She's got the grip!
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She's got the grip!
Great stuff Thornapple. Your Mrs. certainly knows how to treat a pair :)
Spank those balls
Or do ya prefer 'em whipped?
Hands on are my favorite too. THe best for me is gentle touch and rough slaps and squeezing all blended into one. I never know whats coming next!
Its a shame yours is SO poor.Quote:
Originally Posted by cy224
She grabs his balls while removing her shoe in this movie. Once the shoe is off she slams it into his nads :)
[QUOTE=Dualing Banjo]Its a shame yours is SO poor.
She grabs his balls while removing her shoe in this movie. Once the shoe is off she slams it into his nads :)
One of my favorite clips out there. Always wanted the full video, but alas, I'm but a poor boy.....Spikeysteps (is that site still around?) had some shoe smacking clips. I'll have to try that one day. Looks painful.....
Cheers and carry on.
Grabbing now on show at
The movie trailer can be founds at:
damn that's brutalQuote:
Originally Posted by chewbally
but this was also never offered as a free clip:/
do you know why those uk babes emptied shop?
I love to squeeze ma BF Balls...and I don't matter if he does..'cause he hasn't other Chances as to get it,when I grab his Balls and give him a good firm squeeze! 8)
I only release to let him lick my pussy or suck my clit for salvation!
And when he don't do his best,he feel my hands on his nuts...that's the rule..
Thanks for sharing Ball Squeezing Bitch. As always its nice to hear from a female. My wife is also a great squeezer as she has very strong hands from lifting weights. She can definitely make me scream. :D
Walking the dog
Watched by 4 :)
Admittedly, not the cutest of grabbers
Wow! The really hottest pictures. Thanks !
Just ready...
Bound and crushed :)
Mhh.. Like to get more of this...
:ibow4u: thats all i hav to say for now!
thank you so much
Some more grabbing
Hell of a bag snatcher!
Another grabber and more of that one two posts above.
And I don't know wot the fuck is going on in the shot below :confused:
Some more grabbing :)
A short grabbing mpg from the bloodbitch:
Iīve been into grabbing since elemantary school. I didnīt even know about the ballbusting fetish since the internet came across. All those years Iīve been wondering if I am the only one who feels attracted to women squeezing & grabbing my balls. Gladly, thereīs plenty of guys who share my fetish.
As I was saying, girls used to just grab & squeeze my balls for fun and i enjoyed it ever since. I used to tease them till they grabbed & squeezed my balls.
My 1st experience was at the playground where I grew up and this girls called Astrid was known for grabbing & squeezing balls. I just told her that she would not get a hold of my set of balls and she started chasing me around for a while. I thought I was fast enough to climb a letter and I was almost up where I could escape her chasing me when all of a sudden I felt a warm but forcefull grip around my balls. I will never forget that feeling. It was better than all of the orgasms I had in my life and only one girl grabbed me like Astrid did where I had the same sexual sort of orgasm feeling. It only lasted about 2 or 3 seconds but she got me where she wanted me and ever since I remember that feeling.
I miss those days.................... :(
Great clips Cyberman, thanks for sharing!!!!
Great thread here's some grabbing toons by Bable. I really like that grabbed from behind pose of the first two :D
Yes please :)