There's hardcore nut "stomp" on nut poping(sp?) right now...
someone put up a woman using her stiletto to put a hole in the scrotum, apparently getting a testicle out through the hole and then applying a great deal of pressure to the naked testicle. Not stomping but close to popping/rupturing and anti bioticis and with stitches apparently needed. Really hard core.
I can't believe how hard core some of these are...
the southern white woman drawing blood and crushing a black guy's balls on a marble table is incredible. I don't know how he takes it --- or why (wanting his next drug fix or ???). It's in public no less at a party. At the end, she says "Don't get any of that blood on my pillow." (I wouldn't let her tie my shoe.)
One part of me is amazed and the other would like to see a follow up where her clitoris is kicked into her body. If that's too hard to do, maybe the application of a match or hot iron to her clit would even things out.