parece que esta pelicula va a tener alguna catracion o penectomia ya les diré
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parece que esta pelicula va a tener alguna catracion o penectomia ya les diré
I like this one so much
Loving the fact that there so many women out there who's fantasy is to cut a guys dick or balls off and keep for filling that fantasy.But for us guys we get one chance, when its gone its gone. But I'll always remember her smug face as she leaves my life happy and horny.
Thank you for sharing.
I think its so exciting to see 1 penis is cuted :))
Society keeps us from fulfilling our fantasies for fear of negative repercussion. The blame is put on the women, and man is given sympathy.
Well to be fair, losing your cock is a pretty big deal, and if the man is unwilling, it is an act of horror, but us guys here don't really belong in the group of men that faints whenever the subject comes up, I'm sure lil shelly, that you'd find one or 2 guys here that would actually let you do it
Well whenever there's a story like that in the news, it's NEVER a consensual act. As such, it's right to blame the perpetrator and sympathize with the victim. After all, if a man fulfills his fantasy of r.aping a woman, you wouldn't defend him by saying "Oh he was just acting out his fantasy," would you?
it would be consensual with me :)
So consensual makes it ok? I think I would be in trouble either way.
Consent makes all the difference. I think most people would agree that whatever two consenting adults do behind closed doors is fine as long as no one else gets hurt.
You could still be in trouble if the authorities found out (at the very least because you performed surgery without a medical license). But if your "victim" was a consenting volunteer, then he probably wouldn't contact the authorities.
You'd run into a lot of laws- I don't know, surgery without a license?
If there's any exceptions to the laws against permanently damaging someone, they're going to be pretty explicit about it being medical-only. Nobody who writes a law against chopping someone's arm off is going to think "gee, what if they want their arm chopped off?" They'll think "how do we keep surgeons from being sued," but that's it.
Just been round my friends house party tonight, I walked to the shop to get beer
And we was talking about cheating, and the first thing she said was "I'll chop it off" I went what pretending not to hear, and with out thinging she said ill chop it off, I said what will you sit on?? She goes you can get plastic ones
What would you doing with a real, fresh cuting penis&balls.
Lil shelly, I think you'll only get into trouble if he bleeds out, or needs medical assistance or something , maybe learn how to close a open wound before trying it for real :)
Yeah that's the problem people not knowing how to stop the bleeding. I'm surprised how many people have done it, there is a site dedicated to people who are or want to be eunuch's i've heard of ppl cutting it off before without ever going to the hospital.
Hey, ladies, if you want to learn how to do it for real, there is a real surgical ********** video on BestGore and a couple of real penectomy surgery videos online that you can watch for free. Just google BestGore ********** video or google penectomy surgery video and you will see it. You know, it really turns me on knowing that there are lots of women out there thinking of penectomy and ********** all the time. I guess I'll never know whether she is going to cut it off for real one day, and that is very exciting. If I had cancer of the penis or balls, I would definately want a beautiful woman to cut it off for me while I am awake and watching. I am not sure if I would even want a local numbing agent. I would definately let it be filmed so other freaks like me can get off while they watch. I busted a big nut while watching that guy get ********* on the BestGore ********** video.
I have always fantasized about having sex with a woman with razors in her vagina. She would have to squeeze her pussy muscles to make them close together and cut the cock off. My fantasy is that I know she has the razors in there but she promises she will not use them on me. We have sex and reach orgasm at the same time and when she hits her peak, she loses control and squeezes the razors together by accident, and my dick comes off inside her. Then realizing what she has done, she runs away, forgetting to give my dick back because it is still inside her!
Ill have to post some photo's soon. Only letting me do like 100kb per attachment so gunna have to figure it out.
I can sort of see the point of **********, the build up, the actual procedure and the aftermath. All different elements that make it quite an amazing experience to both plan and talk about. But with penectomy it all seems to be so brutal with little chance of erotic undertones let alone anything else. Or am I missing the point...
Has anyone else seen that ********** video on bestgore. It shows a man being ********* surgically. Not a thing wrong with his balls either. I think he just wanted to be a eunuch or it was the 1st of 2 operations to make him a woman. Anyway, it shows them cut his sack open with a scapel, tie off the semenal cords and cut his testicles off with surgical scissors. They show you his amputated balls in their hand, sew his sack up, and give the empty sack a nice little pat to wipe off the tiny bit of blood. I love that video. If anyone wants to see it, just google "bestgore ********** video." It is the best footage of a real ********** that I've ever seen, and it gives me a woody just thinking about it.
trying to get this vid:
but their checkout has been broken for a while. There's a c4s site but it only takes gizmo.
Anyone know anywhere else to get this?
Found this story on darkspot, called 'Melanie'. The character reminds me a lot of Lilshelly. Think ya'll here should enjoy it :)
Os suena de algo esta chica.. siiiiiii es Emili
mi musa
Otra que parece buena !!happy halloween¡¡
If you do not get the point, you will probably never get the point. But you are right there. Yes, the build up, the procedure, and the results are the very thing that make the penectomy an amazing experience.
For me, the penis is the thing that every man has. It can give, and receive sexual pleasure. For some reason, it makes them feel superior to women.
My entire life, I have had the desire to slice off a penis. Not to be brutal, but as an intimate act of passion.
When I see a man that I am attracted to, all I can think about is cutting off his dick. And if he were to sacrifice his ability to give and receive sexual pleasure, for us to share the ultimate experience... I would forever be grateful. The erotic undertones would be like no other.
Get the point?;)