Sadly, the big stumbling block between here and there is a scanner. The only one in the office is a SCSI, and I have not been able to get any of the SCSI cards to work. Worse, I have decided to take ALL of the SCSI peripherals and slap them into ONE machine, and then I run into the problem of having to figure out which circuit board is best for what role, and then I run in circles, etc., etc.Quote:
Originally Posted by i-quv
But that means that if I START drawing now, I can work a lot of sucky drawings out of my system and be back in the swing of things eventually. I mean, just think of what it would be for the world of ballbusting if I actually drew a comic strip that didn't suck too badly -- golly! I have the characters picked out and the plot (more or less), so I may as well start putting down some storyboards... Ooh, yeah, storyboards: if anybody sees them and says I suck at drawing, I can just say, "I'm the writer; I'm just doing some roughs to show the artist approximately where I want things on the page."