welcome, man! ... Any time!"
Kick in the groin
[IMG]Fresh! https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88...IFDQs9asDit57g[/IMG]