There might some people who don't know to link to pictures or might need some help. This is how to post images by putting a link to the image in the forum. You won't need to download any pictures to your computer. The pictures must be available on the Internet, not on someone's computer.
1. Find the picture that you want to appear in this forum.
2. Make sure that the image has a valid link. Right click on the image and click on Properties. This will give you the web address to the picture.
You can paste this text into the address line of your web browser, then click enter, and you will see the picture. When you post it in the forum, the picture will automatically appear by following the instructions below.
3. Highlight the picture's web address text, right click on it, and click on copy. This will copy the address to your clipboard. I suggest you open Notepad and paste the pic's web address onto it temporarily.
4. In the Femaledom forum, go to the thread "Some Ballbusting Pics", and click "Post Reply" after the last post. A "Reply to Thread" message box will open. Click in the large text box in the Message window.
5. Above the Message text box are some small icons. The small icon picture that has yellow above two mountains (to the left of the earth with a chain link) is the "Insert Image" icon. Place your mouse pointer on it and the text "Insert Image" will appear. Click on this icon and an "Explorer Image Prompt" text box will appear. This is where you enter the web address of the image you want to appear in this forum.
6. On the line beginning with
http://, make sure the http:// is highlighted or deleted, then paste the picture's web address into the box by right clicking and then clicking Paste, then click OK. The text will appear in the message box with [IMG] code at each end. If you have multiple images to link to, after you add a picture web address in the message box, just hit enter and then click on the Insert Image icon again.
7. Click the submit reply button to finish posting.
You won't be able to see the image address text after it is posted to the forum unless you right click on the picture, then it will show up in Properties. The picture below belongs to the example URL (the web address) used above.