The ballbusting cartoon are very excitantte.
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The ballbusting cartoon are very excitantte.
Very nice link for ballbusting cartoons.
Pretty good hentai gifs
I'd really like to see some pov cartoons.
From upcoming story!
'At Gardbrook Prison Farm, The headmistress in charge read
the sentence with a smile on her full lips.
"The verdict of the Sex Crimes Court for the second offense of
inappropriate staring is a grade 2 Ballbeating. This will be 100 strokes
of a flyswatter on your testicles administered at one minute intervals.
We are now waiting for the young lady who reported you because
she has requested to be allowed to witness your punishement as is
her right as the assault victim under the new Femrule Statutes!"
Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated Stories
BlackMasters, femdom cuckolding and humiliation!
Been feeling creative, so here's another piece of my art.
Probably someone already have upload these cartoons (I'm read 300 post only of this topic, sorry :p):
Wonder woman has Batman.
2 scenes from the comic Mistress of the seas:
The original link:
Im working on two ideas. the first one is the "Ball Bell".
Maybe it as a temple run by virgin females. Any males that don't produce enough sperm when being milked are used as "Ball Bells". Males have no other usefull pourpose.
This image is just a proof of concept. please don't think it is ready.
my next idea...
Something where the men are under a false floor with their balls poking out to be abused. I am thinking about a game show.
Lots of balls. maybe like "truth or dare". There are five obstacles. at each obstacle there is a path around the obstacles. She can choose the obstacle or crush the balls to avoid the obstacle. Also 5 second penalty for each set of balls not crushed if she skippes the obstacle.
or maybe the wife has to choose between 5 sets of balls. And if she crushes her husbands the win the grand prize. 2nd place prize for smashing all nutz except her beloveds. "she has to recognize him only by his balls"
Any ideas are welcome.