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Hello Papaschlumpf,
How are you? I commend your contributions. However, the brutality made even me wince! Although (in the interests of full disclosure), I have fantasised about doing some of these things to recidivist paedophiles and other sexual predators!:o Particularly, this illustration.:D
Well, actually you're right. I hadn't realized how brutal these last pictures are until you said it. I guess I am getting more and more perverted in time.
But I have to say I wouldn't like to get this thing with the darts done. I think I just posted it because it was from sorenuts, and he is just great.
I wouldn't be able to take most of these things, apart from the squeezing. But the thought of a woman destroying my balls completely (like the gif by sorenuts with the two amazons hammering the chained guy) makes me hot as fuck.
For instance, I hate feminism, because I think it has changed from a legitimate claim of women's rights in the sixties to a vicious, unjustified oppression of masculinity nowadays, but at the same time I fantasize with having a man-hating feminist squeeze my balls hard while she threatens me with crushing them completely to a pulp and/or ripping them off by pulling hard, just because all men deserve to be emasculated in a most painful way.
Hello again,
How are you? I believe, you are in good company. In my considered opinion, I do not believe any man would "Like to get thing with the darts done."! Or any of the actions, illustrated in these attachments. "The squeezing" might be the most dangerous, of all the actions depicted. Frankly, I find the whole masochistic thing boring and a 'turn-off'. I tend to agree with you re; modern feminism. The 'women's liberation' activists of the 1970's, genuinely sought out equality. The so-called feminists of today are a partisan pressure group who, seem to want to impose their version of 'feminine' on the wrest of society. They seem to want to feminize men. As they seem to think, the 'female' way is the best way to; rear and teach children, run the workplace and even organise the military and para military ******.
What about that?
Mistressbeau! I just want to say your art is amazing! Keep doing your amazing job! :ibow4u:
I'm so glad one of my work got a place in this thread! I made it, I'm Ocigart. My english is not-so-good (I speak Spanish), but I want to keep contributing to the Ballbusting Cartoon world!
Thank you so much! I'll keep improving as much I can! Now I'm trying to draw a manga-style comic (like seven pages or so).
I want to do a well-done comic with more than 20 pages... for selling it! ...If I could sell at least one or two I would be very happy.
Please, visit my Pixiv:
I will keep doing stuff every month, or every week if I can.
Attachment 21844Attachment 21845
This is my most recent work... I will try to make an spanish version for every work. We spanish people don't get enough material in our language! (Loveballbusting88 was the one who make some pretty amazing material in spanish! He's great!)
It seems complete in Japan or something, but I can not understand right
Thank you so much! I'm just finishing a new comic. I wanted to put a lot of ridiculous things to make it funny! Please, keep visiting my pixiv profile!
Attachment 21848Attachment 21849Attachment 21850Attachment 21851
Thank you again!