Canadien ?
Eh bien bravo mon cher cousin d'Amérique ! :)
J'étais en train de batailler pour te faire une phrase compréhensible "in english".
Tu es québécois ?
Tu es très talenteux en tout cas ! :thumbup
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Canadien ?
Eh bien bravo mon cher cousin d'Amérique ! :)
J'étais en train de batailler pour te faire une phrase compréhensible "in english".
Tu es québécois ?
Tu es très talenteux en tout cas ! :thumbup
Pas Quebecois. Je suis en Ontario. Ma francais est mal. Je suis Anglophone
Merci Bien
Est etrange ici. Et vous Homme ou Femme?Quote:
Originally Posted by ariane V
About the wrestling picture Bek asked for and Fitt seconded. I tried as hard as I could, but couldn't paint a picture in the posture that you described. Consider. It's wrestling, so she has to pinion his arms and legs as she grabs his scrotum. He's going to fight back. Unlike say, Cast Pet, Skipper, Snoddle, or I, he's not willing to be ball busted.. Evertime I tried it it looked like they were making love, she was masturbating him , or he was willing. So I tried a different approach.
Now, as for clothes, well, they started out dressed, but ended up tearing each others' clothes off. I had to do it that way that, so the man could fight back. You can see his jockstrap, her bra, and if you look hard behind the ref, her skimpy g-string.
Bek didn't care about race, and Fitt prefered BW WM ( I do too, so does skip). Fitt liked the picture of Silvia's friend that I used in the last ball bust of cutponies, so I used her in a different pose as the referee. (Some ref, that hold is obviousley illegal)
Normally I would not have a man scratching (I'd leave that to the gentler(??:D )sex).. But this poor guy is DESPERATE. I mean look at that hold, how far his scrotum is stretched.. I'm not sure that it is even anatomically possible to do that without ********** him! Wouldn't you try to scratch her boobies out?
Anyhoo (sic), Enjoy
Another true work of art cutponies!:D That's an interesting theory about my previous life - I wonder? Hey Silvia - have you been giving those ball busters lessons?:thumbup
8 "YES"
4 "SI", must be Fitt, Silvia, her friend and her daughter
1 "Jawol", must be Bek
1 "Qui" ah ariane. the new one?
Well its unamimous.
To remind everyone. I surprised a little girl in her bath,( I was naked expecting to bath myself) and she freaked out. Mother came in, and being an experienced Domme, was able to overcome, and bind me. She called her best friend, the world renowned Castratrix Silvia Lahti. Silvia arrived and ********* me right then and there in front of the little girl and her Mom. I became her personal eunuch.
A few weeks later, during a ballbusting session, Skipperbob was kicked so hard he lost a testicle. He suggested to Silvia that she take him as her personal eunuch and sell me to a harem.. He further suggested that she cut my penis off first, as clean-cut eunuchs fetch a higher prrice than geldings. I hear footsteps.. It's Silvia. I'll be gone for a while. Hopefully I'll have access to a P.C. where I'm going or I might be gone forever!
If that is true, you are a weak man.Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
Hi Guys, Gals, Neuts and Fans. Did you miss me, and my neat pics?
Well I survived, and got some cool snaps of my experience. Would you like to see the slides?
I thought so. Give me a moment to set up the projector,
whirl,click buzz,zzzz, fan' lights off
This first one is the dungeon. The girls are untieing me so that they can shackle me up Silvia's the one with the knife. She'is flashing a big smile to the camera.. The Ham!
The guests on the left are buyers from various harems and brothels.. They like to attend castrations to make sure that it's done right, ( or so they say, I think they like to watch)
On the right are Silvia's friend, One Ball Bob, And the little girl with whom my encounter caused all this in the first place!
The photographer has perfect timing. Snapped the shot just as my penis came off!. You can tell from her expression that Silvia isn't sure about this. I wonder if it was her first penectomy? Well since I had been ********* earlier by her I'm now emasculated.
Silvia posing with her trophey!
The slave auction. The auctioneer is berating the customers to raise the bidding. I was sold to the Lady in the Bun. As she drove me away she explained that we were going to a half harem/ half brothel, and that it was for Women only. LESBIAN!.
She explained my duties. That since I was emasculated, and all the other eunuchs were geldings, I'd automatically be in charge of all the others. I'd be expected to double as the Madame's personal slave, attending to her needs. Did I know how to massage, masturbate ,and suck a Woman? Especially did I know How to use a Dildo? (Apparently the Mistress liked eunuchs as much as girls, and was looking forward to being attended by me as I was her first cleancut) I said Yes to all the above. Now next picture is priceless. Thank goodness it was caught on one of those new sound with stills camera. You'll see and hear why!
Two young gelding-eunuchs bring me into the boudior, and I meet my Mistress for the first time. As I said, priceless!:wooow
And finally for now, a view of the main lounge. I've developed a tan since I'm always naked ( of course,all the eunuch always are. How would the girls know if a boy sneeked in?), and my pubic hair has grown back in, but in female pattern. Oh. the lady on the far right, stern view is the mistress. She won't let me call her mom,
That's it for now. Lights on
Eff off. I have a sense of humour, but;-Quote:
Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight