Let's see if that video is a repost :D
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Let's see if that video is a repost :D
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High res pictures included below.
Some pics of a girl named Carolyn doing a **********. You can't see Carolyn too well when she's ********** but there's another picture of some girls and Carolyn in that pic is the girl who was doing the **********. I would love to be ********* by Carolyn.
Some veterinary students, all girls, ********** cats in a neuter lab. Imagine having one of these girls as a girlfriend or wife, or femdom mistress. Imagine being ********* by one of these girls. Any girls here want to do this to a guy?
My favorite from the neuter lab is Brook. She looks like she could be a very good castratrix. I would love for her to ******** me then keep me as her permanent eunuch slave/pet and worshipper that she herself had *********.
i like how they pull spermatic cord and rip it
I love seeing pictures and videos of girls and women performing a surgical ********** diong it the way a veterinarian or a surgeon would perform the **********. I love imagining that I am the male she is **********. Anyone have any more pics or vids showing this? Are there any girls or women here who have the skills and experience to do this? I would love it if they shared their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with **********.
"For me, ********** at the hands of a woman is a very deeply spiritual thing. I think of and worship God as female, as Goddess. In my femdom ********** fantasies, the girl or woman who is performing the ********** surgery on me becomes and is God Herself and I worship her as she cuts my nuts out and forever afterword. That is what ********** performed by a girl or a woman is for me.
A group of women talking among themselves about ********** and about ********** a man, how they would do it, what he would be like when they are done and why he would be that way, a woman who castrates describing how she does it, hearing ********** discussed and described in a woman's voice, these things turn me on too."
...reading this is becoming a moving experience....the girl/woman becomes a Goddess to be worshiped..."turn me on, too"...whew, its neat... very spiritual...
"Why target the males?
********** of male bears is a simpler, safer, less invasive procedure than surgical neutering of
female bears."
any more videos,please post
Any volunteers sisters?
More work sisters.